

contingency:[英 [kənˈtɪndʒənsi] 美 [kənˈtɪndʒənsi] ]



contingency 基本解释

名词意外事故,偶发事件; 可能性,偶然性; [审计]意外开支

contingency 相关例句


1. contingency的意思

1. We must always be prepared for every contingency.


2. Be prepared for any contingency.


contingency 网络解释

1. 不可预见费:比如 , 投标人在投标降价函中笼统宣称将投标总价降低某一百分比 , 在标前谈判过程中 , 业主就可能要求投标人接受这样的降价结果 : 即先以投标总价乘以降价百分比得到降价的绝对金额, 然后再除以合同净价( 即总标价减去税金、不可预见费(Contingency), 暂定金额 (P

contingency 双语例句

1. Considering the aspect of practicality and economy, contingency plan should increase the necessary emergency facilities on the basis of existing waterworks facilities in the water plant. By simulating waterworks in the day-to-day production, the pilot test model was used to conduct a feasibility study of emergency measures as strengthened conventional treatment, activated carbon adsorption, chemical oxidation, and so on.


2. Contingency funds are added to the loan amount just in case you need more money to build your new home.


3. contingency什么意思

3. The two things most customers do not factor into the cost of the building their new home are interest reserves and contingency funds.



4. The outlets in asset management consulting are numerous in banks, insurance companies, retirement and contingency funds, independent consultancies.


5. But due to the complexity of the project itself and the environment around it, it's difficult to decide how to make use of contingency funds while regulating quality or time limit for a project and realize the ultimate project objectives ultimately.


6. Contingency management, together with contingency funds, included in the project budget, is an effective way to realize the ultimate project objectives.


7. Contingency management; contingency funds; non-linear; decision-making; intelligent administration


8. Contingency funds might be allocated to take advantage of positive impacts, or a specific fallback plan could be developed for use if we were lucky and the opportunity happened.


9. contingency

9. Which of the following is LEAST true about contingency reserve?


10. Good plans should include appropriate levels of contingency or reserve, to respond to emergent threats and opportunities.


11. contingency的近义词

11. The contingency reserve analysis is done in which of the following process?


12. Fifth are reserves; consisting of interest reserve and contingency reserve.


13. Quantify the extent of the risk on the project and to determine the costs of the necessary arrangements and the size of the contingency reserve.


14. D. Contingency reserve is the sum of expected monetary values.


15. Does the bank require a contingency and an interest reserve account?


16. Policy shall forthwith terminate and become void at the time and upon the conditions provided in the Policy for such contingency.


17. When you come riding Shinto Rock Basilica will feel the immediate reforms black streams at the foot of remote contingency left alone in front of miles-rock blast surrounding rock right in front of the soaring rock-wing Chui days the public is the front-Tianzhufeng arch supporters was full of Castle Peak fog enveloped Lin Qiong Court Palace Dan Greenfield wall tile people instantly Durian For cents feeling.


18. contingency

18. The doctor, who is something of a gadget freak, was equipped for any contingency.


19. Circumfusing seeking the appropriate motivation model which adapts to the reality of enterprise, this paper which is based on three theories (human capital theory, motivation theory and contingency theory) forms motivation and restriction system matching market economy, and researches contingency motivation strategy, human capital pricing and human resource restriction to make human capital contribute more to the economic benefit of enterprise.


20. This paper uses a fast, efficient search method to construct the candidate set of feasible restoration plans satisfying the voltage and current constraints of the distribution system and evaluates them based on three criteria: number of switching, amount of live load transfer and contingency preparedness by applying fuzzy set technique. This method can generate the most preferable restoration plan for the operator.


contingency 词典解释

1. 可能发生的事;不测之事;突发事件

A contingency is something that might happen in the future.

e.g. I need to examine all possible contingencies.


2. (计划或措施)未雨绸缪的,应急的

A contingency plan or measure is one that is intended to be used if a possible situation actually occurs.


e.g. We have contingency plans.


contingency 单语例句

1. He added there are contingency plans for water cannon to be used at 24 hours'notice.

2. Chemical warfare vehicles and gas masks were sent in to deal with that contingency.

3. Following an urgent circular the Ministry of Agriculture issued last weekend, animal epidemic prevention centres nationwide have put contingency plans into place and tightened monitoring.

4. The ministry asked local authorities to keep a close watch on the market, and work out contingency plans to cope with increased demand for oil during the winter.

5. Contingency plans were being set up last night as continued rain pushed water levels upwards and tropical storm Morakot headed towards the country's eastern coastline.

6. War contingency legislation has long been perceived as symbolic of the shift in Japan's security strategy since the start of the Cold War.

7. Chow added the government will consider administering vaccines and requiring private enterprises to kickstart their business contingency and continuity plans.

8. But the Americans were unprepared and had to develop contingency plans for every conceivable emergency.

9. The contingency legislation provides complete legal procedures for revising Japan's postwar pacifist constitution and striding toward amassing military might.

10. " We've asked for the contingency plans, " Verbruggen said.

contingency 英英释义



1. a possible event or occurrence or result

Synonym: eventualitycontingence

2. the state of being contingent on something