

add:[英 [æd] 美 [æd] ]


过去式:added;   过去分词:added;   现在分词:adding;

add 基本解释

及物动词增加; 补充; 附带说明; 把…包括在内

不及物动词增加; 做加法; 累积而成; 扩大

名词加法,加法运算; (一篇报道的)补充部分

add 相关词组

1. add up to : 合计达;

2. add up : 合计;


add 相关例句


1. If we add these marks up, we'll get a total of 90.


2. If you add 4 to 3 you get 7.



1. The snowstorm added to our difficulties.


2. Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night.


add 情景对话


A:What are you cooking?


B:I’m making pizza.


A:Yummy! Do you have all the ingredients you need?


B:I’ve got everything, unless you want salami on your pizza.


A:That would be good. I can run to the store and buy some. What other ingredients are you going to put on the pizza?

那太好了, 我可以去商店买一些, 你还需要其它调料么?

B:Pizza sauce and cheese, of course. And then mushrooms, green peppers, onions, olives, and bacon.


A:Did you make the pizza crust or buy it from a store?


B:I made it from scratch.


A:Was it difficult?


B:No, I just had to mix some flour, water, and a little yeast. It’s almost ready to come out of the oven.


A:Do I have time to get the salami?


B:Yes, but be quick. I’ve just got to wash the vegetables and cut them into little pieces. And then we can add the tomato sauce and the toppings.



A:Ah, Lian and Lok. Welcome. It’s a pleasure to see you here again. Now, you know everyone here, except for Ahmed.


B:How do you do?



A:How do you do?



B:A pleasure.


A:Ahmed is our business manager. He’ll be sitting in. Can we get you anything? Tea or coffee?

阿麦德是我们的业务经理。他会旁听这次谈判。 二位需要喝些什么吗?茶还是咖啡?

B:No, thank you.


A:We’re fine thanks.


B:All right then. Please, take a seat. I know your time is valuable. We’re hoping that this meeting won’t go longer than an hour. Would you like me to arrange a taxi for you when we finish?

那好,各位请坐吧。 我知道各位的时间很宝贵,我们希望这次会晤的时间不要超过一个小时。 会谈结束时二位是否需要我们为您安排计程车呢?

A:Thank you. That would be great.


B:I’ll make a note of it. I have an agenda drawn up but feel free to change the order or add items as you wish.

我会记住这件事的。 我这里有一份起草好了的会谈程序,不过如果二位有任何议题需要增减的话,请务必不要拘泥于此。


A:This looks fine. You seem to have covered everything.


add 网络解释

1. add的解释

1. 地址:地址:(add)吉林省长春市建设街天庭大厦1303室吉林省长春市建设街天庭大厦1303室吉林省长春市建设街天庭吉林省长春市建设

2. add:attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; 注意缺陷障碍

3. add:after discharge duration; 后放电时程

4. add:aldus developers desk; 阿达斯工作台开发公司

5. add:advanced diagnostics and debug; 和高级诊断及调试

add 双语例句

1. In this case we add both a fruit puree and a matching-flavoured fruit liqueur to this classic recipe.


2. add是什么意思

2. Many of these shortcuts can be changed and you can add new shortcuts and aliases.



3. Remove part of the oil remaining in the pan, add wine, lime juice, lime zest, wild mushroom slices and cream. Cook them at low flame.



4. Even battered Elkhart got some good news: on August 4th Dometic, a supplier of recreational-vehicle parts, said that with some help from local incentives it would add 240 jobs to its operation in the town.


5. Now I can add current source files for XWinVer to the working directory.


6. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run.


7. add

7. Around the world international aids go wrong keep the peace a shortage of food cause sb. to do sth. live in poverty in real life people in need belong to the UN a UN Goodwill ambassador give a speech be pleased to do sth. have the chance to do sth. refer to sb./ sth. be made up of mean to do sth./ doing sth. be honoured to do sth. take on this role set up/about doing/down/out to do be based on develop friendly relations with sb. co-operate in doing sth. promote respect for human rights as you know touch the lives of people everywhere be involved in with the help of sb. worthy organizations be worth doing sth.= be worthy of being done assist the victims of wars in addition protect sb. from doing sth. prevent sb. from doing sth. child labour record sth.= make records of be aware of sth./ make sb aware of draw one's attention=draw the attention of sb. add sth. to sth.

add up/add up to under the umbrella of 全世界国际援助出错保持和平缺少食物导致某人做某事生活贫穷在现实生活中有需要的人属于联合国一位联合国亲善大使做讲座高兴做某事有机会做某事谈及某人或某事由某物组成打算做某事/意味着做某事荣幸做某事承担这个角色建立/着手工作/写下/开始做以…为基础和某人发展友好关系合作做某事促进对人权的尊敬正如你所知道的涉及每个地方人们的生活涉及;卷入在某人的帮助下令人尊敬的组织值得做某事帮助战争的受难者除了保护某人免受…的伤害阻止某人做某事童工记录某事意识到引起某人的注意把…加到…/加起来/加起来为在…的保护下 17 41。

8. While I am not one of those people, I`ve seen this feature around so often that I decided to add it codemonkey`s. vimrc.



9. Add the olive oil, the saltish and the seasoning.


10. I hasten to add, to anticipate possible misconception, that he was not the least of a charlatan


11. add

11. I add some props to the scene and choose a camera plan that would match my conception of this image.


12. As a human sprinter takes a banked turn, the body experiences gravity and centripetal forces that increase effective body weight and add to the load the legs must carry.


13. add的解释

13. Ischemic preconditioning add Methylprednisolone Long can more reduce the surgery caused damage to liver function than simple ischemic preconditioning.



14. A High Performance add-on option is available with a focus on either engines or fabrication.


15. Add additional features to the forming tool such as extrudes, reoles, fillets, chamfers, and so on, to shape the forming tool.


16. The research may go someway to explaining why people add extra salt to food, or seek out salt-rich foods, despite warnings from numerous scientists and health professionals convinced that high salt intake is responsible for increasing blood pressure, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.


17. Heat the wok, add in the garlic, dried shrimps and ground pork cook until no longer pink.


18. He has to add that'je ne sais quoi'that turns talent into bankable production.


19. When you abandon it, it is after all just a seed; When you do give up its responsibilities, it will die, and even your life to add a trace of haze; If you Like it when in full bloom, with pride unplug it, you will receive the fruits of someone else and regret it later, did not want the responsibility to re-do time, no chance.


20. Do not add any new tortoise to your existing collection without a quarantine period - 6 months is recommended.


add 词典解释

1. 添加;增加;掺加

If you add one thing to another, you put it in or on the other thing, to increase, complete, or improve it.


e.g. Add the grated cheese to the sauce...


e.g. Since 1908, chlorine has been added to drinking water...



If you add numbers or amounts together, you calculate their total.

e.g. Banks add all the interest and other charges together...


e.g. Two and three added together are five.


3. 增添;增加

If one thing adds to another, it makes the other thing greater in degree or amount.

e.g. This latest incident will add to the pressure on the government...


e.g. Smiles, nods, and cheerful faces added to the general gaiety.


4. 增加,增添(特色)

To add a particular quality to something means to cause it to have that quality.

e.g. The generous amount of garlic adds flavour...


e.g. Pictures add interest to plain painted walls.


5. 补充说;进一步说

If you add something when you are speaking, you say something more.


e.g. 'You can tell that he is extremely embarrassed,' Mr Brigden added...


e.g. The President agreed, adding that he hoped for a peaceful solution.


6. 另外;再者

You use added to this or added to that to introduce a fact that supports or widens what you are saying.


e.g. More than 750 commercial airliners were involved in fatal accidents last year. Added to that were the 1,550 smaller aircraft.


7. to add insult to injury -> see insult

相关词组:add inadd onadd upadd up to

add 单语例句

1. This year's game is expected to add $ 150 million to the Indianapolis economy and even more if it boosts tourism and convention business.

2. The Chinese government is " very likely " to initiate cuts in business tax to add impetus to the slowing economy.

3. Dissolve 2 Tbsp olive oil and 2 ozs butter in a frypan, add sprouts and chestnuts shake and fry until sprouts are tender.

4. They won't add to that total this year, by their own choice.

5. I am a moderate environmentalist who strongly believes that a little compromise in our lifestyle should add a few good points to a greener tomorrow.

6. But the attached logos add value by way of an affordable step up the ladder of social mobility.

7. Plans to add more than 800 parking spaces for taxis in Beijing to ease the difficulty of hailing a cab have received a lukewarm response.

8. While some airlines have responded to the call to delay orders, others have said they will add to their fleets.

9. The law will call for heavy punishments for those who intentionally add banned substances to food in order to make a profit.

10. Another of the new products is called " Matters of Size, " an explicit DVD exercise program designed to add inches to a penis.

add 英英释义



1. make an addition (to)

join or combine or unite with others

increase the quality, quantity, size or scope of

e.g. We added two students to that dorm room

She added a personal note to her letter

Add insult to injury

Add some extra plates to the dinner table

2. make an addition by combining numbers

e.g. Add 27 and 49, please!

Synonym: add together

3. determine the sum of

e.g. Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town

Synonym: totaltottot upsumsum upsummatetote upadd togethertallyadd up

4. state or say further

e.g. `It doesn't matter,' he supplied

Synonym: appendsupply

5. bestow a quality on

e.g. Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company

The music added a lot to the play

She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings

This adds a light note to the program

Synonym: lendimpartbestowcontributebring

6. constitute an addition

e.g. This paper will add to her reputation