

move:[英 [mu:v] 美 [muv] ]


过去式:moved;   过去分词:moved;   现在分词:moving;   复数形式:moves;

move 基本解释



不及物动词行动; 搬家; 进展; (机器等)开动

及物动词提议; 使感动; 摇动; 变化

名词改变; 迁移

move 同义词




move 反义词


move 相关词组

1. get a move on : 赶快;

2. move over : 移动一下;

3. move out : 搬出, 出发;

4. move on : 继续前进;

5. move in : 生活于, 迁入;

6. on the move : 在活动中, 在发展, 活跃;

7. move off : 离开, 死, 畅销;

8. move along : 继续向前或后移动, 往里走;

9. move in on : 潜近..., 企图夺取(某物), 企图从(某人)处夺取东西;

10. move up : 向前移动, 上升;

11. move upon : 进逼;

12. make a move : 走一步, 朝...走去, 开始行动;

13. move about : 走来走去, 经常搬家;

move 相关例句


1. What moved you to do this?


2. The foreign tourists were moved with admiration at the magnificent view of the Great Wall.



3. The wind was moving the branches.



1. The public health bureau moved to curb hepatitis.




1. With one move he was by her side.


move 情景对话



A:You can move your stuff in (tomorrow/ this weekend/ whenever you want).






A:Huh? I cant hear you over this music.


B:Can I move closer to you?


A:Mmmm, sure.


B:Rose, I really miss our piano lessons.


A:I could help you find a teacher in Hsinchu...


B:Well, Id like you to be my teacher. I miss you, Rose.


A:Oh, I miss you too.




A:Stand back from the door, please. There’re plenty of seats in the rear.


B:What’s the fare, please?


A:One yuan fifty cents. Drop it in the box here.

1 元5 角,把它放进箱子里。


B:Is this the right bus to Zizhuyuan Park?


A:Take a No.2. This is No.12.

应该乘2 路车,这是12 路。

B:But somebody told me this was the right bus to take. I want to go to Tian’anmen Square, you see.



A:Then this is the right bus. Move on, please. You’re holding up the passengers. Tian’anmen Square is the last stop but one.


B:Would you please let me know when we get there?



A:Sure thing. I’ll shout it out.


move 网络解释

1. 移动 移动:你跟你的心仪对象可能光临(或换场)的地点有三种: 邂逅地点→建立舒适感地点→性爱地点 A ○ 地点变换 游戏中常发生的变换地点(或换场)有三种方式:就是移动 移动(move) 护送(bounce)与时 ,护送时 移动 护送 间桥梁(time bridge) .在此仅简要叙述,

2. 走:不过,游戏有一些烦人的缺点,就是在行走(Move)时,要点击左下方的Move才能,不像我们现在的即时战略游戏一样点右键(或左键)即走,其次,就是兽族的实力太弱,而人类的实力太强.

3. move:mov; 传送指令

4. move:management of value engineering; 价值工程管理

move 双语例句

1. move

1. But the tendency that at present economics also puts in a move in chess or a movement in wushu to learn formalism, caused the criticism of a few economist.


2. In this research at first the six factors affecting rainfall were chosen, as the input variables. They are the minimum atomospheric pressure, maximum wind velocity near typhoon center, move speed of typhoon center, the radius of typhoon, the shortest distance between typhoon center and Taipei monitoring station, station humidity.


3. Your left thumb is invited to push the S button, a controversial move that quickens the throttle response, ups the in-cabin noise level, and pneumatically narrows the side bolsters until it hurts.


4. The article writes freely at will, full of vigor, recount the dint to avoid even spread to keep the xu, communicate officially to jump up to tremble to move much, the details is breathtaking and suspicious but again not disobey the reason, open up the jing to build the idea, beg intentionally lately.


5. BE seeing recently 《fall to the ground to please to open a cellular phone 》, followed a plot to cry some times ……originally still some things can move me of, originally think oneself already numbness, the other people's affair has nothing to do with me forever, it is an impossible detrition to originally have some hypostatic thing.


6. move在线翻译

6. Opening the social security fund Yin Zhengyi, an analyst said the market should be concerned about the move


7. Oddly shaped forms that are suspended from the ceiling and move in response to a gust of wind are quite familiar to every- body.


8. move

8. I mean, I need you to move aside, you sure you even brushed your teeth~!


9. move什么意思

9. I move aside to avoid his presence but I escape him not.


10. move

10. So, we think it is absolutely obvious that he is incapable of governing and the best thing to do is move aside.


11. If we were to cut part of this out just like that, and we were able to move this aside, and say this is what it looks like underneath.


12. Today can absorb one of the most important element is that we continue to move forward.


13. Today can absorb one of the most important element is that we constantly move forward.


14. Google in effect controls a dial that, as it sells ever more services to you, could move in two directions.


15. move

15. Events move at lightning speed and the whole family, including beautiful twin sister Jade, are affected.

所有周围的人与事都改变了,其中包括她的双胞胎姐妹 Jade。

16. A positive move closer to the party, and through the school course of study carried out by the party members have a better knowledge and understanding.


17. move什么意思

17. In the ideology and morality, I have a good moral self-cultivation, and there is firm political direction of the country concerned about the situation of news, a positive move closer to the organization so that our party and I have a more profound understanding.


18. move的近义词

18. Ideology demanded progress, and efforts to move closer to the party organizations, the firm conviction, pay attention to their own culture and moral cultivation of the increase.


19. If the organization has not approved my request to join the party, I would like to move closer to party organizations, to actively report on the organization's thinking of the individual activities, work, study and become an exemplary life, do our own work, so that the organization had told me in a deeper, more Scrutiny.


20. An to clear and approximately six weeks later my right leg began to move ever so slightly.


move 词典解释

1. (使)移动;(使)活动

When you move something or when it moves, its position changes and it does not remain still.


e.g. She moved the sheaf of papers into position...


e.g. You can move the camera both vertically and horizontally...


2. 改变姿势;移动位置

When you move, you change your position or go to a different place.


e.g. She waited for him to get up, but he didn't move...


e.g. There was so much furniture you could hardly move without bumping into something...


3. 采取行动;开始行动

If you move, you act or you begin to do something.

e.g. Industrialists must move fast to take advantage of new opportunities in Eastern Europe.


4. 步骤;措施

A move is an action that you take in order to achieve something.

e.g. The one point cut in interest rates was a wise move...


e.g. It may also be a good move to suggest she talks things over...


5. 搬家;迁移

If a person or company moves, they leave the building where they have been living or working, and they go to live or work in a different place, taking their possessions with them.

e.g. My family home is in York-shire and they don't want to move...


e.g. She had often considered moving to London...


6. 调动;派遣

If people in authority move someone, they make that person go from one place or job to another one.

e.g. His superiors moved him to another parish...


e.g. Ms Clark is still in position and there are no plans to move her...


7. 变换职业;改变兴趣

If you move from one job or interest to another, you change to it.

e.g. He moved from being an extramural tutor to being a lecturer in social history...


e.g. In the early days Christina moved jobs to get experience.


8. 改变(谈话内容);转到(新的话题)

If you move to a new topic in a conversation, you start talking about something different.


e.g. Let's move to another subject, Dan.


9. 改变(…的日期)

If you move an event or the date of an event, you change the time at which it happens.


e.g. The club has moved its meeting to Saturday, January 22nd...


e.g. The band have moved forward their Leeds date to October 27.


10. 变得;转而

If you move towards a particular state, activity, or opinion, you start to be in that state, do that activity, or have that opinion.

e.g. The Labour Party has moved to the right and become like your Democrat Party...


e.g. It is already possible to start moving toward the elimination of nuclear weapons...


11. 发展;前进;进展

If a situation or process is moving, it is developing or progressing, rather than staying still.

e.g. Events are moving fast...


e.g. Someone has got to get things moving.


12. 动摇;改变…的主意

If you say that you will not be moved, you mean that you have come to a decision and nothing will change your mind.


e.g. Everyone thought I was mad to go back, but I wouldn't be moved.


13. 促使;驱使

If something moves you to do something, it influences you and causes you to do it.

e.g. It was punk that first moved him to join a band seriously...


e.g. The president was moved to come up with these suggestions after the hearings.


14. 感动;打动

If something moves you, it has an effect on your emotions and causes you to feel sadness or sympathy for another person.

e.g. These stories surprised and moved me...


e.g. His prayer moved me to tears.



Those who listened to him were deeply moved.


15. 活跃,出入,涉足(于某团体、领域或圈子)

If you say that someone moves in a particular society, circle, or world, you mean that they know people in a particular social class or group and spend most of their time with them.

e.g. She moves in high-society circles in London...


e.g. They moved in a world where hostility to racists was natural.


16. (在会议上)提出(动议)

At a meeting, if you move a motion, you formally suggest it so that everyone present can vote on it.

e.g. Labour quickly moved a closure motion to end the debate...


e.g. I move that the case be dismissed.


17. 一步(棋);一着(棋)

A move is an act of putting a chess piece or other counter in a different position on a board when it is your turn to do so in a game.

e.g. With no idea of what to do for my next move, my hand hovered over the board.


18. 鲁莽之举;不明智之举

If you say that one false move will cause a disaster, you mean that you or someone else must not make any mistakes because the situation is so difficult or dangerous.

e.g. He knew one false move would end in death.


19. 快点;抓紧点

If you tell someone to get a move on, you are telling them to hurry.

20. 离开;出发

If you make a move, you prepare or begin to leave one place and go somewhere else.

e.g. He glanced at his wristwatch. 'I suppose we'd better make a move.'


e.g. He made a move to leave.


21. 采取行动

If you make a move, you take a course of action.

e.g. The week before the deal was supposed to close, fifteen Japanese banks made a move to pull out...


e.g. Don't wait for others to make the first move: invite friends to visit you.


22. 在行进;在迁移

If you are on the move, you are going from one place to another.

e.g. Jack never wanted to stay in one place for very long, so they were always on the move.


23. to move the goalposts -> see goalpost

to move heaven and earth -> see heaven

to move a muscle -> see muscle

相关词组:move aboutmove alongmove aroundmove awaymove downmove inmove intomove offmove onmove outmove overmove up

move 单语例句

1. Analysts had widely expected the move following business indicators suggesting the economy could be heading for an even deeper recession than most people had predicted.

2. The business opportunity made them decide to move to the city and open a flower shop here.

3. It was a deliberate move to launch business relations with the West.

4. Banks welcomed the move which represented fresh business opportunities and the chance to utilize soaring foreign exchange savings deposits more efficiently.

5. The retail expansion is part of Microsoft's strategy to move its business beyond software into hardware and other areas.

6. Some analysts interviewed by China Business Weekly say the market correction is normal, and it is just to help market move towards a healthier growth path.

7. The move came after the civil aviation authority was recently questioned over how flight slots are allocated at busy airports.

8. Li Na's wish to stay at home more during the busy WTA season has come true as two tournaments will move to China next year.

9. The move came following Alibaba's failed attempts to buy back a stake owned by Yahoo last year.

10. The was CIC's second move within one month to buy shares in overseas oil and gas companies.

move 英英释义


1. the act of deciding to do something

e.g. he didn't make a move to help

his first move was to hire a lawyer

2. (game) a player's turn to take some action permitted by the rules of the game

3. the act of changing your residence or place of business

e.g. they say that three moves equal one fire

Synonym: relocation

4. the act of changing location from one place to another

e.g. police controlled the motion of the crowd

the movement of people from the farms to the cities

his move put him directly in my path

Synonym: motionmovement

5. a change of position that does not entail a change of location

e.g. the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise

movement is a sign of life

an impatient move of his hand

gastrointestinal motility

Synonym: motionmovementmotility



1. be in a state of action

e.g. she is always moving

Synonym: be active

2. go or proceed from one point to another

e.g. the debate moved from family values to the economy

3. progress by being changed

e.g. The speech has to go through several more drafts

run through your presentation before the meeting

Synonym: gorun

4. propose formally

in a debate or parliamentary meeting

Synonym: make a motion

5. have a turn

make one's move in a game

e.g. Can I go now?

Synonym: go

6. give an incentive for action

e.g. This moved me to sacrifice my career

Synonym: motivateactuatepropelpromptincite

7. have an emotional or cognitive impact upon

e.g. This child impressed me as unusually mature

This behavior struck me as odd

Synonym: affectimpressstrike

8. arouse sympathy or compassion in

e.g. Her fate moved us all

9. move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion

e.g. He moved his hand slightly to the right

10. change location

move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically

e.g. How fast does your new car go?

We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus

The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect

The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell

news travelled fast

Synonym: travelgolocomote

11. cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense

e.g. Move those boxes into the corner, please

I'm moving my money to another bank

The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant

Synonym: displace

12. change residence, affiliation, or place of employment

e.g. We moved from Idaho to Nebraska

The basketball player moved from one team to another

13. dispose of by selling

e.g. The chairman of the company told the salesmen to move the computers

14. perform an action, or work out or perform (an action)

e.g. think before you act

We must move quickly

The governor should act on the new energy bill

The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel

Synonym: act

15. follow a procedure or take a course

e.g. We should go farther in this matter

She went through a lot of trouble

go about the world in a certain manner

Messages must go through diplomatic channels

Synonym: goproceed

16. live one's life in a specified environment

e.g. she moves in certain circles only