




1.四楼 蛋糕有三层。 The cake has three layers. 泰勒大厦,四层 TAYLOR BUILDING,4th FLO

3.在四层的新建公寓 ... 独立阳台 Large Private Balcony 在四层的新建公寓 4th Floor 24小时门卫 24Hr. Concierg…


1.A first Christian church was built on the site as early as the 4th Century. You can see part of its patterned stonework floor.早在公元四世纪,这里建起了第一座基督教堂。你可以看到它部份拼花石制地板。

2.The restaurant locates in Qingshi Road, at the shopping mall 4th floor near walmart, it will open at the beginning of August.这家店位于无锡欧风街(青石路)沃尔玛旁边的饮食广场4楼,8月初开业。

3.form of the 4th floor good to respect people ' ? why my plain foreign silver !4楼的表不尊重人好不好呢`?为什么我又不素外国银!

4.Several students had to be rescued by fire crews from the 4th floor which wasn't in flames.几名学生被消防人员从未起火的第四层楼营救了出来。

5.Place of Bid Opening: the meeting room, 4th floor, Waizhao hotel of Zhong Yuan Special Steel co. , Ltd Jiyuan Henan province.开标地点:河南省济源市中原特钢股份有限公司外招宾馆四楼会议室。

6.Hotel receptionist: Certainly sir, I'll just check what we have available. Yes, we have a room on the 4th floor with a very splendid view.酒店接待员:好的,先生,我这就来查看一下。恩,4楼有一间这样的房,景色非常不错。

7.Our Chinese restaurant is located on the 4th floor; you can take the elevator to get there.您好,我们的中餐厅位于酒店四层,请乘坐客梯至四层就可以到达。

8.My home is on the 4th floor. It is made up of one pving room and three rooms and a toilet, a kitchen and a restaurant.我家住在4楼,有一个客厅和三个房间,还有一个厕所,一个厨房,一个餐厅。

9.She had a fall from the 4th floor.那次她从4楼高处堕下。

10.We had a room on the 4th floor overlooking a small square.我们的房间是在四楼,从那可以俯览一个小广场。