

ray:[英 [reɪ] 美 [re] ]


过去式:rayed;   过去分词:rayed;   现在分词:raying;   复数形式:rays;

ray 基本解释

名词(热或其他能量的)射线; 光束,光线; 微量; 伞形花序柄

及物动词放射; 照射; (思想,希望等)闪现; 发光

ray 相关例句


1. His eyes rayed out intelligence.



1. The sun was raying across the garden.



1. ray的反义词

1. I was left without a ray of hope.


2. My eyes were blinded by the direct rays of light.


3. ray的意思

3. The gun can fire invisible rays.



4. A ray of light pierced the darkness.


ray 网络解释

1. ray

1. 鳐鱼:第二,三潜分别在Toopua 和Anau,是lagoon里面,能见度相对低一些,不过这正适合鳐鱼(ray)生存. 最后一潜在Tapu,我第一个入水,一下去,低头一看,三条有两米长的Lemon Shark就晃晃悠悠的游了过来 snorkeling

2. 射线:命令介绍6-2 画圆命令(CIRCLE)介绍6-3 圆弧命令(ARC)介绍6-4 多边形命令(POLYGON)介绍6-5 绘制点命令(POIN)介绍6-7 修剪命令(TAIM)介绍6-8 多段线命令(PLINE)介绍6-9 画构造线(XLINE)命令介绍6-10 射线(RAY)命令介绍6-11

ray 双语例句

1. This is in agreement with the above resultby x-ray analysis.


2. Nano MoS 2 thin films were successfully fabricated on glass substrate by dip coating thermolysis technique. The microstructure, morphology and tribological properties of MoS 2 thin films were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy, X ray photoelectron spectrometry, atomic force microscopy, and dynamic static friction and wear testing.

用浸涂 -热解法在玻璃基底表面制备了纳米 Mo S2 薄膜,利用 X射线光电子能谱仪、X射线粉末衍射仪、原子力显微镜、静-动摩擦系数测量仪和扫描电子显微镜等仪器研究了薄膜的微观结构、表面形貌和摩擦学性能,初步探讨了薄膜的摩擦磨损机制。

3. RESULTS: After six weeks of implantation, x-ray film showed high-density signal, osteoid tissue formed under histological examination. Large amount of new bone were formed and connected to trabecularism 8 weeks after implantation in the experimental group.

结果 实验组6 周时大体标本浅红色,X 线片有较高密度阻射影像,组织学检查可见有新骨形成; 8 周时大体标本呈红色,质硬,X 线阻射影像密度更高,镜下可见大量新骨形成并相互连接成骨小梁样结构,骨细胞位于陷窝中。

4. For example, the naturalγlogging is to measure theγ-ray of rock itself; theγ-γlogging is to measure the scatteringγ-ray by a artificialγsource radiation to rock; the neutron capture logging is to measure the characteristic-energyγ-ray from low-energy neutron capture by the neutron irradiation of rock; and the neutron activation logging is to measure the activationγ-ray by the neutron irradiation of rock.


5. UVD supports Blue- Ray and HD-DVD content, whilst offloading power and processor-intensive video decoding from the CPU to the graphics core.

UVD技术支持蓝光和HD - DVD内容,同时卸载权力和处理器密集型的视频解码的CPU的图形核心。

6. The applications and Luminescence of rare earth oxysulfide excitated under X-ray.


7. The structure was elucidated by spectral analysis and confirmed by X-ray single crystal refraction analysis. This compound showed biological activity as plant growth regulator.


8. X-ray was used to check the development of their left carpal bones and the adolescent height spurt status was evaluated according to X-ay pictures and based on Grave's index.


9. Think about myself, I can not help but shame, there is a ray of my heart can not erase the stigma.



10. That dreadful greenish blue color ray although has not gotten their life, but already caused them to be crazy actually.



11. That left only one match to play as the now-well-rested Nevel defending against Ray for the second time.


12. Finally, the radial dispersion of stationary vortex Rossby wave is discussed with wave ray method.


13. Methods 102 patients with severe bradycardia were divided into two groups. 48 patients were given floating catheter transvenously for temporary cardiac pacing at bedside, while 54 patients were given regular transvenous cardiac pacing under X-ray direction. Operation achievement ratio, operation time, pacing parameter and complication incidence were observed in both groups.


14. This research subject is to prepare skimed milk powder containing Nisin and toapplicate it in dairy products. Research results are as follow:A mutant strain with hight yield of Nisin was obtained from lactococcus lactis 2379 by many mutagenetic treatment with ultraviolet ray and CsCL. Compared with primitive strain, the Nisin potency of the mutant strain was increased by over 32%.



15. Furthermore, assuming the gas is in the hydrodynamic equilibrium, the volume filling factor of the X-ray gas, b, is found to be about 0.69±0.28. Moreover, the parameters of the relativistic particles of the radio gas are estimated, and then the impact of the expansion of the radio gas on the cooling flow is considered.


16. We propose a build to low energy γ ray beam line at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility. By Compton back scattering of infrared or far infrared laser lights from 3.5 GeV electrons circulating in the storage ring of SSRF, high intense quasi monochromatic BCS γ rays with high linear or circular polarization ranging 1-25MeV will be produced.

提出在筹建的上海同步辐射装置上建造一条MeV量级γ射线束及应用站,采用μm波长的红外激光与储存环中 3 。5GeV电子束进行康普顿背散射,从而获得能区为 1— 2 5MeV的康普顿背散射γ光子束,该光子束具有高强度、高极化度、准单色、方向性好的优点,可以广泛地应用于核物理和核天体物理基础研究及相关的应用研究领域。


17. Key words] acute intracranial hematoma; three-dimensional reconstruction; tomography, X-ray computed


18. ray的反义词

18. They also found something which the X-ray plates did not show, a small figure of the god Duamutef.


19. ray什么意思

19. Part two: A new simple method of producing NH_4V_3O_8 and (NH_4)_2V_6O_(16) has been reported in this paper. This two compounds are characterized by element analysis, infrared spectrum, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrum and X-ray powder pattern at room temperature.


20. Beech lumber possesses beautiful xylem rays, but it checks easily in ray orientation during its drying.


ray 词典解释

1. 光线;光束

Rays of light are narrow beams of light.

e.g. ...the first rays of light spread over the horizon...


e.g. It can be seen clearly in a ray of sunlight or under a lamp...


2. 一丝,一线(希望、慰藉等)

A ray of hope, comfort, or other positive quality is a small amount of it that you welcome because it makes a bad situation seem less bad.

e.g. They could provide a ray of hope amid the general business and economic gloom...


e.g. The one ray of sunlight in this depressing history is her meeting and falling in love with Martin.


3. 鳐;魟

A ray is a fairly large sea fish which has a flat body, eyes on the top of its body, and a long tail.

ray 单语例句

1. When Ray Kroc died in 1984 at age 81, his wife succeeded him as the Padres'owner and chairwoman.

2. But Rossi's aversion to the Motegi circuit will offer Hayden a ray of hope as he tries to fight off the Italian's charge.

3. When a ray of sunlight managed to slip through the clouds, water droplets clinging to spiders'webs and blades of grass glittered like crystal glass.

4. After a month of witnessing so much death and devastation in Sichuan, it was refreshing to see such a little ray of sunshine come into the world.

5. The museum also encompasses the flophouse across the street from which confessed killer James Earl Ray admitted firing the fatal shot.

6. None of this seems to have troubled the producers of the TV program, who report the cosmic ray theory as if it trounces all competing explanations.

7. One unknown about gamma ray bursts is how many particles they spew as cosmic rays.

8. But what Ray Davies of the Kinks was referring to was the then British Labor government's credit squeeze.

9. The example is Timothy Ray Brown of San Francisco, the first person in the world apparently cured of AIDS.

10. Some scientists of the time described Darwin's words as a stabbing ray of light, a simple but brilliant illumination.

rayray 英英释义


1. cartilaginous fishes having horizontally flattened bodies and enlarged winglike pectoral fins with gills on the underside

most swim by moving the pectoral fins

2. any of the stiff bony spines in the fin of a fish

3. the syllable naming the second (supertonic) note of any major scale in solmization

Synonym: re

4. a column of light (as from a beacon)

Synonym: beambeam of lightlight beamray of lightshaftshaft of lightirradiation

5. a group of nearly parallel lines of electromagnetic radiation

Synonym: beamelectron beam

6. a branch of an umbel or an umbelliform inflorescence

7. (mathematics) a straight line extending from a point


1. expose to radiation

e.g. irradiate food

Synonym: irradiate

2. extend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center

e.g. spokes radiate from the hub of the wheel

This plants radiate spines in all directions

Synonym: radiate

3. emit as rays

e.g. That tower rays a laser beam for miles across the sky