

girder:[英 [ˈgɜ:də(r)] 美 [ˈgɜ:rdə(r)] ]



girder 基本解释


girder 网络解释

1. 桁架:均匀地分布於两桁架(Girder)之中.设计时应使其能承受挤压,挠曲,弯曲,扭转及剪切等作用之各种应力之合成负载.吊重卷筒应具有自卷筒面中心开始往左右两侧均加工之适当沟槽.卷筒在设计时应使其吊钩在最低位置时沟槽内至少应保留[2整圈][ ]之钢索,

2. girder

2. 大梁:geotechnical survey 土力测量 | girder 大梁 | gland 封头;压盖

3. girder什么意思

3. 桁架;主粱:斜撑;支撑 bracing | 桁架;主粱 girder | 构件 member

4. girder:gir; 一般配置图

girder 双语例句

1. girder的意思

1. According tostrength, static and dynamic rigidity conditions, this paper analyses and discusses differenttype structure of gantry crane in an all-round way. It derives rational cantilever length andadvances a method which can quickly determine danger cross-section which acts control un-der different cantilever length in the main girder design. All...


2. As a special case, a coupled system of a elastically supported girder bridge with random surface irregularities and a vehicle with uniformly variable speeds was researched.


3. Steel through truss bridge has some excellence, such as low girder, light deadweight, high carrying capacity, comfortable travelling crane, short construct periods.


4. Based on energy variation principle, the differential equations of deformation are derived considering the effect of relative slip, with the calculation formulas of deformation of the composite girder given to analyze the examples under different conditions, thus discussing the influences of connection stiffness and the steel plate thickness of cold-formed U-bar on the deformation of composite girder.


5. To solve the problem that the relative slip occurring on the interface between U-bar and concrete slab in a composite girder causes the redistribution of stress under external loading and then the bearing capacity of the girder is reduced with deformation increased, a deformation analysis based on energy theory is made to the composite girder.


6. girder什么意思

6. The design of the sideway track box plate girder of the double beam shop traveller is described.


7. It is a new method to find the displacement function form in analysis of shear lag effect on thin-walled box girder.


8. The result from analyzing and calculating the distortion effect and shear lag effect of box girder showed that the effects are weak.


9. girder的反义词

9. In the other hand, the shear lag effect on a box girder increases with the width-depth ratio.


10. A finite segment model has been established and applied to analyse the negative shear lag in box girder with varying depth.


11. girder是什么意思

11. In this paper, the main contents are as follows.1 Shear lag effect of box girder is reviewed in the paper.2 The reason of shear lag effect of box girder is analyzed.


12. girder的解释

12. Bridge engineering; central-slotted box girder; wind tunnel test; flutter performance; CFD numerical simulation; flutter control

桥梁工程;中央开槽箱梁;风洞试验;颤振性能; CFD数值模拟;颤振控制

13. Combining front content, this article used CFD method and did further studies on the wind resistance performance of different girder sections after aerodynamic control measures adoped.


14. The electrochemical corrosion in the wind girder of insulated oil tank produced due to the accumulated sour rainwater.


15. Moreover, in the uniform flow, at -3°, 0°and +3°attack angles, using the same girder model with static test, the vibration response as well as the natural frequency and displacement response of the girder are tested at any wind speed level by means of binary rigid section model hang through springs. In addition, the critical flutter wind speed of girder is measured.

同时,采用与静力试验相同的主梁节段模型,以弹簧悬挂二元刚体节段模型的试验方法在均匀流情况下,α= 0°、α=±3°三种迎风攻角时,测试了模型在不同试验风速下的振动响应,分析了主梁固有振动频率和不同攻角下主梁断面的位移响应随风速的变化规律,并测定了模型的颤振临界风速。

16. Suspension bridge; Stiffen girder; Wind engineering


17. girder在线翻译

17. The nonlinearities of self-anchored cable-stayed suspension bridge are studied. The influences of shrinkage and creep of concrete, rise-span ratio and girder camber on the system have been also discussed.


18. It is showed that the dampers of the locomotive, especially for secondary lateral dampers on end frame girder, have a great effect on its dynamics performance, so it should be ensured that all of the dampe...


19. The bottom plating is a principal longitudinal member providing the lower flange of the hull girder.


20. The bottom plating is a principal longitudinal member providing the lower flange of hull girder.


girder 词典解释

1. 大梁;桁

A girder is a long, thick piece of steel or iron that is used in the framework of buildings and bridges.

girder 单语例句

1. The talk surrounding the building becomes noisier as the last girder of the steel framework of the theater was hoisted last week.

2. She was hit by a falling girder, according to the rescue team.

3. Although it has been reconstructed many times in the Ming and the Qing Dynasties, the components as the main girder frame and the dougong are original.

4. She had been injured by a falling girder and had eaten only nuts over the past four days.

5. The robotic arm operators inside the station will move the girder to a location where it can be temporarily parked.

6. Their first task was to bolt a girder onto the space station's structure.

girder的解释girder 英英释义


1. a beam made usually of steel

a main support in a structure