

culpable:[英 [ˈkʌlpəbl] 美 [ˈkʌlpəbəl] ]


culpable 基本解释


culpable 网络解释

1. culpable的意思

1. 应受谴责的:CULRABLE 可归罪的(不是可抚慰的) | Culpable 应受谴责的 | SEPULCHRAL 阴深的

2. 该责备的:culpability 可责 | culpable 该责备的 | culpably 该罚地

3. 应受责备的:Aspiration:渴望 | Culpable:应受责备的 | Stem from:起源于

4. 该受谴责的:culp罪(词根) | culpable该受谴责的,a | exculpate无罪释放

culpable 双语例句

1. I believe that the ignorance was culpable and criminal.


2. culpable什么意思

2. It would assure that federal antitrust prosecutions can imprison only people who are morally culpable.


3. This is not only culpable. It is irrational. It is the worst deal imaginable.


4. culpable的近义词

4. I feel to there still is a lot of to be not perfected in textural, still have culpable place.


5. If we had gone about trying to get that prize, we would have been culpable.


6. At first, he could not get rid of a culpable sense of licence on his part.



7. And Brass. We're all culpable in this. I don't care what the book says.


8. Judicial interpretation; carnal abuse; strict liability; culpable liability


9. The description finished, the district-attorney resumed with an oratorical turn calculated to raise the enthusiasm of the journal of the prefecture to the highest pitch on the following day: And it is such a man, etc., etc., etc., vagabond, beggar, without means of existence, etc., etc., inured by his past life to culpable deeds, and 8ttt8.com little reformed by his sojourn in the galleys, as was proved by the crime committed against Little Gervais, etc., etc.; it is such a man, caught upon the highway in the very act of theft, a few paces from a wall that had been scaled, still holding in his hand the object stolen, who denies the crime, the theft, the climbing the wall; denies everything; denies even his own identity!

检察官刻画完毕以后 ssbbww ,为了 dd dtt。com 获得 s sbb ww 明天《省府公报》的高度表扬,又指手画脚地说下去:并且他是这样一种人,等等,等等,等等,流氓,光棍,没有生活能力,等等,等等,生平惯于为非作歹,坐了牢狱也不曾大改,抢劫小瑞尔威这件事便足以证明,等等,等等,他是这样一个人,行了窃,被人在公路上当场拿获,离开一堵爬过的墙只几步,手里还拿着赃物,人赃俱获,还要抵赖,行窃爬墙,一概抵赖,甚至连自己的姓名也抵赖,自己的身份来历也抵赖!

10. Mat I hold more culpable, and less politic; except it be in great and rare matters.


11. To that end, he held culpable all sides in the Clone Wars, and held no admiration for the Jedi Knights.


12. But there is room for scholarly inquiry into the working of the murky state machinery that led to that outcome —to determine whether the tragedy was principally the result of murderous design or culpable neglect.



13. The trunk driver involved is expected to appear in court, charged with culpable homicide.


14. The truck driver involved is expected to appear in court, charged with culpable homicide.



15. The trunk driver involved is expected to appear in court, charged with culpable homicide


16. culpable在线翻译

16. But culpable homicide, which is defined as the negligent killing of another person and is roughly comparable to involuntary manslaughter, can carry a wide range of sentences, at the discretion of the judge, from no jail time to more than 15 years in jail.


17. culpable的翻译

17. The ballooning hedge fund industry is also culpable.


18. culpable的近义词

18. Society is culpable, in that it does not afford instruction gratis;


19. culpable的翻译

19. Deserving of or open to censure. blameworthy if not criminal behavior; censurable misconduct; culpable negligence.


20. The declassification of EXCO minutes on 9.7.2009 shows that the BN state government under Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon were principally culpable for alienating their land twice to Koperasi Pegawai Kerajaan Pulau Pinang in EXCO meetings on 18.8.2004 and 8.6.2005 without consulting the residents.


culpable 词典解释

1. 应受责备的;难辞其咎的

If someone or their conduct is culpable, they are responsible for something wrong or bad that has happened.

e.g. Their decision to do nothing makes them culpable.


e.g. ...manslaughter resulting from culpable negligence.



He added there was clear culpability on the part of the government.

他补充说政府方面明显负有责任。culpable 单语例句

1. Hariri's killing sparked huge protests against Syria, which was widely seen as culpable.

2. The three defendants denied their culpable confessions in court, saying they made those statements under intimidation and inducement by police.

3. He has also ordered relevant agencies of government to track down whoever has done wrong and bringing whoever found culpable to book.

4. A pledge from a culpable business is like one from a naughty kid who says he'll not lie again.

5. Travolta claims Lightbourne threatened to " imply that the death of my son was intentional and I was culpable in some way ".

6. That was the first case in China where a market manager was found culpable.

7. An independent counsel had agreed not to consider whether former President Kim was culpable.

8. Those who are responsible for illegal, wrongful or prolonged detention shall be subjected to inquiry and punished if found culpable.

culpable 英英释义



1. deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious

e.g. blameworthy if not criminal behavior

censurable misconduct

culpable negligence

Synonym: blameworthyblamableblameableblamefulcensurable