

minor:[英 [ˈmaɪnə(r)] 美 [ˈmaɪnɚ] ]


过去式:minored;   过去分词:minored;   现在分词:minoring;   复数形式:minors;

minor 基本解释

形容词较小的,少数的,小…; 未成年的; [乐]小调的,小音阶的; (两同姓男孩中)年幼的

名词未成年人; 副修科目; 小公司; [逻辑学]小前提



minor 同义词


minor 反义词


minor 相关例句


1. He was called Smith Minor to distinguish him from the other Smiths.


2. She played a minor role in the opera.


3. He is going in for a minor operation.



1. minor是什么意思

1. He will minor in French.



1. You can't serve drinks to minors.


minor 网络解释

1. 副修:課程具有一定彈性,同學完成第一個學位課程後,可選擇不修讀第二個學位課程,而只要同學已修讀一定數目的第二個學位課程學科,將可獲得第二個學位課程的副修(minor)資格.

2. 辅修:实际上,美国本科生是不分系别只分学院的(文理、工程等),在同一个学院中他们可以选择不同的主修(major)和辅修(minor). 美国学生选课很自由,他们在自己advisor(感觉类似于我们的班主任,但有较高的学术水平和教育经验)的指导下根据个人兴趣和水平制定培养计划.

3. 小调:前面我们所讨论五度圈的相关乐理都是以大调(Major)为主,那么小调(Minor)呢?是不是又要再学另外一套小调的五度圈的相关乐理呢?Of course not!!我们一再强调学习的方式应该是举一反三、相互左证,才能达到轻松而有效率学习乐理的目的,

minor 双语例句

1. With minor exceptions, administration of immunizations is based on the chronologic age.


2. During a normal day we are sure to have some minor successes.


3. This dissertation only dabbles into a minor part of the television dialogue analysis, and there is still much to be delved in.


4. In this regard, it is Rulangsihu Xie Ping minor complaints, the heart is difficult ending addiction.


5. There were basically two kinds of auxiliary units, cohorts of infantry and alae of cavalry (there were also mounted infantry, but we'll ignore this minor category).


6. For amateur work, particularly with directive antennasthat cannot be rotated, the minor lobes of a long-wire antenna


7. The law, too, is draconian and does not discriminate between minor and major offences.


8. minor是什么意思

8. Can you play the key of C minor?


9. Its relative minor is A minor, and its parallel minor is C minor.

它的相对小调是 a小调,并行小调是 c 小调。

10. minor的近义词

10. Sonata for Violin and Piano no 7 in C minor, Op.

奏鸣曲小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲没有7 C小调,作品。

11. Anyone who doubts this should watch Lang Lang's performance of the Mozart C Minor Concerto once again.


12. Piano Sonata No. 32 in C minor, Op.


13. The sixth tone in the scale of C major or the first tone in the relative minor scale.


14. Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op.


15. Clearly many millions of Chinese get acupuncture without any major problems so I think this is really a minor point, Flachskampf obsered..


16. minor

16. For the party in power, at worst a minor irritant and at best a precondition for economic growth.


17. minor的近义词

17. In Mimban mythology, Pomojema was a minor god who acted as a healer.


18. minor的解释

18. Cyanide ion, despite its ambident character, is alkylated preferentially at carbon by alkyl halides and sulphates to give mainly nitriles, isocyanides being formed in only minor amount.


19. minor的近义词

19. Platelet counts were dropped dramatically in animals that received antibody injection within 4 h, maintained at the mini-mum level for a period of 44 h, started to rebound after 48 h, and reached to the maximum at 144 h (6 days). Final homeostasis reached at approximately 408 h (17 days), following a minor cycle of platelet number fluctuation.


20. In addition to completing all required courses and receiving the minimum credits for graduation of the major, students may take a minor and the course of minor is the same as the optional course under the semester credit limit of STUT regulation.


minor 词典解释

1. 不重要的;不严重的;次要的

You use minor when you want to describe something that is less important, serious, or significant than other things in a group or situation.

e.g. She is known in Italy for a number of minor roles in films...


e.g. Western officials say the problem is minor, and should be quickly overcome.


2. (疾病)不严重的,轻微的;(手术)小的

A minor illness or operation is not likely to be dangerous to someone's life or health.

e.g. Sarah had been plagued continually by a series of minor illnesses...


e.g. His mother had to go to the hospital for minor surgery.


3. 小音阶的;小调的

In European music, a minor scale is one in which the third note is three semitones higher than the first.


e.g. ...the unfinished sonata movement in F minor.


4. 未成年人(在英国和美国多数州指未满18岁的人,在法律上仍然视为儿童)

A minor is a person who is still legally a child. In Britain and most states in the United States, people are minors until they reach the age of eighteen.

e.g. The approach has virtually ended cigarette sales to minors.


5. (美国大学学科中的)辅修科目,辅修课程

At a university or college in the United States, a student's minor is a subject that they are studying in addition to their main subject, or major.

6. (美国大学中的)辅修生

At a university or college in the United States, if a student is, for example, a geology minor, they are studying geology as well as their main subject.

7. 辅修

If a student at a university or college in the United States minors in a particular subject, they study it in addition to their main subject.

e.g. I'm minoring in computer science.


minor 单语例句

1. Jacoby said that Wang suffered from minor deficiencies of potassium and calcium and that they were unlikely to have any effect on her mental state.

2. CNN's Anderson Cooper was back at work Wednesday after minor surgery two days earlier to remove a cancerous mole from underneath his left eye.

3. Minor repairs and maintenance cannot get to the root of the problem.

4. Bulls star Derrick Rose was involved in a minor car accident in Chicago.

5. He has since undergone several extensive brain operations to stop cerebral hemorrhaging, in addition to other relatively minor procedures.

6. He underwent several extensive brain surgeries to stop cerebral hemorrhaging, in addition to more minor procedures.

7. Even a minor deviation is likely to turn a good thing into a bad one.

8. We can expect government pressure to lead to a few minor deals going forward, but major change won't happen until the growth rate of sales slows down.

9. A minor change in the design would save lots of energy, time and money.

10. Those who magnify such minor issues and deliberately raise a wave of nostalgia for the colonial era bring only chaos and disorder to our society.

minor的意思minor 英英释义


1. a young person of either sex

e.g. she writes books for children

they're just kids

`tiddler' is a British term for youngster

Synonym: childkidyoungstershavernippersmall frytiddlertiketykefrynestling


1. limited in size or scope

e.g. a small business

a newspaper with a modest circulation

small-scale plans

a pocket-size country

Synonym: modestsmallsmall-scalepocket-sizepocket-sized

2. inferior in number or size or amount

e.g. a minor share of the profits

Ursa Minor

3. lesser in scope or effect

e.g. had minor differences

a minor disturbance

4. not of legal age

e.g. minor children

Synonym: nonagedunderage

5. of a scale or mode

e.g. the minor keys

in B flat minor

6. of your secondary field of academic concentration or specialization

7. of lesser importance or stature or rank

e.g. a minor poet

had a minor part in the play

a minor official

many of these hardy adventurers were minor noblemen

minor back roads

8. of lesser seriousness or danger

e.g. suffered only minor injuries

some minor flooding

a minor tropical disturbance

9. warranting only temporal punishment

e.g. venial sin

Synonym: venial