

thwart:[英 [θwɔ:t] 美 [θwɔ:rt] ]


过去式:thwarted;   过去分词:thwarted;   现在分词:thwarting;

thwart 基本解释


及物动词阻挠; 挫败; 使受挫折; 横过


形容词横放的,横着的,穿过的; 执拗的,固执的



thwart 相关例句


1. thwart的反义词

1. Our plans for a picnic were thwarted by the rain.


thwart 网络解释

1. 挫败:wart 疣 | thwart 挫败 | athwart 相反的

2. 划艇座板:port 左舷 | thwart 划艇座板 | davit 吊锚柱

3. thwart的意思

3. 横放的:thwack 强打 | thwart 横放的 | thwartwise 横着的

4. 横过,挫败:wart 疣[医] | thwart 横过,挫败 | athwart 相反的

thwart 双语例句

1. thwart的近义词

1. A whiff of bipartisanship would be nothing new in the Senate, where the minority party can thwart the majority by filibustering legislation.


2. Murchison made an agreed all-share offer for Midwest on Monday, valuing its target at A$1.5bn in a move likely to thwart Sinosteel's ambitions to secure one of the biggest groups operating in the Mid West iron ore area of Western Australia.


3. It will be odd if I thwart myself, 'he muttered, unconscious that I was behind him.


4. As for Britain and France, they have regarded Poland as an object of plunder for their finance capital, exploited her to thwart the German imperialist attempt at a world re-division of the spoils, and made her a flank of their own imperialist front. Thus their war is an imperialist war, their so-called aid to Poland being merely for the purpose of contending with Germany for the domination of Poland, and this war, too, should be opposed, not approved.


5. thwart的反义词

5. Reina was largely unemployed in last Wednesday's comprehensive 40 victory over Stoke City at Anfield, though the 26 yearold did produce a fantastic flying save to thwart Rory Delap in the early stages of the second period.


6. It isn`t you I hate you, but your power to thwart me.


7. thwart的意思

7. Chevy`s Powerglide auto trans remained but to thwart the smoky exhaust build-up on the car`s rear flank, the exhaust tips were extended.

打猎时的叫喊 Powerglide 汽车 trans 保持但是反对内建的在车背面上牙侧的冒烟排气,排气尖塞端被延长。

8. Kispert dismissed the idea that KLA's offer was designed to thwart the formation of a more formidable rival.


9. thwart的近义词

9. Our country has a new tool to monitor the activities of terrorists, the freezing of funds, thwart their plot.


10. Well, with all of the recent modifications that RapidShare and other hosters have done to thwart easy downloading, most external download managers simply no longer work as intended.


11. My Adidas.. My Adidas standin on 2 Fifth St. funky fresh and yes cold on my feet with no shoe string in em, I did not win em I bought em off the Ave with the black lee denim I like to sport em that's why I bought em a sucker tried to steal em so I caught em and I thwart em and I walk down the street and I bop to the beat with Lee on my legs and adidas on my feet and now I just standin here shooting the gip me and D and my Adidas standing on 2 Fifth My Adidas.. My Adidas..

我爱迪达。。我爱迪达standin二日第五届圣胆源性新鲜寒冷我是无脚的鞋在弦电磁、我不买我赢电磁电磁序幕动态与李黑牛仔我喜欢体育电磁就是为什么我买了电磁电磁吸盘试图窃取我和我陷入电磁电磁挫败我走上街头巡逻,以收支平衡和我同我的腿利安我爱迪达而现在,我的脚刚standin这里拍摄的岛屿总产值和D我和我爱迪达站在了FIF2 次我爱迪达。。

12. It isn't you I hate, but your power to thwart me.


13. It isn't you that I hate but your power to thwart me.


14. thwart

14. I told him it was dangerous to thwart the mayor, but he WOULD do it.


15. thwart的翻译

15. She loves you so well that she has the heart to thwart you in nothing.


16. thwart

16. Sometimes it isn't you I hate but your power to thwart me.


17. He made the fish fast to bow and stern and to the middle thwart.


18. thwart的翻译

18. He sat down and, clinging to the thwart, began to sob quietly.



19. Their general objective is to thwart us in our task of armed resistance in defence of the motherland and to accomplish their aggressive plan for subjugating China.


20. He joined the hostages, but with the help of Padmé Amidala, Skywalker was able to thwart Bane's last act of treachery -- even though Bane left with a liberated Ziro the Hutt, Bane was set to detonate explosives that would have killed the hostages.


thwart 词典解释

1. 使受挫;阻碍;阻挠

If you thwart someone or thwart their plans, you prevent them from doing or getting what they want.


e.g. The accounting firm deliberately destroyed documents to thwart government investigators...


e.g. Her ambition to become an artist was thwarted by failing eyesight.


thwart 单语例句thwart的意思

1. To thwart piracy, the machine uses a flash memory card to which games can be downloaded in stores.

2. Investigators believe passengers rushed the cockpit of United Airlines Flight 93 to thwart terrorists'plans to use that plane as a weapon like the others.

3. Another factor that thwart translators to perfect their art is the comparatively low and indiscriminate payment offered.

4. This trend will thwart the cultivation of healthy perception of wealth and give rich Chinese a bad image in society.

5. Yahoo on Wednesday extended its deadline for nominating board members as the Internet giant maneuvers to thwart a hostile takeover by US software titan Microsoft.

6. They have printed and spent trillions of money to thwart the deflationary forces but the economies are simply not responding to this " stimulus ".

7. Efforts should be made to design a better system to thwart illegal manufacture and sale of fireworks.

8. I hope that Lindsay and the rest of my kids will be there if Dina doesn't thwart it like she did my dad's funeral.

9. The High Court has ruled against Citic Pacific in its petition to thwart an investigation by claiming legal professional privilege over documents seized by police.

10. Maxwell Smart is on a mission to thwart the latest plot for world domination by the evil crime syndicate known as KAOS.

thwart 英英释义


1. a crosspiece spreading the gunnels of a boat

used as a seat in a rowboat

Synonym: cross thwart


1. hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of

e.g. What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge

foil your opponent

Synonym: queerspoilscotchfoilcrossfrustratebafflebilk