

compass:[英 [ˈkʌmpəs] 美 [ˈkʌmpəs, ˈkɑm-] ]



compass 基本解释

名词罗盘; 指南针; 圆规; 界限


compass 相关词组

1. cast a compass : 兜圈子, 绕道, 转弯抹角, 扯得很远;

compass 相关例句


1. Suddenly we compassed the enemies on all sides.


2. Her students could not compass the simplest problems.


3. compass

3. He did everything within his power to compass his ends.



1. The compass was first used in sailing.



2. Such things aren't within the compass of my power.


3. Her actions went beyond the compass of proper social behavior.


compass 网络解释

1. 罗盘仪:直线定向( line orientation )的定义:确定地面直线与标准方向间的水平夹角. 真方位角--可用天文观测方法或用陀螺经纬仪 (gyro theodolite) 来测定. 磁方位角--可用罗盘仪(compass)来测定. 不宜作精密定向.

2. compass的反义词

2. 圆规:拉下红色的控制杆,中间的门便开了,用撬棍撬开右下角的抽屉(Drawer),取出圆规(Compass) 、地图(Map)和微型胶卷(Micro Film)后离开,回到大楼里. 江森来到图书馆里,欲用馆里的微型胶片阅读机看胶卷,但图书馆里值班员莫顿小姐(Miss Morton)正当班.

3. compass:comprehensive assembly language; 综合汇编语言

4. compass:computer for advanced spare systems; 用于高级储备系统的计算机

compass 双语例句

1. With the spread of trade and increasing reliance on the compass.


2. Insonsiderate and ill-matched alliances generally end in ruin, and the man who compass the destruction of his neighbour is often caught in his own snare.


3. Day-kyu is the first compass.


4. You will be converted —you will be converted just as soon as every effort to compass pardon, commutation, or reprieve has failed—and then!



5. Though rosy lips and cheeks within his blending sickle`s compass come.


6. After this they took his right hand, laid it on something, while they bade him with the left hold a compass to his left breast, while they made him repeat after some one who read the words aloud, the oath of fidelity to the laws of the order.


7. Back during the old days we had the intellectual and moral compass and framework of Confucianism.



8. This article put forward a design of strapdown electronic compass, based on magnetoresistive sensors and an accelerometer, introduced its principle and the realization, multianalysised each kind of error and the compensating process.



9. Turn the bezel dial to Time, Ride, Compass, or Speed and record the total vertical, number of runs, speed and altitude of your kick-ass powder day.


10. You know how to use a compass?


11. What good is a compass if you don't know how to use it?


12. What good is a compass if you...



13. It's easy to do this with a compass.


14. compass

14. It's because we followed the compass.


15. compass的意思

15. The absorption characteristics and the structure at (0, 0, 1) plane of the 1, 3, 5-triamino-2, 4, 6-trinitrobenzene crystals of alternative copoly(vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene) with various degree of polymerization has been studied by molecular dynamics simulations using compass forcefield and NVT ensemble model.


16. It is very unlikely that they had a compass, although some Vikings may have used an instrument called a sun-shadow board to help them to navigate.



17. Farina doesn't appear often in the strip, and as such Pastis is forced to reintroduce her every time she appears (from The Crass Menagerie; Pastis said in Sgt. Piggy's Lonely Hearts Club Comic that part of the reason why he doesn't draw her as often is because she is the only character who requires a drafting compass to draw and he usually cuts himself using it).


18. compass

18. Finance is not within the compass of this department.


19. At age five, his father gave him a compass, it is an invisible target under the magnetic moment of the scene so he was surprised.


20. compass

20. With the Hall probe, the components of the magnetic field along the ion beam orbit were measured, and using the compass method the magnetic field parallelism in cooling section was measured.


compass 词典解释

1. 指南针;罗盘

A compass is an instrument that you use for finding directions. It has a dial and a magnetic needle that always points to the north.

e.g. We had to rely on a compass and a lot of luck to get here.


2. 圆规

Compasses are a hinged V-shaped instrument that you use for drawing circles.

3. 界限;范围

If something is within the compass of something or someone, it is within their limits or abilities.

e.g. Within the compass of a normal sized book such a comprehensive survey was not practicable.


compass 单语例句

1. " We continue to get better day by day, " Compass said.

2. After six years of political chill, the guiding force of reason will serve as a compass as the relationship moves forward.

3. Combining university learning with experience in the real world may prove an effective compass in helping the lost generation find its way.

4. " The Golden Compass " led to an Oscar for visual effects.

5. Without a moral compass or a legal basis for his actions, he cannot long survive his untenable posture of offending all his East Asian neighbors.

6. A luopan or feng shui compass is used to determine the location of what Lo says are the nine energy points that influence space.

7. Orienteering is a sport that requires navigational skills using a map and compass to go quickly from point to point in diverse terrain.

8. The compass system will in 2008 fully meet the demand of satellite navigation for clients in China and neighboring regions.

9. China aims to make Compass a navigation satellite system of 35 satellites by 2020, which can offer global service.

10. We have a moral compass that instinctively signals us to take care of one another, even strangers.