

virgin:[英 [ˈvɜ:dʒɪn] 美 [ˈvɜ:rdʒɪn] ]



virgin 基本解释

名词处女,童男; 童贞玛利亚(耶稣之母)

形容词处女的; 纯洁的; 原始的; 未使用的


virgin 相关例句



1. There were no footmarks on the virgin snow.


2. There are vast expanses of virgin land in the remote regions.



3. The new mayor delivered his virgin speech this afternoon.


virgin 网络解释

1. 公司:例如我们帮助英国的维京公司(Virgin)将产品打入美国市场,因为我们与亚洲的制造公司关系密切,我们负责帮他们联系技术工程公司,从产品策略、品牌塑造、技术制造到用户行为研究几乎都由我们一手包办.

2. 处男:好死不死的是,一名列车经理没事瞎逛进了驾驶室,而那倒霉孩子又刚好在聚精会神的看着片打着飞机,让人一进去就看到了其铅笔......处男(virgin)火车司机前列线大喷发!

virgin 双语例句

1. virgin的翻译

1. SeOne club has attracted all kinds of promoters and event organisers, from corporate giants Virgin and Playstation to dance promoters Frantic, Raindance and Return to New York.


2. Accordingly, at the beginning of hubble-bubble net is virgin, it is two people.


3. virgin的意思

3. This organization by associate charge president of a Liu Chuanzhi of trustee bureau chairman, software that use friend 43 ZhongGuanCun entrepreneur such as Wang Wen Beijing are initiated with natural person identity hold water, virgin capital gold makes an appointment with 4.3 million yuan, pay close attention to the key the high-tech industry such as software, the sources of energy, environmental protection.


4. virgin的解释

4. 2 Cor. 11:2 For I am jealous over you with a jealous y of God; for I betrothed you to one husband to present you as a pure virgin to Christ.


5. If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her

22:23 若有处女已经许配丈夫,有人在城里遇见她,与她行淫

6. For I feel a divine jealousy for you, since I betrothed you to one husband, to present you as a pure virgin to Christ.


7. Cor. 11:2 For I am jealous over you with a jealousy of God; for I betrothed you to one husband to present you as a pure virgin to Christ.

林后十一2 我以神的妒忌,妒忌你们,因为我曾把你们许配一个丈夫,要将一个贞洁的童女献给基督。

8. But since then, companies have been queuing up for telephone time with team CEO Nick Fry, who has knocked back Virgin's offer for title sponsorship because the proposed figure is too low.


9. Because I have a permanent erection it wouldn't be difficult to rape me… Because of this erection I am the vulnerable sissy virgin with big metal balls which click every time I walk


10. We reported last week that Virgin may already have signed a deal to re-name and possible buy into the new 2010 entrant Manor, which involves FIA president Max Mosley's former Simtek colleague Nick Wirth.


11. virgin什么意思

11. Three layered packing material of approximately 200 gsm first layer being 10*10 mesh hdpe fabric followed by 4 micron (100 gauge) ldpe lamination grade confirming to LA 1070 virgin plastic bonded firmly to sack craft paper of 100 GSM having burst factor of 25; layered sheet cut and made in to box type having denomination wise dimensions and per our drawinggiven below, with an extension flap of 40mm overlap on both the top covers which will be pasted by adhesive tape. the four corner joints of the box type hape packing material shall be firmly stitched and bonded together with hdpe self adhesive tape by the supplier.

3层约200克包装材料第一层为10 * 10高密度聚乙烯网布4微米(100计)聚乙烯层压级确认洛杉矶1070处女塑料粘结牢固解雇100 GSM的牛皮纸有爆裂的25倍后,分层板材剪切和以箱型尺寸和明智的面额有根据我们drawinggiven作出以下的40毫米扩大皮瓣,同时在顶部重叠覆盖将由胶带粘贴。四大高原肺水肿的箱式包装材料的接缝应角落牢固地缝合,保税与高密度聚乙烯的供应商自我胶带在一起。

12. I am sneaking the lady Virgin when Mars` concert ends. Now invite you join the game sincerely.


13. There is no additional charge for voicemail, call waiting or Virgin Mobile USA`s award-winning customer service.

是没有额外收费的语音信箱,呼叫等待或Virgin Mobile的美国屡获殊荣的客户服务。

14. These musical instruments calmly sit in the room, has been far away from common custom making noise, looks like in the glen the fresh simple and elegant orchid, the beautiful shy virgin, is blooming quietly likely in the life the beautiful loneliness.


15. virgin

15. They were drug-lived society does not assume any responsibility for the parasitic life, or go to the village virgin, lived a primitive commune-style living.


16. If you answer yes, you'll have no problem with the Virgin Birth.


17. How did he understand verses 18, 20, and 25, if he did not know anything of the virgin birth?

他是怎样理解小诗18 ,第20和第25 ,如果他不知道的处女的诞生吗?

18. The virgin birth is important because of:(1) The doctrine of Scripture.

维尔京诞生,是重要的,因为:( 1 )该学说的经文。

19. virgin的翻译

19. If you believe in the miracles of Jesus, why is it so difficult to believe in the Virgin Birth?



20. It is more likely that the event of the virgin birth influenced Matthew's understanding of Isa.

这是更可能发生维尔京出生的影响,马修的了解伊萨。7:14 than the reverse。

virgin 词典解释

1. 处女;童男

A virgin is someone who has never had sex.

e.g. I was a virgin until I was thirty years old...


e.g. They were both virgins when they met and married.


2. (土地等)未使用的,未开发的

You use virgin to describe something such as land that has never been used or spoiled.

e.g. Within 40 years there will be no virgin forest left.


e.g. ...a sloping field of virgin snow.


3. 陌生的情形;全新的领域

If you say that a situation is virgin territory, you mean that you have no experience of it and it is completely new for you.

4. 新手;雏儿;完全无经验的人

You can use virgin to describe someone who has never done or used a particular thing before.

e.g. Until he appeared in 'In the Line of Fire' Malkovich had been an action-movie virgin...


e.g. He was a political virgin when Mrs Thatcher picked him as Lord Advocate.


virgin 单语例句

1. You can substitute the butter by drizzling some good extra virgin olive oil on the pumpkin.

2. Virgin Blue commercial operations chief David Huttner said a baggage handler found the device in the cargo hold.

3. Virgin said it was also in talks with other major and independent labels and publishers to offer a complete catalogue by the time it launches.

4. She should be put on a pedestal and enshrined as the virgin queen of Chinese cinema somewhat like the Buddha of Infinite Chastity.

5. Congregants gathered at the Virgin Mary Church in Baghdad to celebrate a day marking the resurrection of Christ.

6. World War II leader Winston Churchill topped the Virgin Money survey with 52 percent of the vote.

7. He was also expected to win primaries in Maryland and the District of Columbia, after sweeping four states plus the Virgin Islands this past weekend.

8. Virgin forests and flowery grasslands combined with clear green water create a paradise.

9. It will enter commercial airline service with Virgin Atlantic Airways this summer.

10. A Virgin Atlantic spokesman said that an offer has been extended to the complainant to select new meals to serve on the airline.

virgin 英英释义


1. a person who has never had sex



1. in a state of sexual virginity

e.g. pure and vestal modesty

a spinster or virgin lady

men have decreed that their women must be pure and virginal

Synonym: purevestalvirginalvirtuous

2. being used or worked for the first time

e.g. virgin wool