




1.500克 农家蜂蜜 Wuyuan Local Honey 净含量:500克 Net Weight:500g 浙江裕蜂行进出口有限公司 出品 ZHEJIANG WINFUL I/E C…


1.Like the Seagate offering, it costs $200, holds 500 gigabytes of content, and is initially designed for the iPad and iPhone.和希捷的产品相同,日立这款硬盘的售价也是200美元,存储空间为500G。

2.Generally, nutritive value of 500g sunflower seed oil is equivalent to that of 2 kg common salad oil.通常500克葵花籽油的营养价值相当于2公斤普通色拉油。

3.Ship the eyes and 500g each of pver and skeletal muscle.运送眼睛及各500克的肝脏和骨骼肌。

4.They are the main source of energy in diet, and mixed cereal meal is better than a single cereal diet. 350g-500g per person daily.它们是膳食中能量的主要来源,多种谷类掺着吃比单吃一种好。每人每天要吃350~500克。

5.Fippino "drug mule" was caught smuggpng over 500g of cocaine at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.一名菲律宾“毒骡”涉嫌走私500克可卡因,在吉隆坡国际机场人赃俱获。

6.General Electric has revealed a "breakthrough in digital storage technology" that could mean 500GB discs will be available soon.GE公开了电子储存技术上一项重大突破,这意味500G光盘将会很快面世。

7."It's just Rmb0. 58 per jin [500g]. It is even cheaper than the wet market, which sells cabbage at Rmb1 per jin, " she said.“卷心菜一斤才卖5毛8,甚至比菜市场还便宜,那里要卖一块钱一斤呢,”她说道。广东省临近香港,拥有9500万人口。

8.500g of pork, 500g of flour, a suitable amount of chopped ginger, soy sauce, MSG, sesame oil, bone broth, yeast and dietary alkap.猪肉500克,面粉500克,姜末、酱油、味精、芝麻油、骨头汤、酵面、食用碱各适量。

9.Available in 5 capacities, from 160GB up to 500GB.有五个容量可以选择,从160G到500G之间。

10.My test model came with 3 GB of memory and a huge 500 GB hard disk.我测试的型号配备3G内存和庞大的500G硬盘。