

delimit:[英 [diˈlɪmɪt] 美 [dɪˈlɪmɪt] ]


过去式:delimited;   过去分词:delimited;   现在分词:delimiting;

delimit 基本解释



delimit 网络解释

1. 定界:deletion n.删去(部分),删除 | delimit 定界 | delimiter 定界符

2. delimit

2. 定界限:delime 除石灰 | delimit 定界限 | delimitate 定界

3. delimit的反义词

3. 定义:delicateflutecast 细槽铸型 | delimit 定义 | delimitation 定界

delimit 双语例句

1. This paper analyses how to delimit working oil pressure and braking moment about the braking system of multi-cables hoisting, further gives the formulate about the relevance of working oil pressure and braking moment.



2. Now more and more many people drink do not delimit the fist because too quarrels, but changes swings the color.


3. Our object is to delimit the scope of our concerns and to specify the connections with other fields.


4. It is necessary to delimit the anomaly clearly.


5. I also don't know what kind of person I am, every friend have a different point of view to me, so, it's hard to delimit me objective, personally, I am a quiet person.


6. The quotes are not part of the string, but serve only to delimit it.


7. delimit

7. The common way to deal with them is to suppress and delimit them.


8. To delimit the border of transnational sub-regional economic cooperation is of great significance for the further researcher on it.


9. It is to do project module to delimit division of labor is made above all.


10. The located position and development of the disc was correlative with the development of other floral organs, which might provide insight to delimit Wikstroemia and Daphne based on different floral developmental pattern that might exist between the two genera.


11. Years in June 17 at present the aim changes yi the mountain is Huangshan Mountain; The Tang tianbao four years (the A. D. 745 years) delimit Shi Dixian, Jing xian each set up Taiping County Gantang, namely today Anhui Province Huangshan Mountain city Huangshan district.


12. Have scientific and reasonable sericiculture position to guide silkworm raiser, the article tries to be a sericiculture layout to Wu Jiang area to make with Cheng Ze discuss, aim to have the effect of cast a brick to attract jade-offer a few commonplace remarks by way of introduction so that others may come up with valuable opinions, and please industry colleague is sought jointly for layout of sericiculture of Wu Jiang city delimit.


13. Our understanding of the Essenes is determined to a large degree by how we delimit our sources.


14. They are located at the boundaries of differentially regulated genes and delimit their interactions by establishing independent chromatin structures.


15. The fishermen delimit up on the river ships, and salvage the expense of the real one.


16. All characters that have been used to delimit more narrowly defined species in other treatments of Chinese Clethra exhibit a strongly continuous pattern of variation from west to east across the range of the species in China (i. e., leaf size and shape, the number of secondary veins on each side of the midvein, anther size and shape they also exhibit geographically correlated or seemingly random patterns, but without correlated gaps in character states among any two or more characters (i. e., style pubescence, corolla abaxial surface, stamen exsertion).

用来界定更狭窄定义的中国的Clethra的其它种的全部特征,从中国种的分布区的西部到东部,展示了一种强烈的连续变异的样式(如,叶大小和形状,中脉每边次脉的数目,花药的大小和形状);他们还展示出地理分布的相关或好像随机的样式,但是在任何2或更多特征状态间没有相关的特征间隔(如,花柱被短柔毛,花冠背面、雄蕊伸出)。叶大小与形状,在中脉,花药大小与形状的每边次脉的数量;也的他们展览好象地理上有相互关联或随机模式,但是没有有相互关联特征差距在任何2 特征或更多中说明即,花柱短柔毛,花冠背面,雄蕊exsertion。

17. Nevertheless, paul also is not all pair of assistance accept everything, he gives himself formulate 5 principles: One of, the vehicle that the netizen that accepts Twitter website only provides and abode -- if nobody is supplied, street of bivouac of his would rather; Secondly, all capital can be used only buy food and drink; Thirdly, arrange 3 days of trechometer in to delimit only; Its 4, if got of an above aid financially, can undertake choosing.


18. What treat capital gains just about is different, delimit the public-operated of the state-owned economy of system of ownership of the whole people and governmental system of ownership economic bounds, distinguished the difference of state-owned company and joint stock company.


19. With cold water and flour dumpling, will face and for water and rub together into a big thick dough, cover so dry wet gauze or towels, placed an hour or so, the knife cut into a small hand or pick, knead the dough into 3 cm in diameter, director of the left hand knife cut or pick up these JiZi small, small JiZi with small roll into a rolling-pin slightly thicker among surrounding JiaoZiPi thinner, filling, knead a form, the first corner or cold water to boil, to begin with LouShao or after the spoon down pot convex clockwise or anti-clockwise delimit along the arc shape case, and cook until dumpling jiaozi adhesions on surface can (such as floating in boiling for meat can add a little cold when the burn, repeated again 3 times).



20. The small tadpole sees the small duck to delimit with mother in the water delimits, remembered own mother to come.


delimit 词典解释

1. 确定…的界限;限定;划定…的边界

If you delimit something, you fix or establish its limits.

e.g. This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.


delimit 单语例句

1. China holds to delimit the East China Sea on the principle of the natural extension of its continental shelf.

delimit的意思delimit 英英释义


1. set, mark, or draw the boundaries of something

Synonym: demarcatedelimitate

2. determine the essential quality of

Synonym: specifydefinedelineatedelimitate

3. be opposite to

of angles and sides, in geometry

Synonym: subtend