

loose:[英 [lu:s] 美 [lus] ]


过去式:loosed;   过去分词:loosed;   现在分词:loosing;

loose 基本解释


形容词松的,宽的; 模糊的; 散漫的; 自由的

及物动词松开; 释放; 不受约束地表达; 射出(子弹、箭等)

不及物动词变得松散; 发射导弹; 开火


名词解放; 放任; 发射

loose 同义词




loose 反义词



loose 相关词组

1. hold loose : 漠然置之;

2. on the loose : 散漫, 行动不受限制, 放荡;

3. cut loose : 摆脱;

4. let loose : 释放, 放出;

5. at a loose end : 闲着;

loose 相关例句



1. Some loose pages fell out of the book.


2. The ringleader of the gang had one hand loose but the other was tied to another robber's.


3. She wore loose garments in the summer.



1. loose

1. She helped the child loose the laces of his shoes.


loose 网络解释

1. loose的解释

1. 宽松的:假如一个位址是被标示严谨的 (strict),也就是说这个节点必为芳邻 (neighbor) 或为先前的位址节点;假如一个位址是被标示为宽松的(loose),这个节点必不为先前节点的芳邻 (neighbor).

2. 松的:假如一个位址是被标示严谨的 (strict),也就是说这个节点必为芳邻 (neighbor) 或为先前的位址节点;假如一个位址是被标示为宽松的(loose),这个节点必不为先前节点的芳邻 (neighbor).

3. 松:采用了具独特光泽及穿著舒适感佳的功能性伸缩牛仔布做为本系列的诉求. E503 FLEX有效的利用具弹性的牛仔布素材,让消费者在选购牛仔裤的选择性更加宽广了!无论从合身(Tight) 到宽松(Loose),皆可依个人的喜好,穿出具有个人特色的牛仔造型.

loose 双语例句

1. We guarantee that every loose diamond we sell is graded in accordance with Gemological Institute of America standards.


2. Diamond Engagement Ring s, Hatton Garden Jewellers, Diamond Engagment Rings, Design Your Own Diamond Engagement Rings, bespoke wedding rings, Platinum Rings uk, gents gold Rings, commitment rings, sapphire engagement rings, Ruby Engagement Rings, London Jewellers, Luxury Jewellery, Tiffany Engagement Rings, Tiffany Lucida, Tiffany Etoile, Bespoke Jewellery, Handmade Engagement Rings uk, Custom-made Engagement Rings, Handcrafted Engagement Rings, Unusual Engagement Rings, luxury jewellers, Hand made rings, made by hand, uk london workshop, hatton garden diamond rings, in platinum, gold, silver, all handmade and handcrafted by master goldsmiths, custom made diamond rings, diamond engagement rings uk, emerald engagement rings, ruby engagement rings, haute jewellery, fine diamonds, bond street quality, london jeweller, yellow diamond engagement ring, diamond ring wedding, diamond mounter, diamond manufacturer, diamond setter, diamond polisher, excellent cut diamonds, diamond platinum ring, diamond eternity ring, exclusive jewellery designer, diamond ring solitaire, dubai diamonds, cheap diamonds rings dubai, diamond gold ring white, cooldiamonds, dejoria, david morris, cool diamonds, cool designer, diamond gold ring, cluster diamond ring, diamond ring uk, diamond engagement platinum ring, History of Eternity Rings, diamond ring trilogy, black diamond ring, diamond pink ring, designer diamond ring, diamond ring ruby, diamond eternity platinum ring, antique diamond ring, anniversary diamond ring, madarin garnet, diamond engagement gold ring white, diamond ring sapphire, 1 carat diamond ring, custom made eternity rings, diamond engagement ring solitaire, diamon engagemen rin, expensive diamond ring, harriet kelsall, 18k diamond ring, diamond platinum ring wedding, hot diamond, diamond earring, diamond jewelry, loose diamonds, pink sapphires and pink sapphire rings, english luxury jewellery uk, ethical diamonds, ethical jewellery, ethical jeweler, yellow diamonds, blod diamonds, conflict diamonds, clean diamonds, dimond engagement ring, ruby engagement ring, sapphire engagement rings, pearl engagement rings, emerald engagement rings, Agate, Alexandrite, Amazonite, Amber, Amethyst, Andalusite, Apatite, Aquamarine, Beryl, Black Diamonds, blue Diamonds, Brown Diamonds, Canary Diamonds, Carnelian, Cat's Eyes, Chalcedony, Champagne Diamonds, Chrysoberyl, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Cognac Diamonds, friendship rings, gay wedding rings, gay friendsh ip, Coral, Cornelian, Corundum, CZ - Cubic Zirconia, Demantoid Garnet, Emerald, Feldspar, Fluorspar, Fire Opal, Garnet, Glass, Green Diamonds, Haematite or Hematite, BBC, Hiddenite, Iolite, porn, Ivory, Jade, Jadeite, Jet, rappaport, Kunzite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Marcasite, Moissanite, Moonstone, Morganite, Nephrite, Onyx, Opal, Orange Diamonds, Padparascha or Padparadscha, Pearl, Peridot, Pink Diamonds, Prase, Purple Diamonds, Quartz, Red Diamonds, Rock Crystal, Rose Quartz, gemmologist, Ruby, Sapphire, Sard, Sardonyx, Sphene, Spinel, Spodumene, Star Stones, Sunstone, Tanzanite, Topaz, Topazolite, Tortoiseshell, Tourmaline, Tsavolite, Turquoise, Yellow Diamonds, Zircon, Zoisite, eternity rings, princess, marquise, oval diamond, round diamond, square diamond, emerald cut, trillion.


3. A sand dune with one slope was used as the simplied pattern of a loose slope. Two groups of centrifugal model tests on uniform sand with the sorting coefficient Ф=1 and non-uniform sand with the sorting coefficient Ф=3.10 were reported.

:基于自组织临界性理论,运用土工离心模型试验技术,开展了粒径为0.5~1.0 mm的均匀沙和非均匀系数φ=3.1的非均匀沙两种级配的散粒体沙堆模型试验。


4. I let in the salty pool Longma swig Qiongjiang, I loose the beast tied to a tree in the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.


5. loose的解释

5. This is the sound of the plastic clips and metal rim coming loose.


6. This is due to a more loose structure, resulting in collapsibility in water, of scallop muscle dried by oven.


7. It had been all hell let loose almost from the beginning.


8. The time of testing that marks and mightily enriches a soul's spiritual career is no ordinary one, but a period when all hell seems let loose, a period when we realize our souls are brought into a net, when we know that God is permitting us to be in the devil's hand.


9. The time of testing that marks and mightily enriches a soul`s spiritual career is no ordinary one, but a period when all hell seems let loose, a period when we realize our souls are brought into a net, when we know that God is permitting us to be in the devil`s hand.



10. When melted Ice cream rises up from a flat bottom ice cream bowl it would easily spill over. Then all hell let loose. A pleasant experience becomes a laundry time nightmare.

眼看它消失后流淌在平坦的碗底波动,偶尔一不小心,还会洒上书本,染上一片地毯,让原本幸福悠闲时刻,变成手忙脚乱的开始,究竟如何才能优雅地享用美味的ice cream?

11. Loose Change: Final Cut is the most explosive, and most important, political film of the decade.


12. The deficient of industry person with ability, one pair when cause SEM group to just be put on chessboard likely comes loose chess.


13. The result was the simplified loose, shift dress and short skirts.


14. This will soon be locked in epoxy putty, the bends in the wire will keep the wires from coming loose and turning.


15. The results demonstrated that laurocapram disrupts the highly ordered lipid structure of stratum comeum and makes the structurs of SC loose, which causes the outermost cell of SC easy to exfoliate and decreases the barrier function of skin for the transdermal absorption of drug; Meawhile, laurocapram penetrating into the intracellular matrix of SC cells fluidizes the filaggrin matrix protein and swells the dermal SC, which could increase the free volume of drug and water content in the SC.


16. loose

16. Taking the end of a loose thread from her waistcoat, she drew out a single strand of red silk, wound it around her little finger several times to make a ring, tied it off, and tucked it into the small pouch at her belt with the Dark Mirror.


17. Stop him heading home from one of his weekly treks into the bush, bow and arrow sling loose over his shoulder, you would typically find him laden with up to 110 lbs. of illegal meat.


18. He's a loose end.


19. You a loose end, if there is someone you do not'To run...


20. B:Oh, nothing special. I happen to be at a loose end.


loose 词典解释

1. 松动的;未固定牢的

Something that is loose is not firmly held or fixed in place.


e.g. If a tooth feels very loose, your dentist may recommend that it's taken out...


e.g. Two wooden beams had come loose from the ceiling...



Tim clasped his hands together and held them loosely in front of his belly.


2. 零散的;不相连的;松脱的

Something that is loose is not attached to anything, or held or contained in anything.


e.g. Two young men were racing motorcycles on the loose gravel...


e.g. Frank emptied a handful of loose change on the table...


3. 不受束缚的;未拴住的

If people or animals break loose or are set loose, they are no longer held, tied, or kept somewhere and can move around freely.


e.g. She broke loose from his embrace and crossed to the window...


e.g. Why didn't you tell me she'd been set loose?...


4. (衣服)宽松的,肥大的,宽大的

Clothes that are loose are rather large and do not fit closely.


e.g. A pistol wasn't that hard to hide under a loose shirt...


e.g. Wear loose clothes as they're more comfortable.



His shirt hung loosely over his thin shoulders.


5. (头发)披散的,散开的

If your hair is loose, it hangs freely round your shoulders and is not tied back.

e.g. She was still in her nightdress, with her hair hanging loose over her shoulders.


6. 疏松的;稀松的;结构不紧密的

If something is loose in texture, there is space between the different particles or threads it consists of.

e.g. She gathered loose soil and let it filter slowly through her fingers.


7. (分组、安排、组织等)松散的,随便的,自由的

A loose grouping, arrangement, or organization is flexible rather than strictly controlled or organized.

e.g. Murray and Alison came to some sort of loose arrangement before he went home...


e.g. He wants a loose coalition of leftwing forces.



The investigation had aimed at a loosely organised group of criminals.


8. 意义含糊的;不严谨的;不精确的

Loose words or expressions are not exact but rather vague.

e.g. ...a loose translation...


e.g. He despised loose thinking.



The book follows four characters, loosely based on my uncles.


9. 放荡的;淫荡的

If someone describes a woman or someone's behaviour as loose, they disapprove of that person because they think she or he has sexual relationships with too many people.

e.g. Is an actress who strips off in public necessarily a loose woman in private?...


e.g. Lust now seems to be associated with casual sex and loose morals.


10. 发射(子弹、箭、导弹等)

To loose a shot, arrow, or missile means to fire it.

e.g. He trained his gun down and loosed a brief burst.


11. 松开;放开;解开

If you loose something, you hold it less tightly or untie it slightly or completely.

e.g. He gave a grunt and loosed his grip on the rifle...


e.g. The guards loosed his arms.


12. 在逃

If a person or an animal is on the loose, they are free because they have escaped from a person or place.


e.g. Up to a thousand prisoners may be on the loose inside the jail...


e.g. A man-eating lion is on the loose somewhere in England.


13. a loose cannon -> see cannon

to cut loose -> see cut

all hell breaks loose -> see hell

to let someone loose -> see let

to play fast and loose -> see fast

Do not confuse loose and lose. Loose is usually an adjective. If something is loose, it is not properly fixed or held in place. ...the loose floorboards on the landing. ...a loose tooth. Lose is a verb. If you lose something, you no longer have it and cannot find it. I've lost my wallet. The past pariciple and past tense of lose are both lost.

不要混淆loose和lose。loose通常作形容词,表示不牢固或没有固定好,如:the loose floorboards on the landing(楼梯平台上松动的地板),a loose tooth(松动的牙齿)。lose则为动词,表示丢失,如:I've lost my wallet.(我丢了钱包)。lose的过去式和过去分词均为lost。

相关词组:loose off

loose 单语例句

1. The ox broke loose when a butcher tried slaughtering it and injured two members of the butcher's family as it ran out on the street.

2. Artest was chafed when he finished second to Wallace last season, partially because of his reputation as a loose cannon.

3. " Loose monetary policy and capital flows are likely to keep driving up Asian asset prices, " MacLeod wrote.

4. This view holds them guilty of loose market monitoring, while it acknowledges capital's greediness for maximum profit is just the law of nature.

5. There are already signs that business activity is picking up, thanks to loose credit and the decrease of industrial inventory.

6. " China will carry on with the proactive fiscal and moderately loose monetary policies, " Wen reiterated on his tour to Tangshan and Qinhuangdao.

7. Reducing interest rates is a much stronger signal than reducing the reserve rate ratio, which almost means the central bank will carry out some loose monetary policies.

8. Ford was hurt when Nets forward Vince Carter landed on his upper torso scrambling for a loose ball near the end of the first period.

9. Their song structures are purposely loose and there are few moments that could be called " catchy ".

10. Still, they got a third chance on March 19 when the smaller Jia broke loose.

loose 英英释义



1. become loose or looser or less tight

e.g. The noose loosened

the rope relaxed

Synonym: loosenrelax

2. make loose or looser

e.g. loosen the tension on a rope

Synonym: loosen

3. turn loose or free from restraint

e.g. let loose mines

Loose terrible plagues upon humanity

Synonym: unleashlet loose

4. grant freedom to

free from confinement

Synonym: freeliberatereleaseunlooseunloosen


1. not affixed

e.g. the stamp came loose

Synonym: unaffixed

2. casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior

e.g. her easy virtue

he was told to avoid loose (or light) women

wanton behavior

Synonym: easylightpromiscuoussluttishwanton

3. not compact or dense in structure or arrangement

e.g. loose gravel

4. (of a ball in sport) not in the possession or control of any player

e.g. a loose ball

5. emptying easily or excessively

e.g. loose bowels

Synonym: lax

6. not literal

e.g. a loose interpretation of what she had been told

a free translation of the poem

Synonym: freeliberal

7. having escaped, especially from confinement

e.g. a convict still at large

searching for two escaped prisoners

dogs loose on the streets

criminals on the loose in the neighborhood

Synonym: at large(p)escapedon the loose(p)

8. not tight

not closely constrained or constricted or constricting

e.g. loose clothing

the large shoes were very loose

9. not officially recognized or controlled

e.g. an informal agreement

a loose organization of the local farmers

Synonym: informal

10. not carefully arranged in a package

e.g. a box of loose nails

11. lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility

e.g. idle talk

a loose tongue

Synonym: idle

12. (of textures) full of small openings or gaps

e.g. an open texture

a loose weave

Synonym: open

13. not tense or taut

e.g. the old man's skin hung loose and grey

slack and wrinkled skin

slack sails

a slack rope

Synonym: slack



1. without restraint

e.g. cows in India are running loose

Synonym: free