

paste:[英 [peɪst] 美 [pest] ]


过去式:pasted;   现在分词:pasting;   复数形式:pastes;

paste 基本解释

名词面团; 糨糊; 肉(或鱼等)酱(作涂抹料或烹饪用); (制作人造宝石的)铅质玻璃

及物动词粘贴,张贴; 以…覆盖于

paste 相关例句


1. He had two pieces of bread thickly pasted with butter.


2. Posters were pasted up on the bulletin board.



1. She spread some tomato paste on the fried fish.


2. paste在线翻译

2. He stuck the sheets of paper together with paste.


3. Mix the butter and flour into a paste.


paste 网络解释

1. 浆糊:电热地膜是通过将碳晶棒(碳素)等多种有益于人体的物质搭配而成的浆糊(Paste)涂敷于电燃用PET,在涂银(Silver Past)母线上面加铜箔母线以后,通过覆膜进行裱糊处理的高科技平面加热设备.

2. 糊剂:栓剂第一节 软膏剂概念:软膏剂(Ointments)是系指药物与适宜基质混合制成的容易涂布于皮肤,粘膜或创面的半固体外用制剂.乳剂型基质可称为乳膏剂(Creams),含有大量药物粉末可称为糊剂(Paste).组成:治疗用软膏剂主要由活性成分和基质组成.此外,

3. 膏:第一种是将LED发光层(亦即LED的表面)与金属筐框体接触,再从LED内侧(基板侧)将发光层产生的光线取出,这种设计会遭遇另外两个课题,首先是必需开发可转换光线的透明基板;此外LED发光层与金属筐框体接合面非常接近,导电膏(paste)容易与焊点接触造成短路,

paste 双语例句

1. The fly ash activity compound activator can react with fly ash directly and produce active material. Then the active material can absorb Ca2+ in liquid phase and produce hydration products similar as ordinary Portland cement. Besides, the accelerators in the compound activator can increase the excitation effect of early activity, improve early strength of paste.


2. You can copy and paste the line (which is, honestly, not very efficient since you need to take your hands off the keyboard), or you can run


3. Pasting content from another application, like Word or Excel, is best done with the Paste from Word button on the second row, or in HTML mode.

从其它程序粘贴内容,例如Word 或 Excel,最好用第二行的粘帖按钮完成,或者在HTML模式下完成。

4. The editor tries to correct any invalid HTML code that was pasted, but for best results try using the HTML tab or one of the paste buttons that are on the second row.


5. The paste is mainly composed of gold powder and organic vehicle.



6. A particular and simple dip is made from chillies, garlic, dried shrimps, lime juice, fish sauce, sugar and shrimp paste.


7. paste

7. In addition, by sizing and precise measurement of the paste, can make a single side of Corrugating in without contact to prevent the collapse of the cord to tip.


8. Certified, ISO-BARTFM system eliminates the excessive application of glue, or at least reduced by 30%, but the paste dasage will be able to achieve sufficient bond strength of pulp in corrugated, 'Tis folly to glue period reduces or avoid cord to tip subsidece.


9. Factories with advanced technology and perfect management system, improvement of quality products to serve our customers, the company's existing professional and technical personnel more than 50 people (including one senior engineer, engineers 2), the main products: A paste, the goods seized, crop, change color embossed, stickers, out of the compound flame, coating equipment.


10. paste的意思

10. A process for preparing SiO2 used in high transparency green tooth paste features that the acidifying agent and alka line solution of silicate are used as raw materials, the edible aluminium sul fate and phospharic acid are used as additive, and the deionized water is used for high purity.



11. The results show that the mixed solder joints which formed under various process parameters, the shear strength`s trend along with the cycles of thermal cycle loading is different, but when the SMD resistor solder finish and solder paste are melt completely, the average shear force of some mixed solder joints is higher than tin-lead solder joints, it`s shear strength is 9.1~11.1 N after 1000 thermal cycles.

结果显示,在不同工艺参数下形成的混合焊点的剪切力,随热循环周数的变化趋势有所不同,但是在保证片式电阻焊端和焊料充分熔融的情况下,部分混合焊点的平均剪切力比有铅焊点高,热循环1 000周后,为

12. paste是什么意思

12. Another would be to increase egg powder paste Jiaocheng Euryale ferox, even dip into the chicken, fried yellow fish into the tray, put around the film Zhaxia mold.


13. paste的解释

13. Copy the first pie chart and paste it below the last pie chart.


14. paste

14. Copy and paste Gantt chart into Office documents.

可以拷贝并粘贴甘特图表到 Office 文档当中。

15. Second example: a user needs a transfer of second-hand electronic products, but do not want to Taobao as complex site, he need is simply paste a post, with the city will be able to buy another user.


16. paste是什么意思

16. Use double-sided tape for paste, textured paper used in the electronics industry and spray paint.


17. If the application includes spouse and children, please paste their recent passport-sized photographs on the spaces provided on page 6 of the application form.


18. Open this file in your favorite text editor, copy/paste the following text at the end of it


19. It is easy enough to copy and paste; but you should write something byyourself.



20. One is the electronic output production personnel work seriously or there is not enough to print, the exposure process for the manufacture of flat screen produced some unplanned, officers attached to the film making-check mode practice at the time of imposition of a bug, is often used to simply by virtue of the layout of text direction, and quick-fix determine the membrane surface (that is, generally speaking of membrane bound third, the print process does not have a timely check diacover film mistakes; 4 is business card printing and membership card manufacturing processes in the adjustment of the amount of ink, to meet field lines, text suites over saturated, that version, do not paste version, flat screen Panel, which is still a noticeable color light, paying the check printing quality and recognition, blind business card printing and membership card making the above business card printing and membership card making quality problems.


paste 词典解释

1. 糊糊;糨糊

Paste is a soft, wet, sticky mixture of a substance and a liquid, which can be spread easily. Some types of paste are used to stick things together.

e.g. He then sticks it back together with flour paste...


e.g. Blend a little milk with the custard powder to form a paste.


2. (肉、水果或蔬菜弄碎做成的)酱

Paste is a soft smooth mixture made of crushed meat, fruit, or vegetables. You can, for example, spread it onto bread or use it in cooking.


e.g. ...tomato paste.


e.g. ...fish paste sandwiches.


3. 粘贴;黏合

If you paste something on a surface, you put glue or paste on it and stick it on the surface.


e.g. ...pasting labels on bottles...


e.g. Activists pasted up posters criticizing the leftist leaders.


4. (制造人造宝石的)铅玻璃

Paste is a hard shiny glass that is used for making imitation jewellery.

e.g. ...paste emeralds.


5. see also: pasting

paste 单语例句paste

1. The production capacity of XPCC's operation has reached 500 million tons a year, making XPCC by far the largest tomato paste producer in the nation.

2. Add chopped parsley, mint and tomato paste if desired at the time of usage.

3. The American created his spicy treat by mixing chili paste with peanut butter and injecting chocolate inside.

4. When cool enough to handle squeeze out garlic paste from each clove.

5. Blend to a coarse paste, adding a little ice water if necessary.

6. Its coating is crispy but by no means greasy and potato paste inside is smooth and tasty.

7. Fresh vegetables with sweet bean paste and sliced spiced beef shank are good cold appetizers to start.

8. Concoct a traditional Beijing sauce with sesame paste or go for a simple soy and chili dip.

9. Her favourite sweet was manju, a Japanese confection made of red bean paste.

10. Put mixed pork and fish paste on a crepe and roll it into desired length and round size.

paste 英英释义


1. a tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers or used in preparing other dishes

Synonym: spread

2. an adhesive made from water and flour or starch

used on paper and paperboard

Synonym: library paste

3. any mixture of a soft and malleable consistency

4. a hard, brilliant lead glass that is used in making artificial jewelry


1. join or attach with or as if with glue

e.g. paste the sign on the wall

cut and paste the sentence in the text

Synonym: glue

2. cover the surface of

e.g. paste the wall with burlap

3. hit with the fists

e.g. He pasted his opponent