

rise:[英 [raɪz] 美 [raɪz] ]


过去式:rose;   过去分词:risen;   现在分词:rising;

rise 基本解释


不及物动词上升; 增强; (数量)增加; 休会

名词兴起; (数量或水平的)增加; (数量、价格、价值等的)增长; (日、月等的)升起

及物动词使…浮上水面; 使(鸟)飞起; 复活; 发酵

rise 同义词


动词rebelgrowget upstandrise upmountgainmutinyappearliftarisecome upmove upstartadvanceascendclimbriotbeginincreasego uporiginateupriserevolt


rise 反义词




rise 相关词组

1. give rise to : 引起;

2. rise again : 死而复生;

3. rise to the occasion : 应付自如;

4. on the rise : 在上涨, 在增长;


rise 相关例句


1. rise在线翻译

1. They rose to the occasion.


2. He rose and left the room.


3. rise

3. Our confidence rises.


4. The sun rose at seven o'clock.



1. His rise to power surprised me.


rise 网络解释


1. 增量:坡度百分比(percent slope) :既高程增量(rise)与水平增量(run)之比的百分数 (如图 10-11) . 图 10-11 坡度的两种计算方法 坡度与坡向的计算通常在 3×3的 Dem 栅格窗口(如图 10-12)中进行,对 3×3 栅格 的高程值采用一个几何平面来拟合,

2. rise的翻译

2. 升:(1)塞进了不恰当的编舞; (2) 把原来富有特色的踏进地板的探戈舞步基础动作变为身躯飘飘然的舞蹈动作;(3) 在许多舞步花样中加进了上升(Rise)动作!艺术标准和优秀促进委员会(CASE)支持这个建议,特别推荐采纳该建议为比赛中的规则,

3. rise的解释

3. rise:rising in excitement; 兴


4. rise:research in supersonic environment; 超声环境的研究

5. rise:real-time integrated services ethernet; 硬实时综合业务以太网

rise 双语例句

1. This product cure illness the mechanism of the health care is:The jade can lower a, stabilizing the brain to press, the jade implies beneficial and various chemical elements of human body, person's brain connect the Cape jade and will produce the static electricity magnetic field, can dredge the axis veins and arteries of the brain; A behavior of each jade brain of the jade pillow orders contact more, have the function of stimulate the massage to the brain nerve acupuncture points, and can promote cerebral blood circulation, thus rise the town to calm down to tranquilize the nerves, dredge the veins and arteries, annoy the blood flowing freely, internal organs Anne and of function.


2. Patterns of sea-surface temperature which come and go, rather than absolute levels that continue to rise, may be the important thing.


3. Don't be tension, please take it easy2.If without ther help, we will dead.3.The only important way what you lawing.4.Must be carefully when you use these radioactivity things.5.This matter will be make the price of per tank suddenly rise to $50, then last on several months.


4. rise

4. But throughout az-Zayn's lifetime the Qadiriyya clearly wielded considerable influence in Mecca, Medina, and the Yemen, and by the end of az-Zayn's life the Khalwatiyya, too, had begun their rise to prominence.


5. You talk to me you speak with me, don't sink before you rise baby don't fade away you hesitate you seem to wait for all the time we had feels like a world away who's to say we'll be ok we're gonna make it through the night don't wanna wake up in this state i just want us both to smile cause we're the same and i know that we'll never change look i bought your favourite ice cream i don't wanna see it melt away if you walk out now i don't know if we're gonna be the same baby just talk with me cause i want you to stay here with me i want you to stay here with me



6. Despite Ms McLoughlin's high profile spending sprees the pair have seen their wealth rise from E6 million to E20 million.


7. Of labour force quality rise, the construction of manpower capital, having important sense to our country.


8. First half of 2004, housing prices began to steadily rise, the average price of 6698 yuan/sq m, an increase of 10.94%.

2004年上半年,房地产价格开始稳步上升,平均价格六千六百九十八元/平方米,同比增长10.94 %。

9. Therefore, the gas flow was analyzed using numerical analysis and was corroborated by experimental measurements with particular attention paid to the conditions giving rise to sub-ambient aspiration pressure in the gas-only condition, i. e., without any melt flow.


10. Now, Australia is basically to stop the price rise.


11. These are price levels that seem to stop the index rise.


12. First of all, tea customs in the rise of the monastery; Second, the Zen Buddhist, and the Tang Dynasty scholar-officials close to the temple monks, romantic pursuit of a refined way of life with the perfect ideal personality, often in the poetry of Zen temples, monks tea to guests to the literati poet To make friends, tea with the monks into civilian exchanges between the media.


13. The major results showed that the DO content and saturation showed the first rise after lower from spring to winter, the lowest in the autumn; the concentrations of PO4-P and DIN were also reduced after the first increase, just the very low values appeared in summer; while the SiO3-Si was different, it'...


14. rise什么意思

14. CO2 and H2S exist in the hydrocarbon zone and foramtion water, as the accompany gases of petroleum and nature gaso or components of formation water, which will cause corrostion to the cement sheath under certain conditions of humidity and pressure. It will decrease the cement sheath`s alkalinity, which results in the decrease of cement sheath`s strength, permeability increase, and places a premium on fluid channeling and borehole wall sloughs accident in plastic formation, shortening the oil- gas well`s production lifetime and giving rise to tremendous ecomonic losses.


15. rise在线翻译

15. Airport Road, Xiamen and Hong Kong films, the district, the Chinese, such as Area and the Old City district岭北demolition resettlement will release a large number of buyers demand; 300 major industrial projects in this year will be started, a large number of new executives will become the market demand One of the main targets; people to improve their living environment, improve living quality of the urgent demand will drive buyers demand continues to rise.

机场路,厦门和香港电影,区,中文,如区和旧城拆迁安置区岭北将释放大量的购买者的需求; 300个重大工业项目在今年将开始,大批新的管理人员将成为市场需求的主要目标之一;人民改善他们的生活环境,提高生活质量的迫切需求,将推动买家的需求持续上升。

16. The shift from hero-worship to celebrity-worship occurred around the turn of the century. It was closely tied to the rise of new forms of media --- first photography, and later moving pictures, radio and television.


17. rise的近义词

17. Chongming is the direct cause of a big rise in prices of houses tense.


18. Towers mainly refers to the sharing of staircases, lift up more housing at the core of high-rise residential.


19. The elevator as amodern high-rise building the vertical transport, and is closely related to people`s lives, as people raise their requirements, the lift has been the rapid development of its technology has developed to drag the PSA Frequency Control, the logic control Also by the PLC to replace the original relay control.


20. But then people are no longer seen on the official nature of the purchase of home data left at the end of this year wave of frenzied rise, more people to own homes proportion of the purchase can not be judged.


rise 词典解释

1. 上升;升高;升起

If something rises, it moves upwards.

e.g. He watched the smoke rise from his cigarette...


e.g. The powdery dust rose in a cloud around him.


2. 站起来

When you rise, you stand up.

e.g. Luther rose slowly from the chair...


e.g. He looked at Livy and Mark, who had risen to greet him.


3. 起床

When you rise, you get out of bed.

e.g. Tony had risen early and gone to the cottage to work.


4. (太阳、月亮)升起,升空

When the sun or moon rises, it appears in the sky.


e.g. He wanted to be over the line of the ridge before the sun had risen.


5. 矗立;耸立

You can say that something rises when it appears as a large tall shape.

e.g. The building rose before him, tall and stately...


e.g. The towers rise out of a concrete podium.


6. 升高;上升;上涨

If the level of something such as the water in a river rises, it becomes higher.


e.g. The waters continue to rise as more than 1,000 people are evacuated.


e.g. ...the tides rise and fall.


7. (地面)升高,变陡

If land rises, it slopes upwards.

e.g. He looked up the slope of land that rose from the house...


e.g. The ground begins to rise some 20 yards away...


8. 上坡;斜坡

A rise is an area of ground that slopes upwards.

e.g. The pub itself was on a rise, commanding views across the countryside...


e.g. I climbed to the top of a rise overlooking the ramparts.


9. (数量)上升,增长,上涨

If an amount rises, it increases.

e.g. Pre-tax profits rose from £842,000 to £1.82m...


e.g. Tourist trips of all kinds in Britain rose by 10.5% between 1977 and 1987...


10. (数量的)上升,增长,上涨

A rise in the amount of something is an increase in it.

e.g. ...the prospect of another rise in interest rates...


e.g. Foreign nationals have begun leaving because of a sharp rise in violence.


11. (工资的)上涨,增加

A rise is an increase in your wages or your salary.

e.g. He will get a pay rise of nearly £4,000.


in AM, use 美国英语用 raise

12. (运动或活动的)兴起,抬头,高涨

The rise of a movement or activity is an increase in its popularity or influence.


e.g. ...the rise of racism in America.


e.g. ...the rise of home ownership.


You should be careful not to confuse the verbs rise, raise, and arise. Rise is an intransitive verb and cannot be followed by an object, whereas raise is a transitive verb and is usually followed by an object. Rise can also not be used in the passive. The number of dead is likely to rise. ...the government's decision to raise prices. Both raise and rise can be used as nouns with meaning pay increase. Raise is used in American English, and rise is used in British English. Millions of Americans get a pay raise today. ...a rise of at least 12 per cent.

注意不要混淆动词rise, raise和arise。rise是不及物动词,不能带宾语,而raise是及物动词,通常带宾语。rise同样不能用于被动句中:The number of dead is likely to rise (死亡人数有可能增加),the government's decision to raise prices (政府提高物价的决定)。raise和rise都可以用作表示加薪的名词,raise用在美国英语中,而rise用在英国英语中:Millions of Americans get a pay raise today (数百万美国人今天获得了加薪),a rise of at least 12 per cent (至少12%的加薪)。

13. (风力)加强,增强

If the wind rises, it becomes stronger.

e.g. The wind was still rising, approach-ing a force nine gale.


14. (声音)变大,提高

If a sound rises or if someone's voice rises, it becomes louder or higher.


e.g. 'Bernard?' Her voice rose hysterically...


e.g. His voice rose almost to a scream.


15. (声音)从…传来

If a sound rises from a group of people, it comes from them.


e.g. There were low, muffled voices rising from the hallway.


16. (感情)突然变得强烈,涌起

If an emotion rises in someone, they suddenly feel it very intensely so that it affects their behaviour.

e.g. A tide of emotion rose and clouded his judgement...


e.g. The thought made anger rise in him and he went into a bar and had a double whisky.


17. (因为生气、尴尬或兴奋)脸红,涨红脸

If your colour rises or if a blush rises in your cheeks, you turn red because you feel angry, embarrassed, or excited.


e.g. Amy felt the colour rising in her cheeks at the thought.


18. 起义;反抗;造反

When the people in a country rise, they try to defeat the government or army that is controlling them.


e.g. The National Convention has promised armed support to any people who wish to rise against armed oppression.



...popular risings against tyrannical rulers.


19. 升职;升迁;地位提高;变得更成功

If someone rises to a higher position or status, they become more important, successful, or powerful.

e.g. She is a strong woman who has risen to the top of a deeply sexist organisation...


e.g. From an unlikely background he has risen rapidly through the ranks of government.


20. 升迁;日益成功;地位的提高

The rise of someone is the process by which they become more important, successful, or powerful.

e.g. Haig's rise was fuelled by an all-consuming sense of patriotic duty...


e.g. The group celebrated the regime's rise to power in 1979.


21. 引起;使发生

If something gives rise to an event or situation, it causes that event or situation to happen.


e.g. Low levels of choline in the body can give rise to high blood-pressure...


e.g. The picture gave rise to speculation that the three were still alive and being held captive.


22. to rise to the bait -> see bait

to rise to the challenge -> see challenge

to rise to the occasion -> see occasion

相关词组:rise aboverise up

rise 单语例句

1. Investors worried the rise in oil would force consumers to forgo spending on discretionary items, squeezing business profits.

2. Analysts said the refining business could be even worse than the third quarter as oil prices continue to rise.

3. ABC ascribed the rise to intermediate service growth and an improved business structure.

4. The fair would also see a big rise in the volume of business deals signed, said Xu.

5. Although Wuliangye said it expected the price rise to affect its business this year, analysts are optimistic about the company's performance in 2010.

6. The number of singles has been on the rise in the southern metropolis, as young people are too busy working to find their ideal partner.

7. Cranes line the busy waterfront as office and apartment towers rise at a furious pace.

8. My gut reaction upon hearing of garlic's rise was to get off my butt and go buy as much as I could.

9. Chinese visitors'buying power is bolstered by a rise in the yuan against the euro.

10. Evans offered the means for achieving this by isolating embryonic stem cells in mice, which give rise to all the cells in the body.

rise 英英释义



1. the act of changing location in an upward direction

Synonym: ascentascensionascending

2. increase in price or value

e.g. the news caused a general advance on the stock market

Synonym: advance

3. the property possessed by a slope or surface that rises

Synonym: upgraderising slope

4. the amount a salary is increased

e.g. he got a 3% raise

he got a wage hike

Synonym: raisewage hikehikewage increasesalary increase

5. an increase in cost

e.g. they asked for a 10% rise in rates

Synonym: boosthikecost increase

6. a growth in strength or number or importance

7. (theology) the origination of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

e.g. the emanation of the Holy Spirit

the rising of the Holy Ghost

the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son

Synonym: emanationprocession

8. a wave that lifts the surface of the water or ground

Synonym: lift

9. a movement upward

e.g. they cheered the rise of the hot-air balloon

Synonym: risingascentascension

10. an upward slope or grade (as in a road)

e.g. the car couldn't make it up the rise

Synonym: ascentacclivityraiseclimbupgrade


1. get up and out of bed

e.g. I get up at 7 A.M. every day

They rose early

He uprose at night

Synonym: get upturn outariseuprise

2. return from the dead

e.g. Christ is risen!

The dead are to uprise

Synonym: resurrectuprise

3. increase in value or to a higher point

e.g. prices climbed steeply

the value of our house rose sharply last year

Synonym: go upclimb

4. rise in rank or status

e.g. Her new novel jumped high on the bestseller list

Synonym: jumpclimb up

5. become more extreme

e.g. The tension heightened

Synonym: heighten

6. go up or advance

e.g. Sales were climbing after prices were lowered

Synonym: waxmountclimb

7. exert oneself to meet a challenge

e.g. rise to a challenge

rise to the occasion

8. become heartened or elated

e.g. Her spirits rose when she heard the good news

9. move upward

e.g. The fog lifted

The smoke arose from the forest fire

The mist uprose from the meadows

Synonym: liftarisemove upgo upcome upuprise

10. move to a better position in life or to a better job

e.g. She ascended from a life of poverty to one of grea

Synonym: ascendmove up

11. come up, of celestial bodies

e.g. The sun also rises

The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled...

Jupiter ascends

Synonym: come upupriseascend

12. increase in volume

e.g. the dough rose slowly in the warm room

Synonym: prove

13. rise to one's feet

e.g. The audience got up and applauded

Synonym: ariseupriseget upstand up

14. come to the surface

Synonym: surfacecome uprise up

15. take part in a rebellion

renounce a former allegiance

Synonym: rebelariserise up

16. come into existence

take on form or shape

e.g. A new religious movement originated in that country

a love that sprang up from friendship

the idea for the book grew out of a short story

An interesting phenomenon uprose

Synonym: originatearisedevelopuprisespring upgrow

17. rise up

e.g. The building rose before them

Synonym: liftrear