

utilization:[英 [ˌju:təlaɪ'zeɪʃn] 美 [ˌjutɪlaɪˈzeʃən] ]


utilization 基本解释


utilization 网络解释

1. utilization

1. 使用率:客户的各项功能又是基于亚太企业网数据中心网络监控服务监控的各项基本监控项目,即收集客户网络设备与服务器的运行状况,包括网络错误(fault),可用率(availability)与使用率(utilization)等信息.

2. 应用:据统计,目前市面上的UNIX服务器在客户端的性能应用(utilization)平均有70~80% 未能充份发挥,主要原因是受限于现有的处理器及操作系统只能在同一时间支持单一工作任务.

3. 使用:包括以下10个方面:(3)台湾的人力资源管理专家黄英忠提出:人力资源管理是将组织所有人力资源做最适当的确保(Acquisition)、开发 (Development)、维持(Maintenance)和使用(Utilization),以及为此所规划、执行和统制的过程.

utilization 双语例句

1. Due to the exploitation and utilization of deep groundwater in northern Shandong plain, a lot of environmental problms have been occurred, such as, the regional deep groundwater depression is continuously enlarging, in some area, deep groundwater exhausted and water quality is becoming more and more saltish, as well as land subsidence was aggravated and endemic appeared in some major towns. The reason is that the groundwater exploitation is most concentrated in towns areamabd tge exploiting methods is much more irrational.

摘 要:鲁北平原在深层地下水开发利用过程中,由于开采地段过于集中在城镇,加上不合理开采等因素,出现了区域性深层地下水超采漏斗不断扩大、部分地段地下水资源枯竭和水质咸化问题严重、重点城镇地面沉降加剧及饮用高氟高碘地下水引发的地方病呈上升趋势等诸多水环境问题。

2. A resource box may seem like a little thing that has low utilization, but do not underestimate its power to solicit information from people who open and read it.


3. Comprehensive utilization of waste tires in various ways, the best way is to ues powder production.


4. After analysing the statistice, there are some problems about aquatic plants in protection、utilization and investigation. the result has been listed as follow:Fistly, the decorative plants growing in landscape gardens are few in quantity and variety.


5. utilization的近义词

5. The LBAR computes Adjacent Region of each link based on the network topology and distributes the flows on the link to its Adjacent Region if the resource utilization rate of this link reaches a critical value.


6. This paper studies the adoption, protection of cultural heritage in urban development and utilization of an important means.


7. Chemical utilization of forest products is referred to the chemical processing of both wood and non-wood forest raw materials to produce various products, necessary to the development of national economy.



8. Rice; utilization efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer; nitrogen efficiency in producing grain yield


9. The shortcoming of 9365 is the high plant, late maturation and the resistance to stripe rust controlled by recessive genes. Wheat; Stripe rust; Resistance; 9365 variety; Utilization and evaluation

0 0 0- 2 0 0 4年是陕西省自 1990年条锈病大流行以来发生面积最大的年份,随着新的小麦条锈病优势致病生理小种条中 32、水源 11 14及水源 11 4的


10. The utilization ratio of health resources is not high.


11. So, the function flexibility of the system and hardware resources utilization ratio can be improved.


12. utilization什么意思

12. Communications as well as improving the utilization ratio and management level of the network resources.


13. The research of resource utilization ratio in this article is of some value to us in the reform of marketing resource allocation.


14. Handoff can improve utilization ratio of system resources, also obtaining higher performance of system.


15. The material utilization ratio is the core of technology indexes.


16. utilization

16. In Part Three, on the basis of theory and method statement related to land, the paper epurates from the classic theories the theoretical foundation of the potential evaluation of the urban land utilization.


17. utilization

17. River realignment project must have the function of flood control and be a healthful ecosystem to achieve the comprehensive utilization of water resources and harmonious coexist of people and nature.


18. The main problem is that the utilization of bamboo timber lacks in science and innovation.


19. Based on the investigation and statistical analysis of the statas quo of the mine ecological environment, we could conclude:at present, the mine eco-environment of Shouxian County was seriously destroyed in the course of development and utilization of the mineral resources, which destroyed the land area of the farmland, woodland, grassland and other types accounting for 54%, 19%, 18% and 9% respectively.


20. Part 2 The irreproducibility of petroleum resources and the heavy environmental problems brought by the utilization of the petrochemicals leads the human being pay their much attention to a polymer called PHB for its biodegradability, the reproducibility and good material characteristics.

第二部分石油原料的不可再生以及由石化产品带来的日益严重的环境问题使多聚羟基丁酸(polyhydroxybutyric acid,PHB)以其生物可降解性、可再生性以及良好的材料特性引起人类广泛的关注。

utilization 单语例句utilization的解释

1. Currently, the average capacity utilization rate of their joint ventures is 96 percent.

2. The rate of capacity utilization has increased dramatically since early 2009, margins for manufacturers have improved and Chinese manufacturers remain optimistic about the future.

3. Second, plant capacity utilization rates are the key metric of profitability for most automakers.

4. Such measures have helped conserve cash flow and shore up financial positions at a time when capacity utilization in the region has declined.

5. Capacity utilization at Chinese smelters may rise from 80 percent in the period to the Lunar New Year next February.

6. The recovery has been unstable because of unemployment and low capacity utilization in developed countries, he said.

7. Industrial production has been unchanged for the past two months, and utilization of industrial capacity has declined.

8. China will speed up the structural adjustment of mineral resources exploitation and utilization, increase productive capacity and raise efficiency.

9. Without question the development of financial derivatives can help improve the efficiency of capital utilization and reduce the cost of financing.

10. The most immediate challenge is to substantively improve the country's capital utilization efficiency, upgrade industrial structure and boost capital competitiveness.

utilization 英英释义


1. the act of using

e.g. he warned against the use of narcotic drugs

skilled in the utilization of computers

Synonym: useusageutilisationemploymentexercise

2. the state of having been made use of

e.g. the rate of utilization