

memoir:[英 [ˈmemwɑ:(r)] 美 [ˈmɛmˌwɑr, -ˌwɔr] ]



memoir 基本解释

名词回忆录,自传; 记事录

memoir 相关例句


1. At the end of his career in politics, he retired and wrote his memoirs.


memoir 网络解释

1. 论文集:memo 备忘录 | memoir 论文集 | memoire 备忘录

2. 调查报告:membrane 薄膜 | memoir 调查报告 | memorable 难忘的

memoir 双语例句

1. 2His antobiography, or memoir, is ready for publication.



2. I don`t think I ever really understood it until I read my friend Bill Styron`s brave account of his own battle with depression and suicidal thoughts, Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness.



3. Yet it is clear from Miller's memoir that her mother and father were, improbably, very much in love throughout their marriage.


4. Veering between biography, history, journalism and memoir, this painstakingly researched work is a human-scale picture of the generally under-reported history of the Palestinians in Israel as well as an accessible introduction to their poetry.


5. Mr Power never saw her again, but in this lyrical memoir, he brings her vividly to life.


6. It is firm memoir of special interview Hou below.


7. He wrote memorably about his Buffalo upbringing and his father's influence on him in his memoir Big Russ and Me.


8. memoir的解释

8. Starting with the image of comparative literature, analyzes the image of Indian in Memoir of the Pilgrimage to the Five Regions of India.


9. In contents, they described the personal life and private experiences of females; while in form, they always adopted the narrating form of new-type memoir or new-type biography, with a free, loose and tousy struction.


10. In his memoir, he would put down his dalliance with a White House intern to the worst of all possible motives.


11. memoir的反义词

11. Finnish Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen lost his claim for damages from an ex-girlfriend who released a kiss-and-tell memoir about their brief affair.


12. memoir的近义词

12. It's not easy because to write, because I need to take a distance with my job if I want to write a memoir.


13. In Bomber Offensive, the detailed wartime memoir of Air Vice Marshall Harris, which goes on at great length about Hamburg and Berlin, there is not a single mention of Nuremberg or the airmen who died.

对于这场人类有史以来最大规模的空袭战,空军元帅Marshall Harris编写了详细的回忆录,记录了在汉堡和柏林取得的成功,却没有专门的提及纽伦堡和在那里阵亡的空军将士。

14. Holocaust experts had long harbored doubts about his story, with at least one raising these doubts with Berkeley Books, which was set to publish the memoir Angel at the Fence.


15. In his war memoir, Aidan Delgado describes attempts of his commanders to suppress the truth about Abu Ghraib.


16. The Internet has become the people indispensable information pipeline and the new life tool. According to Microsoft (2007) memoir reveal, development of the Internet has changed the gain of information of travel, the recommend of the MSN/Windows Live users getting their travel information through the internet is over 81%, while through the tour guide (59%) and friend recommendation (56%), the influence of TV and papers has declined gradually.

网际网已成为人们可或缺的资讯管道与新生活工具,据Microsoft (2007)研究报告显示,网际网的发达已经改变游产业的资讯传递管道,有超过81%的台湾区MSN/Windows Live受访用户表示,网际网是他们目前最仰赖的资讯源,远高於游指南(59%)及亲友推荐(56%),其他电视及报章媒体的影响是逐渐下。

17. Enthusiastically, he was attempting to forestall the market. The thrilling contest was dramatically portrayed by Ouyang Yu, a scholar and educator of Hu`s time, in his Memoir of Snapshots


18. Marco Polo wrote his memoir of China in his book, The Travels of Marco Polo, which became the first book that introduced China to the Western world.


19. For students who want to learn more about this great man, I recommend his memoir A Life in Our Times.


20. Eventually, I began to recall the observant 10-year-old I was when I arrived in this country. By the time I sat down in the late 1990s to write my memoir of growing up bicultural, there was a vast population of people like me, a strong and lively fellowship of hyphenated Americans.


memoir 词典解释

1. 传记;传略

A memoir is a book or article that you write about someone who you have known well.

e.g. He has just published a memoir in honour of his captain.


memoir 单语例句

1. Welcome to the world of Jeanie Buss and her memoir Laker Girl, which is currently in bookstores.

2. Eggers did not pretend he could get all the facts straight based on Deng's narration, hence the categorization of the book as a fictionalized memoir.

3. The pair play husband and wife in the adaptation of John Grogan's memoir, and sources say there is growing chemistry between them off screen.

4. Sam is currently suing Britney's parents for defamation after her mother Lynne Spears spoke out about him in her 2008 memoir'Through The Storm'.

5. In his memoir " Dreams from My Father, " Obama described his grandfather as something of a dreamer.

6. Arnold Schwarzenegger says his estranged wife has not read his upcoming memoir in which he discusses the secret child he fathered with a family housekeeper.

7. " Right from the start I couldn't take my eyes off her, " Bob Dylan wrote in his memoir.

8. Her second memoir due next year will address her political life, but Rice said it will be years before the Bush administration can be fairly judged.

9. Qian Yuan's story forms the most touching part of the family memoir.

10. Published last June and now out in paperback, her memoir has sold nearly 2 million copies.

memoirmemoir 英英释义


1. an essay on a scientific or scholarly topic

2. an account of the author's personal experiences