

trajectory:[英 [trəˈdʒektəri] 美 [trəˈdʒɛktəri] ]



trajectory 基本解释


名词[物]弹道,轨道; [几]轨线


trajectory 网络解释

1. 轨迹:动力学系统理论是一种以数学的动力系统理论为基础探讨随着时间的变化而发生的人类行为状态改变,即用数学中的状态空间(state space)、吸引子(attractor)、轨迹(trajectory)、确定性混沌(deterministic chaos)等概念来解释与环境相互

2. trajectory

2. 迹线:面沿着一条轨迹线 (Trajectory) 扫瞄出一个实体体积 绘制扫描的轨迹线 完成的特徵 绘制扫描的剖面 Add Inn Fcs:将一开口剖面 (open section) 顺着扫瞄路径 ( 须为 封闭剖面 ) 所围成之内部自动补成实体 轨迹线 ( 须为 封闭线条 ) 剖面 ( 须为 非封闭线条 ) No Inn Fcs:不做任何实体补偿作用 轨迹线 ( 可为封闭 或非封闭的线

trajectory 双语例句

1. Interest rate risk of assets and liabilities throughout the entire process of business activities, a variety of factors well, with its unique trajectory and characteristics.


2. Trajectory-tracking condition of linear discrete-time system is proposed. Then existing condition of inverse model for VSC system is discussed. And effect of switching surface parameters on system performance is analyzed.


3. The T1 features a 0.5* open face and is weighted to produce a lower more piercing trajectory.

在T1采用了0.5 *开面,并加权产生一个较低的更刺耳的轨迹。

4. This paper put forward the reasonable mathematical formula which simulate refered physics phenoma, develop mathematical model and develop computer program, show the burden flow trajectory, the formation process of burden layer, the ratio of ore to coke, radial distribution of size, radial distribution of gas flow velocity and establish the burden distribution mathematical model of bell top blast furnace on the basis of analyzing the basic factors and combine the real condition of bell-movable armor blast furnace.


5. Behind the perfectly aimed blow we might find the slender, bracelet- tinkling wrist of an Ogiva seized by cold and bloody frenzy, or Image's playful fingers, rocking the dagger to and fro by the blade, then flinging it through the air with inspired abandon along a trajectory that strikes its target almost by chance; or we might find LandLady Macbeth's claw, shifting the curtains of the bedrooms at night as she imposes her presence on the sleepers'breathing.


6. Foreign experts, using the color swatch, 555 on evaluation Lab color space of the results of the rink and Don E and relate to each other and found that the CIE Lab system to 0.72 is evaluated in all color space and Visual feeling seeastigmatism hithermost, and racerunners in the Munsell Color hue trajectory and constant color degree path in a and b revealment improvement is also very close.

国际大师搁置555差色样,评价Lab色不时间的△E与纲测甘休的彼此干系,发掘CIE Lab编制为0.72,是长远所有颜色不时间洋筹算色差和触觉感触最挨近的,与孟塞尔色卡洋恒定色相轨迹和恒定彩量轨迹在a和b二维坐标系的恶化程度也很挨近。

7. This paper describes the basic principle of velocity pursuit guidance law and body pursuit guidance law of trajectory correction projectiles, researches the terminal correction trajectory and miss distance under pursuit guidance laws by 6—DOF trajectory simulation program, researches the orbit of laser detector ray axis and ground projection area of laser detector spatial viewpoint.


8. Considering that the aerial attacker has a partly regular trajectory, we proposed a new estimating method, a maneuvering mode prediction of target based on attacking tactics.



9. In this book I trace socialism`s phenomenal trajectory.


10. This paper superimposes the impact of the wind on the flame`s basic trajectory to simulate the surface movement. While ensuring the consistency and continuity of the flame texture, it reduces the number of particles to enhance real-time rendering. Besides, the fidelity of simulation and adaptability under different scenarios are enhanced by implementing the artificial control on the parameters of the wind.


11. trajectory

11. Here, the author put the emphasis on target trajectory smoothing, filter, prediction technique based on a parameterized model in multisensor target tracking system.



12. The angle of attack of missiles and rockets is the token to forecast whether the control system loses control of the missiles and drop out halfway of ballistic trajectory, it's also the main technical characteristics of flight stability of missiles and rockets.


13. The optimization result shows that the maximal attack area is an ellipse of 17 km half long axis and 10 km half short axis, and it is better than the conclusion of a lot of simulation researches aiming at this warhead, and it can offer reference for further design of reentry trajectory.

优化结果表明,最大可攻击区范围是一个长半轴为17 km,短半轴为10 km的椭圆区域,此结果优于针对该弹头进行的大量弹道仿真所得的结论,可为进一步弹道设计提供参考依据。

14. SUMMARY A more accurate steady drillstring tension-torque model has been established by taking into account of drillstring, wellbore condition, drilling operation and drilling parameters. This model has been used in scientific calculations of directional and horizontal wells, such as determing the friction factor between wellbore and drillstring, calculating the hook load and rotating torque, ckecking the strength and stability of drillstring, optimizing well trajectory, computing the WOB while drilling by downhole motor and predioting the maxinum allowable length of horizontal section.


15. The optimization of trajectory for stepped horizontal well s takes well design depth or friction as the target function, which is only based on techniques.


16. The optimization of trajectory for stepped horizontal wells takes well design depth or friction as the target function, which is only based on techniques. It hardly takes economy and the safety of drilling into account.


17. The control of automobile automatic running inyolves trajectory design and tracking along the trajectory.


18. We can only make our life better, not change the trajectory of our lives......


19. A novel trajectory control strategy of an uncalibrated manipulator of a robot based on visual guidance is introduced.


20. trajectory在线翻译

20. Simulation results indicate that converse trajectory has a higher intercept probability. Accurate positioning of the incoming torpedo can effectively improve the intercept probability of ATT. And increasing homing detection distance and search sector angle can also enhance the intercept probability of ATT.


trajectory 词典解释

1. 轨道;轨迹

The trajectory of a moving object is the path that it follows as it moves.

e.g. ...the trajectory of an artillery shell.


2. (事业等的)发展轨迹,起落

The trajectory of something such as a person's career is the course that it follows over time.

e.g. ...a relentlessly upward career trajectory.


trajectory 单语例句trajectory的翻译

1. The shift from collective consciousness to an increasingly personal perception of life characterizes the general trajectory of the past 30 years of Chinese literature.

2. " Demography works in the background of the economic trajectory, " he says.

3. It was a remarkable downfall for a woman whose life seemed to be on a perfect trajectory until a few months ago.

4. The sales trajectory became particularly gravity defying from 2003 until the financial crisis began to drag international sales earthward in 2008.

5. Curriculum alignment from Early Childhood through High School means a smooth trajectory of skills development for our students.

6. Wong said that he missed the yuan's recent upward trajectory as he was not eager then to allocate his assets in the yuan.

7. The conclusion also excludes the possibility of any obstacle between the gunman and his victims, which may altered the trajectory of the shots.

8. Our view is that China is unlikely to experience a hard landing and will ease into a somewhat lower growth trajectory.

9. Clinton will use all the tools of power in concert to reverse the trajectory of American decline.

10. Even if Japan isn't the next Greece, its debt trajectory is anything but pretty.

trajectory 英英释义


1. the path followed by an object moving through space

Synonym: flight