

seminary:[英 [ˈsemɪnəri] 美 [ˈsemɪneri] ]



seminary 基本解释

名词神学院; 中等学校; 神学院学生

seminary 网络解释

1. seminary

1. 神学院:例如,学院(college)只有两个音节,神学院(seminary)也只有四个音节. 可是大学(univereity)有五个音节,再加上以示区别的名字,就有了下面的:由于形迹可疑的低等大学正在不断增加,这使得少数顶尖学校作为学术机构的等级标准更显必要和有价值.

2. 高等中学,神学院/校:6. bend ones effort 竭尽全力 | 7. seminary 高等中学,神学院/校 | 8. surmise 猜度,臆测

3. 私立女子中学:私立中等学校private secondary school | 私立女子中学seminary | 私立预备学校private preparatory school

seminary 双语例句

1. We are using the facility of the Biblical Seminary of the Philippines as our study site.


2. seminary在线翻译

2. Special provision is made for the diocese that is too poor or too small to provide its own seminary.


3. seminary

3. Dom Urbain and his companions were received at St. Mary's Seminary, which was under the direction of the Sulpicians, to whose superior, the venerable M. Nagot, then eighty-five years of age, the Cistercian immigrants had letters.

大教堂班和他的同伴收到了圣玛丽学院,这是领导下的Sulpicians ,以优异的,受人尊敬的先生纳戈,然后八五年的年龄,修道院移民的信件。

4. Would you be willing to marry me, and let me put you away in a seminary for a few years?


5. He was assigned to the Fushun Junior Seminary where he remained until war broke out in the Pacific.


6. I remember their love towards our family and other seminary students.


7. He never went to seminary and I am certain he never wore special clothes.


8. seminary的近义词

8. I remember many years ago when Francis, my oldest son was 6 years old and I was a seminary student.

我记得许多年前,当大儿子 Francis 六岁的时候,我还是神学院的学生。

9. His grandfather wept when he quit the seminary, and threw him out of the house.


10. Around the large and open courtyard, there used to be a seminary and dormitories.


11. He spent a year studying English and then attended college and seminary.


12. seminary是什么意思

12. Czarina is now working on her Doctor of Ministry degree at Dallas Theological Seminary.


13. I spent most of my school years in boarding schools in Wuerttemberg and some time in the theological seminary of the monastery at Maulbronn.


14. Wang Yuxian says she is a Christian and would like to know about theological seminary programs for foreign students in the United States.


15. There were some requests about how to be enrolled in the seminary and a few copies of application forms were taken.


16. It may be well to note, in this connexion, that Van Steenkiste, professor at the Catholic Seminary of Bruges, asserted, as long ago as 1876, that the inspiration of the Pastorals and their Pauline authorship would be sufficiently safeguarded if we accepted the view that they were written in the name and with the authority of the Apostle by one of his companions, say St.

可以很好地注意到,在这联接,即凡Steenkiste ,教授,天主教神学院布鲁日,声称,早在1876年,该启示Pastorals及其波利娜作者将得到充分的保障,如果我们接受的观点,他们的名字写在与权力的使徒之一的同伴,圣卢克说,以他独特的解释了什麼是书面的,或以他发表了书面总结了点,发展,而且当我把你的信后,圣保罗读通过,批准,并他们签署。

17. seminary

17. When I graduated from seminary, I was sure I knew it all.


18. But it is not for the seminary or his dictionary that he is remembered.


19. I didn't learn it in yeshiva, and I didn't learn it in the seminary.


20. You've been a long way from the seminary, my friend.


seminary 词典解释

1. 神学院

A seminary is a college where priests, ministers, or rabbis are trained.

seminary 单语例句

1. Upon arriving he blessed about 50 disabled youngsters in the seminary chapel.

2. The Redemptorist priest was accused of sexual abuse against 13 former students while he was a teacher overseeing the dormitory at the seminary.

3. He was also honorary president of the Nanjing Union Theological Seminary and president of the Amity Foundation.

4. She actually graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary, and has said her office made a translation mistake on her CV.

5. The seminary students upon the calling from the mosque administration have at one time even kidnapped some policemen.

6. Some lingered over the ruins of a neighboring seminary that was demolished by authorities this week.

7. Voting was brisk in Ahmadinejad bastions of support such as south Tehran and the Islamic seminary city of Qom.

8. Earlier this year, clerics from the mosque sent female seminary students to occupy a municipal children's library.

9. The officer rushed into the seminary with his weapon and killed the gunman, he told Israel Radio.

10. Later a cleric from a seminary associated with the mosque led the prayers.

seminary是什么意思seminary 英英释义


1. a private place of education for the young

2. a theological school for training ministers or priests or rabbis