

acronym:[英 [ˈækrənɪm] 美 ['ækrənɪm] ]



acronym 基本解释


acronym 网络解释

1. acronym的反义词

1. 首字母缩略词: 英语中的首字母缩略词(acronym)是由专有名词或说明性短语里单词的首字母组合而成的词. 现代英语中这类词常用作政府机构和政治、经济、社会组织或团体的名称. 由于它们比原词简短,适当使用能使语言表达更加快捷,提高信息交流的效率.

2. 首字母缩写:表现在:缩写(abbreviation),首字母缩写(acronym)和表情符号(emoticon)运用较少,拼写错误较少,缩约(contraction)并不普遍. 但结果显示,即时交流更像口语而不是书面语.

3. 缩写字:西班牙文版(Spanish)的档案开头应该是长像这样:以指令(command)方面举例,比较妥当的用法是第二句的例子:以档案(filename)方面举例,比较妥当的用法是第二句的例子:缩写字(acronym)通常在书中第一次提到时,

acronym 双语例句

1. Take the militia FNI: but for the victims and their suffering, it makes no difference what the acronym stands for, it`s all one big sadistic joke of language and power.


2. SID is an acronym for Security IDentifier.

SID是Security IDentifier的缩写。

3. Tive thoughts over and over in your mind, use the STOP acronym


4. Refers to push-down stack procedures and is the acronym for last in/first out, a buffer procedure.


5. The Honda Gyro's name is actually an acronym for'Great Your Recreation Original'.



6. But that was a little weighty for everyday use, so in 1953 the acronym UFO was coined to replace it.


7. Few terms in the space vocabulary are as polarizing as this three-letter acronym: UFO.



8. UFO English Un-identified Fiying Object acronym, which means unidentified flying object.

UFO是英文Un—identified Fiying Object的缩写,意为不明飞行物。

9. According to functions, there are the following main types of vessels now in common use on shipping markets: 1 General cargo ship The general cargo ship is divided into:Conventional cargo shipMUlti-purpose general cargo shipSpecialised dry cargo ship for the carriage of lumber, vehicle, etc; Refrigerator ship. 2 Container ship The container ship is divided into:Cellular full container ship Semi-container ship; orRoll on/roll of container ship; Life on/lift off container ship according to the manner in which the container is loaded and discharged. 3 Lash-lighter aboard ship, also termed barge carrying vessel 4 Tanker Tanker are divided into: Oil tanker; There are VLCC, an acronym for very large crudecarrier, and ULCC, an acronym for ultra large crudecarrier, the former having a carrying capacity of 150, 000 d. w. tons up to 250, 000 d. w. tons, the latter 250, 000 d. w. tons and up.

根据功能,航运市场上有如下各类船舶:1、杂货船杂货船主要有普通杂货船多用途杂货船专业木材船、汽车船冷藏船 2、集装箱船根据集装箱的装卸情况分类集装箱船主要有(a全集装箱船半集装箱船滚装船自装卸集装箱船 3、多连式驳船 4、油船被分为油轮:VLCC就是超级油轮的缩写称号,ULCC是巨型油轮的缩写称号,前者VLCC载重吨在15万吨到25万吨,而ULCC载重吨在25万吨以上。

10. acronym

10. VUCA is an acronym used to describe or reflect on the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of general conditions and situations.

VUCA 是对描述一般的形式和状态的词汇:Volatility-变动性,Uncertainty-不确定性,Complexity-复杂性 and Ambiguity-模糊性的缩略语。

11. EBITA is an acronym that refers to a company's earnings before the deduction of interest, tax and amortization expenses.



12. In fact, Ikea founder of the brand's Ingvar Kamprad and his farms and villages were Elmtaryd of Agunnaryd acronym of the word.

实际上,Ikea 是该品牌的创始人Ingvar Kamprad 和他的农场名Elmtaryd 及村庄名Agunnaryd 的词首字母组合。

13. According to Pyles and Algeo (The Origins and Development of the English Language, 1982), words produced through affixation constitute 30% to 40% of the total number of new words; compounding yields 28% to30% of all the new words; words that come from shortening including clipping and acronym, amounting to 8% to 10%, together with l% to 5% of words born out of blending and other means.

根据Pyles和Algeo(的起源和发展的英语口语,1982年),通过附加词构成30%至40%的总数的新单词,to30% 28%的组合收益率的新单词,单词的缩写词,缩短了包括剪裁,总计为8%至10%,连同l % 5%的单词的配方和其他手段。

14. Soon after joining the National Assembly, I clashed with the administration over underfunding of the Consolidated Social Fund (known by its Spanish acronym FUS), which had been created by Chávez to coordinate the distribution of resources to antipoverty programs.


15. FIDIC is the International Federation of Consulting Engineers of the French acronym.


16. So, next time you catch yourself repeating the same negative thoughts over and over in your mind, use the STOP acronym



17. Every new acronym I hear turns out to be another dirty trick designed to allow rich countries to go on with business as usual.


18. But the same acronym or initialism may represent different organizations, groups or names. For example, the Voice of America is not he only organization with the initialism VOA. The Volkswagen of America Automobile Company uses the same three letters. So does the Volunteers of America Organization that helps poor people.


19. Software Description: About AcronymGenie, This program lets you look up the expansion of a computer acronym, abbreviation or initialism usingan offline database.

AcronymGenie 这个软件让你查找一个计算机采用词汇,按首字母缩写词,缩写或者首字母缩略。

20. BASIC, the acronym for Beginner`s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, is a high - level


acronym 词典解释

1. (尤用作名称)首字母缩拼词,首字母缩略词

An acronym is a word composed of the first letters of the words in a phrase, especially when this is used as a name. An example of an acronym is NATO which is made up of the first letters of the 'North Atlantic Treaty Organization'.

acronym 单语例句

1. Mix in a dissertation defense, add a Morse Code of Statistic Acronym.

2. The current climate raises specters of the Cold War and its doctrine of mutual assured destruction - a doctrine aptly known by its acronym " MAD ".

3. One called for the deaths of more policemen and another used the English acronym ACAB, meaning " All Cops Are Bastards ".

4. The acronym BRIC has since become a key word in observing the current global economy.

5. When one looks closely at the numbers, the heart of the BRIC acronym is the rise in China's resources.

6. SPA is the acronym for Greek phrase Solus Par Aqua meaning'water of health'in English.

7. SPA is the acronym for the Greek phrase Solus Par Aqua meaning'water of health'.

8. As in the offline language, an online acronym may have more than one definition.

9. The robot fighter has been christened Swords, after the acronym for Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection Systems.

10. To those who work at NSA the acronym stands for No Such Agency or Never Say Anything..

acronym 英英释义


1. a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name