

arsenic:[英 [ˈɑ:snɪk] 美 [ˈɑ:rsnɪk] ]


arsenic 基本解释


名词砷; 三氧化二砷,砒霜


arsenic 网络解释

1. 砷:大家都晓得,砷(Arsenic)是五价元素,原子外层有五个价电子,如果一个砷原子代替了一个矽原子,那麼砷的四个原子便填上了原来矽四个价电子的位置,但砷的第五个电子无处置身,尴尬得很.

2. 砒霜:[某些化疗药物]例如:环磷酰胺(cyclophosphamide)和砒霜(arsenic)等. [饮食结构]长期吃含硝酸盐的食品和高脂肪饮食的人群,患病率较高. [慢性感染]例如长期的慢性尿道感染. [家族遗传]祖辈中有患膀胱癌的人群,患病率会比其他人高.

3. 砷, 砒霜:准化组织(ISO) 5439二氧化硅(SiO2) X射线荧光光谱仪三氧化二铁(Fe2O3) 国际标准化组织(ISO) 9061碳酸钙(CaCO3) 国际标准化组织(ISO) 4283五氧化二磷(P2O5) 国际标准化组织(ISO) 6676三氧化二砷,砒霜(arsenic) 国际标准化组织(

4. 砷酸盐:approximation 近似 | arsenic 砷酸盐 | assembly 装配

arsenic 双语例句

1. Results Arsenic accumulation in sodium arsenite group 〔(3992±250) ng/g tissue〕 was higher than that of sodium arsenite group 〔2603±357ng/gtissue, P.05〕.

逆转录PCR技术测定小鼠肝组织中GSH-Px和GST-Pi mRNA的表达,以18S基因作为质控。

2. As for fine-grained Ta-Nb mineral, the flotation is generally adopted, and effective collectors is fatty acids, arsenic acids, phosphonic acids, hydroximic acids and cationics.


3. arsenic的反义词

3. Pregnancy weeks is the formation of various organs of embryonic period, when the embryo as being harmful toxic effects of occupational factors such as high concentrations of lead, methyl mercury, arsenic and the effects of radiation, often cause fetal birth defects occur.


4. Eg. Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Asbestos, Barium, Benzene, Cadmium, Chlorine, Cobalt, Copper, Fluoride, Formaldehyde, Gold, Isopropyl Alcohol, Lead, Mercury, Methyl Alcohol, Mold, Nickel, Parasites, PCBs, Platinum, Radioactive Materials, Stainless Steel, Thallium, Tin, Titanium, Uranium, and much more.


5. arsenic的反义词

5. Is it true the arsenic blackens silver?


6. Results This survey of drinking water covered 12 provinces, 186 counties, 4677 villages, 48689 water samples, 1336 samples being exceeding the standard and 342 villages having arsenic content in drinking water higher than 0.05 mg/L; 66312 people was investigated of arsenism, 3805 persons were positive, among whom 61 suffered from skin-cancer, the totalprevalence rate was 5.74%; 1250 projects improving water were investigated, 1040 was being normally used, accounting for 83.20%; 97 was discarded, accounting for 7.76%; 925 projects generating drinking water with an arsenic content lower than 0.05 mg/L.


7. Objective To observe the effect of unithiol for the treatment of arsenic apicitis.

目的 观察二巯基丙磺酸钠治疗砷性根尖炎的疗效。

8. Unithiol can be effectively used for the treatment of arsenic apicitis.


9. This paper has investigated effect of arsenic ion, (NH2)2CS and glue on the balance potential of copper cathode.


10. Abstract] Objective: To investigate Fas expression in renal glomerulus cells of chronic arsenic poisoned rats.


11. arsenic

11. Contamination of soils with arsenic, which was both toxic and carcinogenic, had received increasing concern in recent years.


12. Every day, millions of people around the world drink water from wells that are polluted with high levels of arsenic.


13. What precautions should be taken for the limit test for arsenic(Appendix VIII J, method 1)?


14. For example, after news reports last autumn about arsenic in U. S. rice, a top official at NutraCea, a company based in Phoenix, Arizona, that sells rice bran and bran extracts, in a letter to customers wrote that the levels found in U. S. rice are well within food tolerances established by the Food and Drug Administration.

例如,去年秋天关于大米中砷问题的新闻在美国报道后,总部设在亚利桑那州凤凰城,出售米糠和麸皮提取物公司的一位高级官员在 NutraCea 给客户的信中写道:在美国设立的稻米砷水平含量在 FDA 制定的食品中砷的限量范围内。

15. A heavy brittle diamagnetic trivalent metallic element (resembles arsenic and antimony chemically usually recovered as a by-product from ores of other metals.


16. For example, white stains have MgO, hydrotalcid, alumian, containingborates calcium、dionide, zinc oxide, arsenic, antimony oxide, silver, cerium compounds; red stains have basic lead chromate, lead kind of uranium yellow and oxymatrine of lead uranium, uranium, ND salt Cassius A50, red iron oxide and molysite CD、CU、se reaumuria, electrolyic, MN, and so on.


17. Some skin cancers are doing PUVA, arsenic occurs after treatment, or coated with coal tar, pine oil distillation system after the application of immunosuppressive drugs, and some had no apparent incentive.

有的 皮肤癌是在进行PUVA、砷剂治疗后发生或在外涂煤焦油、松馏油和系统应用免疫抑制剂后发生的,有的则无明显诱因。

18. Arsenic acid, trisilver salt; trisilver arsenate; silver arsenate...

砷酸银 silver arsenate 分子式:Ag3AsO4 性质:暗红色等轴晶系结晶。

19. A hydrometallurgical process is used to extract silver from silver sulfide concentrate bearing high manganese and high arsenic from Fenghuang mining area, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.


20. Because it can protect environment from being polluted, and arsenic can be obtained in a form of innocuity.


arsenic 词典解释

1. 砷;砒霜

Arsenic is a very strong poison which can kill people.

arsenic 单语例句

1. " We conclude that Guangxu died of acute arsenic poisoning, " said the report.

2. It often contains high levels of harmful substances like fluorine and arsenic, he said.

3. Industrial hydrogen peroxide contains arsenic, heavy metals and other toxic ingredients.

4. Also, it does not remove arsenic or other heavy metals from water.

5. " Only massive amounts of these combinations create arsenic, " she says.

6. The local disease control and prevention center confirmed it was arsenic poisoning after urine tests, and a team of medical personnel has been sent to the village.

7. The waste water containing arsenic overflew from the unnamed firm and polluted nearby ponds and underground water.

8. Chen's team established an experimental zone in Shimen two years ago, where they grew brake ferns to clean up the soil contaminated by arsenic.

9. Another group of researchers discovered a microbe can live on arsenic, expanding our understanding of how life can thrive under the harshest environments.

10. In 1998 the obvious outward signs of arsenic poisoning manifested themselves and his skin began to fester and crack.

arsenic的近义词arsenic 英英释义


1. a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms

arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys

found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar

Synonym: Asatomic number 33

2. a white powdered poisonous trioxide of arsenic

used in manufacturing glass and as a pesticide (rat poison) and weed killer

Synonym: arsenic trioxidearsenous anhydridearsenous oxidewhite arsenicratsbane