

shorter:[英 ['ʃɔ:tə] 美 ['ʃɔ:tə] ]


过去式:shorted;   过去分词:shorted;   现在分词:shorting;   复数形式:shorts;

shorter 基本解释


短的( short的比较级 );不够;短缺的;短期的;

shorter 网络解释

1. 更矮的:taller 更高的 | shorter 更矮的 | stronger 更强壮的

2. 更短:shortener /缩短器/ | shorter /更短/ | shorterizing /火焰表面硬化处理/

3. shorter的近义词

3. 更矮 ---薛他:taller 更高 --托那 | shorter 更矮 ---薛他 | stronger 更壮 --是壮哥

4. 较短的:shopping center 购物中心 | shorter 较短的 | shortest 最短的

shorter 双语例句


1. Result: the accuracy of localizing diagnosis was 100%, five neurogenic tumor showed longer t1 and longer t2 signals with abnormal contrast enhancement. three meningiomas showed iso-or longer t1 and iso-or longer t2 with signal of meningiomas can be inhomogeneous because it has calcification. two arachnoid cyst showed homogenous signal intensity identical to csf without abnormal contrast enhancement. one adipose tumor displayed shorter t1 and slightly longer signals with round and without abnormal constrast enhancement. one hematoma showed shorter t1 and longer t2 signals without abnormal contrast enhancement.



2. Patients in the epidural group had a shorter time to first flatus passage and the overall satisfaction was higher.


3. Results There was no difference in operation achievement ratio between the floating catheter group and the ordinary catheter group. But the operation time in floating catheter group was shorter than in ordinary catheter group. There were no difference in pacing parameter and severe complication between two groups.

结果 漂浮电极导管组与普通电极导管组手术成功率无统计学差异(97.9% vs 100.0%),但漂浮电极导管组实际耗时显著短于普通电极导管组,两组起搏阈值与感知灵敏度无显著差异,两组均无严重并发症的发生。

4. shorter的意思

4. Simply stated, Truncated Hashing discards bits from the output of the hash function, resulting in a shorter digest.


5. shorter的意思

5. These firms can more easily obtain economies of scale in promotion, purchasing, and production; economies of scope in distribution and promotion; reduced overhead allocation per unit; and shorter break-even times.


6. By shaping the nozzle wall according to Rao's method, a shorter nozzle and an improvement of over one percent in nozzle efficiency can be obtained relative to a 15° cone.

由塑造喷嘴墙据饶的方法,较短的喷嘴和改善超过1%,在喷嘴的效率可以得到相对一个15 °锥。


7. The article tells you an experiment in the factory when the width of the flywheel is shorter in an equipment, we can have an available machining techniques to produce a flywheel through bending, turning, and jointing on a thicker steel plate.



8. Men have shorter life spans than women on average, but when it comes to sexual life expectancy, they gain the advantage.



9. We have a lot of older clients, with a shorter time horizon, 'he said.


10. Caudal peduncle of Mary River cod is shorter and the pelvic fins are longer than in Murray cod.


11. The great French leader Napoleon is shorter than everybody around him, so you'd have to call him a little shrimp; But as a shrimp, he certainly made the rest of Europe trumble.

shrimp这个字首先是用来指那些个子矮小的人。后来人们才把虾称为 shrimp 。但是,现在人们还是经常叫个子矮小的人 shrimp 。


12. Lack of Stroke Length - strokes that are shorter than what is required cause too many contractions and therefore excessive muscle fatigue and pain.


13. AD 10. It is evident that neither of Herod's sons, Philip and Antipas, had yet reigned thirty-four years, since the writer, hazarding a prediction that proved false, says that the sons should enjoy shorter reigns than their father.


14. shorter是什么意思

14. Testes located on both sides of the ovary and behind vitellarium. A complete worm of R. echinobothrida was shorter than R. tetragona, with a round scolex and suckers and short neck. The ovary looked like leaf and vitellarium was in kidney-shape. There were many acid particles and calcareous corpuscles in gravid proglottids.


15. shorter

15. The liquid liability is the debt that an enterprise will pay back during an operation cycle which is either shorter or longer than a year.


16. Time interval between each contraction of different lengths were 10 minutes short, as long as two hours, the shorter the duration of each contraction up to half a minute, the longest contraction time and again not more than half a minute, contraction occur at night more, and do not make the mouth opening the uterus, known as the pseudo-contraction.



17. Cm shorter than the skirt is the standard length of a pannier.


18. The static model of torsion joint is based on that of bending joint. The effects of structure parameters inside air pressure, initial angle, rube average radius, rube shell thickness on the turning angle are analyzed and the following conclusions are drawn: the relationship between the angle of torsion joint and the inside air pressure is basically linear, the angle of torsion joint increases with the initial angle and rube average radius, the angle of torsion joint decreases while the rube shell thickness increases. The kinetic equation is built for torsion joint. Simulating experiment implies that the time of inflating and deflating process is extremely shorter than that of kinetic process. So the pneumatic process can be ignored in actual system design and control. The factors that affect the dynamic features of torsion joint, such as shell thickness of rubber tube, average radius, initial angle, connector's outlet area, moment of inertia and viscous damping coefficient, are analyzed and the following conclusions are drawn: the change of rube shell thickness has no effects on the dynamic process of FPA inside air pressure while greatly affects the turning angle of torsion joint; when the rube shell thickness is small, the torsion joint has a bigger turning angle, no overshoot and long risetime, when the shell thickness is big, the turning angle of torsion joint is small, but has high response speed, overshoot and low shock; when the rube average radius increases, the turning angle of torsion joint increases and the overshoot increases too; when the initial angle of torsion joint is big, the turning joint is big, the overshoot is small and shock is low, but the risetime is big; the connector's outlet area affects the dynamic process of FPA inside air pressure greatly, but has no effects on the dynamic process of turning angle; moment of inertia and viscous damping coefficient have no effects on the dynamic process of FPA inside air pressure, but affect the dynamic process of turning angle greatly.


19. shorter的解释

19. We believe that the conversion options obtained, in effect, give that portion of the bond portfolio a far shorter average life than implied by the maturity terms of the issues (i. e., at an appropriate time of our choosing, we can terminate the bond contract by conversion into stock).


20. Overheated parts generally exhibit a shorter maximum life-span and may give sporadic problems resulting in system freezes or crashes.


shorter 单语例句

1. This year's typhoon season has been marked by small and shorter than normal storms, he added.

2. Time was drawing near to " zero hour " second by second, the distance between the spaceship and the ground was becoming shorter.

3. Children affected by this are likely to have a shorter lifespan than their parents.

4. The first weekend charter flights flew across the straits on July 4, carrying excited mainland tourists and Taiwan residents joyful at the shorter and cheaper journey.

5. The first weekend charter flights flew across the Taiwan Straits on July 4, carrying excited mainland tourists and Taiwan residents joyful at the shorter and cheaper journey.

6. The charter flights allow Taiwan business people and their relatives to travel between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan by shorter and more direct air routes.

7. At Gucci on Wednesday evening, the contemporary chemise - much shorter than its forerunner - stole the show.

8. But with much easier access to modern society, shorter hair has come into vogue in Tibet.

9. " We will look in the shorter term at having better fencing and possibly electrifying it, " an unnamed Commons source was quoted as telling the paper.

10. The construction period of the fifth tanker was 263 days shorter than the first tanker.