

shake:[英 [ʃeɪk] 美 [ʃek] ]


过去式:shook;   过去分词:shaken;   现在分词:shaking;

shake 基本解释

及物动词动摇; 摇头; 使发抖; 使心绪不宁[烦恼,惊吓]

不及物动词握手; 摇(出),抖(掉); (嗓音)颤抖

名词震动; 摇动; 哆嗦; 混合饮料

shake 相关词组


1. shake it up : 赶快;

2. shake down : 摇落, 临时搭铺, 敲诈, 勒索;

3. no great shakes : [俚]并不特别重要, 没有什么了不起, 平常得很;

4. shake oneself together : 振作;

shake 相关例句


1. Try to shake him off.


2. The two men shook hands.


3. His heavy steps shook the room.



1. It is customary to welcome a visitor with a shake.


2. He finished the bottle of wine in a shake.


shake 情景对话


A:Do you think you could go over that new dance with me again? I missed the last class and don’t want to fall behind.


B:Sure. Let’s start with a little stretch. Stand up straight, breathe in, and lift your hands over your head.


A:Like this?


B:Yes. Now, breathe out and push your hands back down by your sides. Breathe in… and breathe out.Now, bend over and touch your toes. Hold it. Repeat…


A:I think I’m warmed up now.


B:To start then, walk sideways to your right three steps. Jump up. Turn around. Then, walk sideways to your right another three steps. Jump up and turn around. Got it?


A:Yes, but what are we supposed to do with our hands?



B:Keep them by your side. When we jump up, shake them in front of you.


A:That’s pretty easy. What’s next?



B:We do that three times. Then, lift your left leg up to your right hand three times. Jump. Lift your right leg up to your left arm three times. Jump.


A:Is this right?



B:Yes, just make sure that you keep your back straight.


A:How many times do we repeat this?



B:Three times as well. Then we do the first set again.


A:Ok, I think I’ve got it. Thanks, Moira!


B:Not a problem.




A:Good morning, Mr. Smith. I brought the contract you are been looking for.Please go over the draft of the contract.


B:OK. Sit down, please. What would you like, Chinese tea or coffee?


A:Thank you. Id very much like to have a cup of Chinese tea.


B:Here you are.




B:Yes. I have one question about clause 8.Are these the terms that we agreed on?


A:OK. Lets have a look at it.


B:10 percent down and the balance at the time of shipment?Thats what I mean.



A:Yes, I think thats what we stipulated.


B:Ill need a few minutes to check over my notes again.





B:Yes, it is right.


A:Good. Can we sign them right away?



B:Of course.S Hand me the pen.



A:Here you are.


B:Where shall I put my signature?



A:Here, on the last page.Well sign two originals, each in the Chinese and English language.Both are equally effective.



B:OK. Is that all?


A:No. Will you also initial this change on page 2, please?


B:Im glad our negotiation has come to a successful conclusion.


A:I hope this will lead to further business between us.



B:All we have to do now is shake hands.


A:OK, and go out and have a drink to congratulate ourselves.


B:Thats a great idea.


shake 网络解释

1. shake在线翻译

1. 环裂:树木在生长期间或伐倒后,由于受外力、温度或湿度变化的影响,使木材纤维之间发生分离的缺陷. 分辐裂(radial check)、环裂(shake)等.

2. 摇动:① 摇动(Shake) 即把材料和冰块放入摇酒壶钟摇晃使之混合. 这能使难以混杂的材料混合在一起,还能用冰块使之迅速冷却. 此外酒精含量高的酒在摇动过程中还能磨去冰块的棱角,从而获得爽口的味道. 材料放入摇酒壶的顺序 是先放入基本材料再放入辅助材料,

3. (颤抖):著名制片人杰瑞.布鲁克海默(Jerry Bruckheimer)买下了哈斯(Haas)的短篇小说(Shake)的改编权,并聘请了他的御用编剧迈克尔.勃兰特(Michael Brandt)执笔改编剧本.

shake 双语例句

1. And grab him, shake him, anything to revive him.


2. So you can actually just put into the glass, before you shake it and put in the gin.


3. Good shake clear ring tones, can help babies develop auditory nerve as well.


4. His last film as a director was The Fighting Temptations, almost six years ago, so let`s hope that he can shake off some ring rustiness and make Wild Target live up to its name.


5. Gently shake youth Campanula ring, a pleasant voice on the heart attack, looked up rays in the halo of colorful dreams, a few heart will indulge in the glory of touching: the stream of history, the splendid ancient Chinese poem so elegant that the idea of flying the look, clean up one's soul and beautify their own temperament; breathing poetry of the text in the mellow air, let poets of sentiment or feeling melancholy; then Qingli poetic, sincere love, dream The gorgeous cast of human soul, the soul of the strokes used to write their own lines, to the life of paper left on a clean page.


6. Nobody to shake a stick at. Nobody's garbage to pick up after.


7. I hurriedly shake head to say:Don't eat, don't eat!


8. shake在线翻译

8. Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into chilled martini glass.



9. The fermentation conditions of Bacillus N19, including carbon source, nitrogen source, inorganic salt, iron and so on, were investigated in shake flask level.


10. Methods At the shake flask level, the concentration of GSH and the weight of dry cell were measured with different adding amount of mixed amino acids and hydrogen peroxide at different time points.


11. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of Maie


12. It also includes a built-in FM radio transmitter, as well as Shake Control, so you can change songs.


13. Though the waters of the sea roar and foam; Though the mountains shake at its swelling.

46:3 其中的水虽匉訇翻腾,山虽因海涨而战抖,我们也不害怕。细拉

14. shake在线翻译

14. These include Mega OIS, which helps prevent blurring from hand-shake, and Intelligent ISO Control, which reduces motion blur by adjusting the ISO sensitivity if the subject moves as the shot is taken.


15. shake的近义词

15. All three of the new cameras, FX-33, FX-55 and FZ18, feature the face detection and automatic scene selection as well as two earlier technologies, which shifts the image sensor to counteract camera shake, and Intelligent ISO, which increases the camera`s sensitivity to try to deal with moving subjects.

所有这三个新的相机,外汇- 33 ,外汇- 55和FZ18 ,采用了人脸检测和自动场景选择以及前两次的技术,这改变了图像传感器,以抵消相机抖动,智能国际标准化组织,这增加了相机的灵敏度来处理移动主体。

16. IA Mode - Automatically activates 6 detection and compensation functions, including Shake detection MEGA OIS, Motion detection Intelligent ISO Control, Light detection Intelligent Exposure, Advanced Face Detection Face Detection AF/AE, Scene detection Intelligent Scene Selector and Subject detection AF Tracking.

保险业监督模式-自动激活6检测和补偿功能,包括动摇检测米加o is,运动检测国际标准化组织智能控制,光探测智能曝光,先进的人脸检测人脸检测自动对焦/爱,现场检测的智能现场选择和受检测自动对焦跟踪。

17. shake什么意思

17. The Lumix FX100 which is able to snap eight frames per second features a high-resolution 12.2 megapixel with 1/1.72-inch large CCD, 3.6x optical zoom, 2.5 inch LCD screen display, 28mm wide-angle Leica DC lens, intelligent ISO control up to ISO 6400 and Mega OIS that helps eliminate blurring due to hand-shake.

该lumix fx100这是能够管理单元8每秒特点高分辨率12.2万像素与1/1.72-inch大的CCD ,3.6x光学变焦,2.5英寸的液晶屏幕显示,28毫米广角徕卡镜头直流,国际标准化组织智能控制了ISO 6400和Mega ois ,有助於消除模糊,由於手动摇。

18. IA Mode – Automatically activates 6 detection and compensation functions, including Shake detection MEGA OIS, Motion detection Intelligent ISO Control, Light detection Intelligent Exposure, Advanced Face Detection Face Detection AF/AE, Scene detection Intelligent Scene Selector and Subject detection AF Tracking.


19. shake的解释

19. Our national preference is to purse the lips, shake the head and affect an air of judicious canniness.


20. shake的近义词

20. It's a health shake of fermented brown rice, and for her entree, is a salad of radish, burdock root and bokchoy...


shake 词典解释The form shook can be used as the past participle for meaning 2 of the phrasal verb shake up. 短语动词 shake up 义项 2 的过去分词形式可写作 shook。

1. 摇动;抖动;摇晃

If you shake something, you hold it and move it quickly backwards and forwards or up and down. You can also shake a person, for example, because you are angry with them or because you want them to wake up.

e.g. The nurse shook the thermometer and put it under my armpit...


e.g. Shake the rugs well and hang them for a few hours before replacing on the floor...


2. 摇动,抖动(身体或身体部位)

If you shake yourself or your body, you make a lot of quick, small, repeated movements without moving from the place where you are.

e.g. As soon as he got inside, the dog shook himself...


e.g. He shook his hands to warm them up.


3. 摇头(表示拒绝、怀疑或难过)

If you shake your head, you turn it from side to side in order to say 'no' or to show disbelief or sadness.

e.g. 'Anything else?' Colum asked. Kathryn shook her head wearily...


e.g. We were amazed, shocked, dumbfounded, shaking our heads in disbelief.


4. (因为寒冷或害怕而)发抖,颤抖,战栗,哆嗦

If you are shaking, or a part of your body is shaking, you are making quick, small movements that you cannot control, for example because you are cold or afraid.

e.g. He roared with laughter, shaking in his chair...


e.g. My hand shook so much that I could hardly hold the microphone...


5. (因害怕、生病或喝醉酒而产生的)颤抖,战栗,哆嗦

If you have the shakes, your body is shaking a lot because you are afraid or ill, or because you have drunk too much alcohol.

e.g. Another man constantly chain-smoked and seemed to have the shakes.


6. (因愤怒而)挥动,舞动(拳头、棍子等)

If you shake your fist or an object such as a stick at someone, you wave it in the air in front of them because you are angry with them.

e.g. The colonel rushed up to Earle, shaking his gun at him...


e.g. The protesters burst through police lines into the cathedral square, shaking clenched fists.


7. (使)震颤;(使)震动;(使)摇动

If a force shakes something, or if something shakes, it moves from side to side or up and down with quick, small, but sometimes violent movements.

e.g. ...an explosion that shook buildings several kilometers away...


e.g. The hiccups may shake your baby's body from head to foot...


8. 摇(出);抖(落)

To shake something into a certain place or state means to bring it into that place or state by moving it quickly up and down or from side to side.

e.g. Small insects can be collected by shaking them into a jar...


e.g. She frees her mass of hair from a rubber band and shakes it off her shoulders...


9. (声音因紧张、生气等)颤抖

If your voice is shaking, you cannot control it properly and it sounds very unsteady, for example because you are nervous or angry.

e.g. His voice shaking with rage, he asked how the committee could keep such a report from the public.


10. 使震惊;使激动;使烦乱

If an event or a piece of news shakes you, or shakes your confidence, it makes you feel upset and unable to think calmly.

e.g. The news of Tandy's escape had shaken them all...


e.g. She was close to both of her parents and was undeniably shaken by their divorce...



Unhurt, but a bit shaken, she was trying not to cry.


11. 动摇(某人或其信念)

If an event shakes a group of people or their beliefs, it causes great uncertainty and makes them question their beliefs.

e.g. It won't shake the football world if we beat Torquay...


e.g. When events happen that shake these beliefs, our fear takes control...


12. 使摒弃,使改变(态度、信念)

If you shake someone out of an attitude or belief that you disapprove of, you cause them to change their attitude or belief to one that is more responsible or sensible.

e.g. No amount of reasoning could shake him out of his conviction...


e.g. Many businessmen still find it hard to shake themselves out of the old state-dependent habit.


13. 同 milkshake

A shake is the same as a milkshake .

e.g. He sent his driver to fetch him a strawberry shake.


14. 公平的机会

If you do not get a fair shake, you are not given a reasonable opportunity to succeed or to achieve something.

e.g. A lot of people think that they're not going to get a fair shake from the courts.


15. 技术不高的;不出色的;无效的

If you say that someone or something is no great shakes, you mean that they are not very skilful or effective.

e.g. I'm no great shakes as a detective...


e.g. The protests have failed partly because the opposition politicians are no great shakes.


16. 与…握手

If you shake someone's hand or shake someone by the hand, you shake hands with them.

e.g. I said congratulations and walked over to him and shook his hand...


e.g. The Secretary emerged, a big fat man who quickly shook us all by the hand.


17. (打招呼、道别、道贺或表示赞同时)与…握手

If you shake hands with someone, you take their right hand in your own for a few moments, often moving it up and down slightly, when you are saying hello or goodbye to them, congratulating them, or agreeing on something. You can also say that two people shake hands .

e.g. He nodded greetings to Mary Ann and Michael and shook hands with Burke...


e.g. We shook hands and parted on good terms.


18. to shake the foundations of something -> see foundation

to shake like a leaf -> see leaf

more things than you can shake a stick at -> see stick

shaken but not stirred -> see stir

相关词组:shake downshake offshake outshake up

shake 单语例句shake的翻译

1. Dissolve 2 Tbsp olive oil and 2 ozs butter in a frypan, add sprouts and chestnuts shake and fry until sprouts are tender.

2. Shake off excess buttermilk and dust the chicken pieces thoroughly with flour.

3. There are still many other concerns that have prevented policymakers from taking decisive action to shake up the current oil pricing mechanism.

4. On the accompanying audio discs, you can hear the shake of ice inside a drinking glass.

5. But figure skating is anything but predictable, and the only certainty is that someone will come along to shake things up.

6. Add the cup of white wine and truffles and shake the pan so the clams cook evenly.

7. When both garlic and chili are releasing their aromas, add the clams and shake to coat evenly.

8. Survivors said the plane started to shake heavily after take off, and failed to clear landing system instruments at the end of the runway.

9. The verdict was expected to clear the way for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to launch a major Cabinet shake up.

10. British soccer star David Beckham is struggling to learn Spanish because he can't shake off his London cockney accent.

shake 英英释义



1. causing to move repeatedly from side to side

Synonym: wagwaggle

2. a reflex motion caused by cold or fear or excitement

Synonym: trembleshiver

3. grasping and shaking a person's hand (as to acknowledge an introduction or to agree on a contract)

Synonym: handshakehandshakinghandclasp

4. a note that alternates rapidly with another note a semitone above it

Synonym: trill

5. frothy drink of milk and flavoring and sometimes fruit or ice cream

Synonym: milkshakemilk shake

6. building material used as siding or roofing

Synonym: shingle



1. move with or as if with a tremor

e.g. his hands shook

Synonym: didder

2. undermine or cause to waver

e.g. my faith has been shaken

The bad news shook her hopes

3. bring to a specified condition by or as if by shaking

e.g. He was shaken from his dreams

shake the salt out of the salt shaker

4. shake (a body part) to communicate a greeting, feeling, or cognitive state

e.g. shake one's head

She shook her finger at the naughty students

The old enemies shook hands

Don't shake your fist at me!

5. stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of

e.g. These stories shook the community

the civil war shook the country

Synonym: stimulateshake upexcitestir

6. move back and forth or sideways

e.g. the ship was rocking

the tall building swayed

She rocked back and forth on her feet

Synonym: rocksway

7. move or cause to move back and forth

e.g. The chemist shook the flask vigorously

My hands were shaking

Synonym: agitate

8. shake or vibrate rapidly and intensively

e.g. The old engine was juddering

Synonym: judder

9. get rid of

e.g. I couldn't shake the car that was following me

Synonym: shake offthrow offescape from