

manifest:[英 [ˈmænɪfest] 美 [ˈmænəˌfɛst] ]


过去式:manifested;   过去分词:manifested;   现在分词:manifesting;

manifest 基本解释


及物动词显示,表明; 证明; 使显现



manifest 相关例句


1. Fear was manifest on his face.


2. He is a manifest liar.



1. The contradiction manifested itself in the employment situation.


2. The speech manifested the truth of the story.


3. She doesn't manifest much desire to marry him.


manifest 网络解释

1. 说明:重载是多态的一种,称为jar cmvf 用m来包含自定义的说明(manifest)文件117、C/C++只能提供字节流,在Java中,还有字节(byte)流和字符(character)流之分. 128、字节数组(byte array)的构造函数:132、管道(pipe)提供一种线程间通信的方法,

manifest 双语例句

1. Others, including Georg Feuerstein, argue that Wilber's Neo-perennial Philosophy is a confusion between concepts of differentiated nondualist doctrines (such as Plotinus's Neo-Platonism and Ramanuja's Vishishtadvaita Vedanta) and truly unitary monism of Zen and Advaita Vedanta: the former philosophies distinguish between emanated or manifest reality and the unchangeable source, while for Zen or Advaita the Source and reality are essentially one and the same.

还有,包括Georg Feuerstein也认为Wilber的新常青理论是不二论者(如普罗提诺的新柏拉图哲学和Ramanuja的Vishishtadvaita吠檀多)和单一论的禅和不二吠檀多的结合:早先的哲学区分了发散显现真实和不变的源头,而禅和不二论认为真相和本质是一致的。

2. The Hazardous Waste Manifest System is a set of forms, reports, and procedures designed to seamlessly track hazardous waste from the time it leaves the generator facility where it was produced, until it reaches the off-site waste management facility that will store, treat, or dispose of the hazardous waste.



3. patients of ins complicated with arf often manifest oliguria or anuria, severe edema, hydrothorax or hydroperitonia, congestive or pulmonary edema they would have a good prognosis because of the use of crrt, ins complicated with arf can be occurred in all kinds of glomerular patholohy type.


4. In order to accomplish it successfully, he must have the sympathy and insight that will enable him to trace to their cause the faults and errors manifest in his pupils.


5. Ortho ea and paroxysmal nocturnal dy ea are unusual in pulmonary disease, except in a very advanced phase when the increased efficiency of breathing in the upright position is manifest.



6. Among multitudes of bitter trials, the Buddha was given such manifest proof of his Dharma, his infinite pity for all creatures was inspired, and so he determined to help by showing all how their world of suffering may be transformed into happiness.


7. manifest的解释

7. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permiss


8. And now it must manifest into your experience.



9. In some it may be highly developed and in others it may manifest in a weaker form.


10. Who is to know what type of shortcuts are going to be taken and how it will manifest again.


11. And now it must manifest into your experience. And when you turn that fantasy into a fact


12. In some it may be highlydeveloped and in others it may manifest in a weaker form.


13. In many cases the thought will manifest as a combination of all three (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic).


14. Inorderto manifest the quality difference from the CN2 network quality, considering the ChinaNet relaying link capacity, the ChinaNet network architecture is further optimized and adjusted, increased the direct link between the core nodes, gradually completed the core network connection, additionally built the provincial direct bone network link, continued to advance the construction for big cities, synthesized the IP network and the transmission network construction, achieved whole optimization of the network.


15. Imagine that you can envision clearly that which you wish to manifest, and it takes only a little time and effort for your visions to become reality.


16. Manifests the new curriculum standard should fully to manifest the humanities nature to fine arts the request.


17. This thesis aims at digging out the influenced elements of Xian Qin Confucius'aesthetics from witchcraft, in order to obtain a new point of view to understand Xian Qin Confucius'aesthetics, then to manifest the hidden system of Xian Qin Confucius'aesthetics.

中文题名巫官文化与先秦儒家美学副题名外文题名 The culture of witch-official and Xian Qin Confucius' aesthetics 论文作者张黔导师陈望衡教授学科专业美学研究领域研究方向中国美学学位级别博士学位授予单位武汉大学学位授予日期2002 论文页码总数125页关键词美学儒家巫官文化审美馆藏号BSLW /2003 /B83-0 /21 本文意在通过发掘先秦儒家美学中的巫术影响因素,来获得一个理解先秦儒家美学的新角度,并由此将先秦儒家美学的隐蔽性的体系彰显出来。

18. In the process of literarytranslation, a translator is required to manifest three distinct literary identities, namely:a reader, an interpreter, and a writer (a re-creator of literature).


19. For there is nothing hid, which shall not be made manifest: neither was it made secret, but that it may come abroad.


20. It has been proved by experiment that the quality of water based ink dispersions is highly dependent on the degree and nature of the association between dispersing resin and pigment, and the interaction of aqueous solution polymers with pigments can be dramatically affected by the ratio of pigment to resin and the consequences of such interactions manifest themselves in color strength variations, loss of gloss, and hiding power.


manifest 词典解释

1. 明显的;显而易见的

If you say that something is manifest, you mean that it is clearly true and that nobody would disagree with it if they saw it or considered it.

e.g. ...the manifest failure of the policies...


e.g. There may be unrecognised cases of manifest injustice of which we are unaware.



She manifestly failed to last the mile and a half of the race.


...the manifestly obvious health and social advantages of chastity.


2. 显示;显露

If you manifest a particular quality, feeling, or illness, or if it manifests itself, it becomes visible or obvious.

e.g. He manifested a pleasing personality on stage...


e.g. The virus needs two weeks to manifest itself.


manifest 单语例句

1. Initially as many as eight Australians were thought to have been on the chartered plane, but the passenger manifest had shown only three people aboard.

2. That new " colonialism " would manifest itself in the very serious growth " tax " that would be imposed on the developing nations.

3. Such commemorative forums have been held since 1995 to give Beijing an opportunity to manifest its latest policy on Taiwan.

4. Luan took these pictures as portraits in order to make his work dignified and manifest the sanctity of the characters.

5. She recounts her meeting with No 32, a teenager whose disability is manifest in a disfigurement in his hands and arms.

6. If the public still does not take the threat seriously, the phantom of AIDS may well manifest itself as a disaster.

7. The ruling DPP enshrines Taiwan independence in its party manifest and favours a public referendum to decide the island's future.

8. His writing style is revered both for its manifest sympathy for people's sufferings and resentment of injustice and corruption.

9. On the other hand, the pressure of interest rate liberalisation may be more manifest on deposit costs than loans.

10. The international economic order and competition configurations fully manifest that financial industry is the core of the modern economy.

manifest 英英释义


1. a customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane



1. reveal its presence or make an appearance

e.g. the ghost manifests each year on the same day

2. provide evidence for

stand as proof of

show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes

e.g. His high fever attested to his illness

The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication

This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness

Synonym: attestcertifydemonstrateevidence

3. record in a ship's manifest

e.g. each passenger must be manifested


1. clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment

e.g. the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields

evident hostility

manifest disapproval

patent advantages

made his meaning plain

it is plain that he is no reactionary

in plain view

Synonym: apparentevidentpatentplainunmistakable