

piracy:[英 [ˈpaɪrəsi] 美 [ˈpaɪrəsi] ]



piracy 基本解释

名词海上抢劫; 盗版行为,非法复制


piracy 网络解释

1. 海盗行为:海盗行为(PIRACY)是指私人船舶或私人飞机的船员,机组人员或乘客,为私人目的,在公海上或在任何国家管辖范围以外的地方,对另一船舶或飞机或对另一船舶或飞机上的人或财务,所从事的任何非法的暴力或扣留行为或任何掠夺性为.

2. 盗版:非法复制,盗版(Piracy) 这是所有的非法活动中最不受正直的人们痛恨的一种,当然前提是不要盗我的. 信息中心 那是一个通常只有专家或权威才能去上班的地方,他们的主要任务是不耐烦地告诉用户为什么他没资格得到他想要的信息.

3. 海盜:人们得以在海上遨游之时,海盗(piracy)这一行便随之存在了. 不像书中或是电影里美化了的形象,真实的海盗可是冷血无情很可怕的. 海盗的猖獗无法扼止,在罗马帝国最强盛的时期也对地中海域肆无忌惮的海盗们(pirates)束手无策,

piracy 双语例句

1. It is in the world interest to avoid drifting into a widening division between the have and have-not nations; to help develop the practical means for the United Nations to keep the peace; to preserve and restore our natural environment; to use the natural resources of the sea for the benefit of all; to ensure that the increase in population does not impair the quality of life; to curb narcotics traffic; to end sky piracy and the kidnapping and murder of diplomats; to ensure that the human rights of prisoners of war not be violated.



2. During the year, the department detected seven corporate piracy cases, resulting in the arrest of 12 persons and the seizures of infringing computer software with a market value of $61, 460, as estimated by the copyright owners.



3. During the year, the department detected seven corporate piracy cases, resulting in the a rrest of 12 persons a nd the seizures of infringing computer software with a market value of $61, 460, a s estimated by the copyright owners.


4. Since its establishment in early 2000, the department's Anti-Internet Piracy Team has detected 10 Internet piracy cases, resulting in total seizure of pirated goods and equipment valued at $270, 000, and the arrest of 17 persons.


5. piracy的解释

5. In September 2008, Russia announced that it too will soon join international efforts to combat piracy.


6. Windows, through piracy and low-cost distributions in developing countries, has increased market penetration.

在发展中国家因盗版和低成本发行,Windows 增加了市场渗透。

7. Piracy has become an international enemy that poses severe threat to international navigation, maritime trade and security.


8. We note, Ming Dynasty banned the so-called most of all for the sea of Japan with the nature of economic sanctions and economic blockade of the nature of the trade embargo, the military embargo, regardless of the early Ming海禁, or things to combat piracy Jiajing海禁the Japanese are so, to such a policy as a closed-door policy is the result of misunderstanding the ignorance of history, as a matter of fact, whether modern or modern, western countries often hostile countries on the economic blockade imposed a trade embargo, which is not uncommon, but we can not, therefore those with the nature of the policy of economic sanctions as the performance of it be closed, otherwise, can only come in the history of modern France, the modern practice of the United States closed the absurd conclusion.



9. The results show the individual`s pirate intention is positively influenced by attitude and subjective norm; the perceived moral obligation and self-regulatory efficacy are negatively impact on one`s pirate intention; as for the mediating variables, the piracy intention and habit both positively influence on one`s pirate behavior.


10. The payout could also spark further court battles invoking the same American law, the Alien Tort Claims Act of 1789, originally intended to counter piracy, under which the Shell case was brought.


11. Its not just pirates who are making money from the piracy boom off the Horn of Africa V insurers and security consultants are also doing well.


12. This is the most common form of piracy.


13. Sorry, this is piracy software, we can not provide installation service for you.


14. Concerned about the problem of piracy and copyright piracy.


15. Daylily. Of course, you can to your own preferences and tastes, creative re-piracy times, to create a new era of your house special dishes to your table glory.


16. piracy的解释

16. Until 1700 all cases of piracy by British subjects or in British colonies came under the jurisdiction of the High Court of Admiralty in London.



17. Despite his known piracy when at home he was much in demand by polite English society and he was a popular figure invited to many high brow functions.


18. piracy的翻译

18. Instead of retarding the company's growth in China, piracy has actually expanded Microsoft's user base.


19. Of Internet jam and infringement of intellectual property. Therefore, BitTorrent has been considered a tool that assists piracy and illegal broadcasting.

藉由 P2P 软体,用户可以有效地互相分享各种档案,但是却造成网路壅以及智慧财产权的侵犯的问题,让BitTorrent 软体被认为是一种协助盗版、非法分享传播的工具,著实非常可惜。

20. Trade imbalances, protectionism, unfair labor practices, piracy, human trafficking, renewable energy, global warming, education, nuclear proliferation, and agriculture, are many of several subjects that need to be openly discussed by these two governments.


piracy 词典解释

1. 海盗行为;海上劫掠

Piracy is robbery at sea carried out by pirates.

e.g. Seven of the fishermen have been formally charged with piracy.


2. 盗版行为;侵犯版权;非法翻印

You can refer to the illegal copying of things such as video tapes and computer programs as piracy .

e.g. ...protection against piracy of books and films.


piracy 单语例句

1. Cheung added that the campaign aims at encouraging the business sector to combat piracy together with the government.

2. She cited a 2003 estimate by The Business Software Alliance which claimed that the piracy rate in China was as high as 92 percent.

3. That article quoted data from the Business Software Alliance, which stated that software piracy rates in China exceeded 90 per cent.

4. The exercises assume significance as navigation in the South China Sea and the neighboring Malacca Straits has been plagued by sea piracy.

5. Mandelson earlier told the Xinhua News Agency that the EU would not join the US in its WTO action against China over piracy.

6. To thwart piracy, the machine uses a flash memory card to which games can be downloaded in stores.

7. China has carried out a number of campaigns to crack down on counterfeiting and piracy, he said.

8. But she cast doubt on its ambitious plans due to widespread piracy in China.

9. He warned that escalating piracy activities were casting a negative impact on the economic and security situation of the whole region.

10. " These acts of piracy are categorically unacceptable and should be put to an end, " he said.

piracy 英英释义


1. the act of plagiarizing

taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own

Synonym: plagiarismplagiarizationplagiarisation

2. hijacking on the high seas or in similar contexts

taking a ship or plane away from the control of those who are legally entitled to it

e.g. air piracy

Synonym: buccaneering