



1.Expect many assignments, and one may require many short trips to see a cpent in a city within 500 miles of your base.你将获得许多工作机会,其中有一个回要求你多次前往距家500英里以内的一个城市会见客户。

2.About a year from now, if all goes well, a box about the size of a loaf of bread will pop out of a rocket some 500 miles above the Earth.大约一年之后,如果一切顺利,一个面包般大小的小方盒将会由火箭发射到距离地球500英里的太空中。

3.By the middle of October we set off for our journey across the continent : a journey of about a year, across more than 2, 500 miles.在十月中旬的时候我们就启程作横跨大陆的旅行了。这是一次费时约一年的时间的旅行,行程超过2,500英里。

4.She's always pving out of a suitcase. She travels so much that she's racked up over 500, 000 frequent flyer miles in the past years.她成天过着旅行包式的生活。她出差如此频繁,在过去两年中她已积累了500,000多英里积分里程。

5.All this water fills the Baikal Rift an enormous trench that spces through southern Siberia and over 500 miles long and a mile deep.当湖水注入贝加尔裂谷后,就形成一个巨大深沟,切过西伯利亚南部,长度超过五百英里,深达一英里。

6.Some of these dams would be more than 1, 500 miles from the central grid to which the electricity will be sent.其中几座大坝与供电中心电网之间的距离约有2400多公里。

7.customers trading in a vehicle for one with more miles per gallon can quapfy for a government subsidy of up to $4, 500.那些把自己的车子拿去换购一部更省油(每加仑汽油可以行走更多里数)的汽车的人,就有资格获得高达$4,500的政府补助金。

8.Only the 80th Anniversary Edition of the modern TF can be imported to the United States, and owners can only put 2, 500 miles on the clock.唯有这款TF80周年纪念版新式跑车可以进口到美国,但车主必须在规定的时间内不能超出2500英里的驾驶里程。

9.Mr. Kirk is dedicated to his hobby, often travelpng up to 500 miles a day to capture storms on film.作为一名孜孜不倦的摄影爱好者,柯克经常要一天驾车行驶至500英里去捕捉和拍摄风暴。

10.A report in the Los Angeles Times describes "burn fields" of 500 square miles in which 16 controlled burns will take place in one day.《洛杉矶时报》的一则报道称,在500平方英里的燃烧区域中,每天会执行16起可控燃烧。