

debate:[英 [dɪˈbeɪt] 美 [ dɪˈbet] ]


过去式:debated;   过去分词:debated;   现在分词:debating;   复数形式:debates;

debate 基本解释

名词辩论; 辩论; 争论; 讨论

及物/不及物动词辩论; 仔细考虑; 思考; 盘算

debate 相关例句


1. debate在线翻译

1. They debated the question openly.



2. He was debating whether to go for a walk or to visit a friend.


3. debate

3. She debated whether to accept his invitation.



1. We debated on the question till late into the night.



1. Who open the debate?


debate 网络解释

1. debate什么意思

1. 争论:除了只想争论(debate)而不是探询(inquiry)的态度外除了只想争论(debate)而不是探询(inquiry)的态度外

2. 討論:容克说,对于欧盟的困境,应该通过对话(dialogue)、讨论(debate)和民主(democracy)的方式D计划,找到解决问题的途径.


3. 辩论会:在教学方式上,巧用游戏,以及让学生分角色表演,进行分组辩论会(debate),以及开记者招待会(interview),等多种形式,把学生带到特定的理想境界,以引起一定的情感体验,激发学生的学习动机,活跃课堂气氛,使学生始终处于积极参于的状态之中.

debate 双语例句

1. science debate; science studies; scientific knowledge and power


2. In this article, the debate on genetically modified crops was reviewed, and it was pointed outthat the main reason of this debate is economic conflict.


3. This article outlines the debate in the UK about student voice and choice, the interest in consulting students about their learning.


4. I even wrote a Calcio Debate article around


5. debate是什么意思

5. I even wrote a Calcio Debate article around January time where I asked if he was the best defensive midfielder in the world.


6. debate的解释

6. This article revisits the debate.


7. This article reviews this debate in three aspects:(1) Marxian criterion of right and justice; (2) whether Marx criticized capitalism for its injustice; (3) why Marx condemned capitalism.


8. This shows the legal emphasis in our country, especially the debate about article 76 never ceased, so it is suggested that it shall be discussed in the new round of amendment.


9. debate的翻译

9. At last, he just enjoyed the reputation of man of debate.


10. This is the paper that started off an entire debate and got people like Jenny McCarthy and others to say wait a minute we don`t want to vaccinate our children.


11. It is safe to say the BPA debate will rage on for months to come.


12. I am grateful for the extra time that I had for this debate, and I apologise for my churlish point of order, which turned out to be entirely misconceived.


13. Able to use past, present and perfect tense to debate.


14. debate的解释

14. Frontline Earth will examine, discuss and report on this critical debate.


15. Whatever the cause of homosexuality (and there is great debate on the subject), one certainly does not'choose'to have homoerotic feelings in the same way one would, for example, choose to have tea instead of coffee.


16. Prior to his election as President of the United States, the issue of Barack Obama's citizenship by birth on US soil lay on the hot coils of debate. This argument brought to light questions regarding Obama's ancestral ties, which decidedly link him to the land of Kenya on the African continent.


17. debate的翻译

17. This part introduces the concept, the basis and the scope of application of the doctrine of debate.


18. In the next free debate, the two sides are more thrust, I block you, and neck.


19. debate的解释

19. The effect of gene patenting on research and investment has been the subject of great debate.


20. It is a topic of hot debate.


debate 词典解释

1. (各自发表不同观点的)辩论,争论,讨论

A debate is a discussion about a subject on which people have different views.

e.g. An intense debate is going on within the Israeli government...


e.g. There has been a lot of debate among scholars about this.


2. (议会或其他机构就某问题在投票前进行的)辩论

A debate is a formal discussion, for example in a parliament or institution, in which people express different opinions about a particular subject and then vote on it.

e.g. There are expected to be some heated debates in parliament over the next few days.



It is an excellent idea to encourage them to join a school debating society.


...debating skills.


3. (与…)辩论,争论,讨论

If people debate a topic, they discuss it fairly formally, putting forward different views. You can also say that one person debates a topic with another person.

e.g. The United Nations Security Council will debate the issue today...


e.g. The causes of anorexia are much debated...


4. 考虑;盘算;权衡

If you debate whether to do something or what to do, you think or talk about possible courses of action before deciding exactly what you are going to do.

e.g. Taggart debated whether to have yet another double vodka...


e.g. At the moment we are debating what furniture to buy for the house...


5. 存在争论的;有待讨论的;未确定的

If you say that a matter is open to debate, you mean that people have different opinions about it, or it has not yet been firmly decided.

e.g. Which of them has more musical talent is open to debate.


debate 单语例句

1. The dolphins'journey half way around the globe by plane sparked an international debate about the growing entertainment industry surrounding the animals.

2. Such was the intense debate that the meeting overran by an hour.

3. But by then, the debate over what some parenting websites call " placenta etiquette " had already been ignited.

4. Others call it the " original sin " and there is some debate over whether the pardons are warranted.

5. The White House said Ahmadinejad's call for a presidential debate on global concerns was a " diversion " from international concerns over Iran's nuclear programme.

6. Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard was almost hit in the face by a boot thrown by a protester at a Cambridge University debate.

7. Obama has been hunkering down in Camp David since Friday till Monday morning to prep for the final showdown in a debate hall.

8. The focus of the debate on capital punishment was once the question of whether it served as a deterrent to crime.

9. On one side of the debate are the jurists, who for the most part are leaning toward abolishing capital punishment.

10. Some Republicans agreed that the debate over a greater government role in health care will resonate far beyond Capitol Hill this week.

debatedebate 英英释义


1. a discussion in which reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposal

e.g. the argument over foreign aid goes on and on

Synonym: argumentargumentation

2. the formal presentation of a stated proposition and the opposition to it (usually followed by a vote)

Synonym: disputationpublic debate


1. argue with one another

e.g. We debated the question of abortion

John debated Mary

2. have an argument about something

Synonym: arguecontendfence

3. discuss the pros and cons of an issue

Synonym: deliberate

4. think about carefully


e.g. They considered the possibility of a strike

Turn the proposal over in your mind

Synonym: considermootturn overdeliberate