

immediately:[英 [ɪˈmi:diətli] 美 [ɪˈmidiɪtli] ]


immediately 基本解释


副词立即,马上; 直接地; 紧接地


immediately 相关例句


1. She came immediately.


2. Stop smoking immediately!


3. immediately

3. If you hear an alarm, leave the building immediately.


4. immediately是什么意思

4. June comes immediately after May.



1. Return immediately you are done.


immediately 网络解释

1. immediately

1. 马上:提示:既然Sam突然看见车闸上粘有口香糖,他也就马上(immediately)有了办法. 提示:最后的阶段自然是检验(test)所用方法是否得当和有效. 故选C项. 昨天上午,假设你熟悉的朋友李华被一辆汽车撞伤而住了医院. 事情经过是:那天李华正要穿过大街.

2. 直接地:这个目标的实现不是直接地(immediately)而是间接地(mediately). 达到世界国家的正确道路是首先发展自愿的国家联盟. 第二,康德的世界公民主义的爱国主义(Cosmopolitan Patriotism). 学界通常的看法是爱国主义(或曰地方主义、伦理特殊主义)与世界公民主义(普世主义)是冲突的.

immediately 双语例句

1. I immediately contacted by other means of understanding in the game, he saw my game role in sanctan took all clothing stood beside the mailbox, I think the worst had happened.


2. It is placed immediately above the subgrade if a subbase course is not used.


3. Almost immediately afterwards, in both my meditation and my life, I experienced a major shift, as if all the pain and hurt of the world was going through me.


4. Immediately to your birthday, I hope you will stop during this period has been busy working.


5. The U. S. government aware of this matter later, and sent a named police officer went to the findings of Lyon, Lyon, go there after, they found where the town's residents have been infected may not know it was Lyon who infected long - looks like to do, a result, he went to an ordinary house to ask whether, Lyon just a question of circumstances, to see him behind and in front suddenly have a lot of strange people coming forward themselves, Lyon suddenly felt wrong, This to General Telephone, can be more surprising thing is even here, there is no signal, step by step, those who went to the Lyon, This is a woman, just get behind a motorcycle Chuang broken glass, Lyon mobile phone signal in here, Lyon immediately raised his cell phone and asked how it is one thing, the headquarters said: This is the city's residents have been infected with, and you must immediately destroy them, otherwise the virus will spread to the United States lead to disastrous consequences in various cities, Lyon has just a cell phone down and immediately picked up the pistol with the woman escaped with the tight encirclement half an hour later, they finally died Lyon is very pleased to this woman asked: What's your name and that name woman said: My name is Clayton Er, I have come to me brotherCosta Rica, and your brother What's your name called Chris Lyon asked she said.


6. After the project is got bid, we will parper for working immediately.



7. I am cool and nice looking gentleman looking a nice girl. if you consider yourself qualify please contact me immediately.


8. When a Russian Cosmonaut places you in the deepest recesses of his space station and tells you to watch the pressure gauge in case it overloads, run for your life immediately.


9. immediately

9. I tried to brush it away with my hand, but in a moment it returned, and almost immediately came another by my ear.


10. immediately的意思

10. When this happens, as long as you finish adding the 5% of lacticacid, immediately after mixing.


11. But he immediately went to the stabilization find Medicines play.


12. immediately的意思

12. The two sides agreed to start in the new company to Lin Hua bayan early railway immediately after the reorganization carried out Guodian Group Pingmei matters Yuanbaoshan District, Chifeng City in the implementation of coal-integration strategy.


13. I immediately thought to myself, what can I do for Chris?


14. When taking cards, one may either take new cards from the stock, or pick up the discard pile - provided that the top card can be melded immediately.

当考虑卡,一可采取新卡,从股票,或拿起丢弃桩-只要T op电话卡,可以立即融合。

15. immediately

15. If so, call your doctor immediately, who may tell you to stop taking the drug.



16. To put it exactly, the changes that the prenominal type of relatives underwent did not result from any gradual extraposing or postposing of the relative clause, but by starting anew, in other words, the old relativizers are replaced by the new ones, but relative clauses are always immediately attached to the head noun in the matrix.


17. This text is to take 《 the appliance sale management system of the YunYangShouKangYongLe 》 as an example, introducing the calculator to lend support to the technical classification first, introducing the development of the system of MIS to carry out the step immediately after; Then according to above-mentioned development step, introduced the system analysis, the system design and system realizations of that system one by one.


18. Management system of the YunYangShouKangYongLe 》 as an example, introducing the calculator to lend support to the technical classification first, introducing the development of the system of MIS to carry out the step immediately after; Then according to above-mentioned development step, introduced the system analysis, the system design and system realizations of that system one by one.


19. immediately什么意思

19. He must store a large quantity of grain instead of consuming all his grain immediately.


20. He must store a large quantity of grain 41 consuming all his grain immediately.


immediately 词典解释

1. 立即;马上

If something happens immediately, it happens without any delay.

e.g. He immediately flung himself to the floor...


e.g. Ingrid answered Peter's letter immediately.


2. 即刻(可见或明了的)

If something is immediately obvious, it can be seen or understood without any delay.

e.g. The cause of the accident was not immediately apparent.


3. 直接地

Immediately is used to indicate that someone or something is closely and directly involved in a situation.


e.g. The man immediately responsible for this misery is the province's governor...


e.g. We had the people immediately concerned in the plot.


4. 紧接地;紧靠地;贴近地

Immediately is used to emphasize that something comes next, or is next to something else.

e.g. They wish to begin immediately after dinner...


e.g. She always sits immediately behind the driver...


5. 一…(就…)

If one thing happens immediately something else happens, it happens after that event, without any delay.

e.g. Immediately I've done it I feel completely disgusted with myself.


immediately 单语例句

1. A call to Willis'US publicist outside business hours wasn't immediately returned.

2. JPMorgan could not be immediately reached for comment by Reuters outside regular US business hours.

3. They could not immediately be reached for comment by Reuters outside regular US business hours.

4. BP could not immediately be reached for comment by Reuters outside regular US business hours.

5. Calls to Sharif's publicist and Anderson's lawyer after business hours were not immediately returned.

6. A telephone message left with Kim's publicist after regular business hours was not immediately returned.

7. A telephone call made after business hours Monday to the magazine's Los Angeles office was not immediately returned.

8. The man told the escorts he had to leave immediately because he had some urgent business to attend to.

9. Local police found a group of workers employed by a businessman surnamed Wang digging in the reserve last July and immediately stopped them.

10. The local government should clarify people's doubts immediately and act on the feedback of taxpayers, who help feed the officials.

immediatelyimmediately 英英释义


1. without delay or hesitation

with no time intervening

e.g. he answered immediately

found an answer straightaway

an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith

Come here now!

Synonym: instantlystraightawaystraight offdirectlynowright awayat onceforthwithlike a shot

2. near or close by

e.g. he passed immediately behind her

3. bearing an immediate relation

e.g. this immediately concerns your future