

preclude:[英 [prɪˈklu:d] 美 [prɪˈklud] ]


过去式:precluded;   过去分词:precluded;   现在分词:precluding;

preclude 基本解释

及物动词排除; 妨碍; 阻止

preclude 相关例句


1. preclude

1. The flood precluded him from coming.


2. The bad weather precluded me from attending the meeting.


preclude 网络解释

1. 阻止:该条文说,即使一名外国人士在申请留学签证的同时,也有在未来取得永久居民(permanent resident)的意图(intention),只要移民官满意,他们在学生签证到期,无法继续居留后会离开,则不能阻止(preclude)他们取得留学签证.

2. preclude是什么意思

2. 使不能,妨碍,阻止:precise 精确,正确的 | preclude 使不能,妨碍,阻止 | precocious 早熟,过早的

3. 排除,消除,妨碍:precision sliding microtome 精密滑动式切片机 | preclude 排除,消除,妨碍 | precooler 预冷器

4. 妨碍,阻止:occlude 封闭,遮断 | preclude 妨碍,阻止 | recluse 隐士,遁世者

preclude 双语例句

1. This measure may preclude the exclusive agency from sellin g crucial crude oil.


2. In seeking appropriate ways to protect health or the environment, the issue of cost does not preclude consideration of possible alternatives, and priories are based on achieving the greatest anticipated practical benefit while striving for continuous improvement.



3. As Stone J stated, 'o put the issue another way, absent exceptional reasons to be advanced by the defendant/applicant, the contractual nomination of Hong Kong as the non-exclusive jurisdiction serves to preclude argument that Hong Kong is not clearly a convenient forum'.


4. In fact, the nonspecific capacity of dsRNA to activate the interferon response, thereby leading to the general inhibition of cellular translation, was widely perceived to preclude substantial roles for endogenous RNAi in vertebrates.


5. B hold product until the required inspection and tests have been completed or necessary reports have been received and verified, except when product is released under positive-recall procedures see Release under positive-recall procedures shall not preclude the activities outlined in 4.10.3a

b 在所要求的检验和试验完成或必需的报告收到和验证前,不得将产品放行。除非有可靠追回程序时(才可例外放行,但仍应执行4.10.3 a 的规定。

6. Although half Jabbar career spent in the 70's, but this does not preclude him from the top ranks.


7. Not only did this preclude an officer caste system, but meant that the officer understood.


8. This interesting, if somewhat arbitrary, theory is not without importance for the early history of all three orders, but it is not yet sufficiently proven to preclude the more usual account given above, according to which the Franciscan Order developed into three distinct branches, namely, the first, second, and third orders, by process of addition and not by process of division, and this is still the view generally received.


9. preclude的意思

9. There was genuine emotion and outrage to be sure, which does not preclude the possibility that many of the marchers were moved by how much they were moved.

ANYWAY,偶然发现前面人家引用ABBAS的话出自哪里,应该也收入过他的CULTURE OF DISAPPERANCE,是给梁秉钧诗集英译版本作序写的。

10. preclude

10. No previous collateral or margin requirement by XXX shall preclude XXX from increasing that requirement without prior notice.

任何先前 XXX 要求的保证金额都不代表 XXX 不能在不预先通知的情况下提高要求的保证金额。

11. No previous margin requirement shall preclude Forex. com from increasing that requirement without prior notice.


12. Danazol has been highly effective in relieving the symptoms of endometriosis, but adverse effects may preclude its use.

达那唑 在减轻内异症患者的症状上有较好的作用,但是其副作用可能会影响它的使用。

13. This does not preclude him from the teacher's blessing.


14. This doesn`t preclude them from material success.


15. To preclude this from happening, you must establish your needs and wants as a rider.



16. History is made by the people, but this does not preclude the people from respecting an outstanding individual.


17. This Paragraph 18 can not be construed to preclude either party from seeking any other possible remedies.


18. A fault in the processor subsystem will preclude any embedded boundary-scan tests.


19. Still, worries that the economy and stock market are likely to be significantly impacted by an Iraq invasion are overblown and, unless the risks of a failed invasion are high, are not so large that they should preclude any action otherwise deemed necessary.


20. This measure may preclude the exclusive agency from selling crucia l crude oil.


preclude 词典解释

1. 排除;杜绝;防止

If something precludes an event or action, it prevents the event or action from happening.

e.g. At 84, John feels his age precludes too much travel...


e.g. He would rebuff enquiries in such a way as to preclude any further discussion.


2. 阻止;妨碍

If something precludes you from doing something or going somewhere, it prevents you from doing it or going there.


e.g. A constitutional amendment precludes any president from serving more than two terms...


e.g. In some cases poor English precluded them from ever finding a job.


preclude 单语例句

1. " This does not preclude possible attacks on other large vessels with dangerous cargo, " the SSA said in the advisory seen by Reuters.

2. China does not preclude the possibility of floating its currency in the long run.

3. The EU said Friday it did not mean to preclude any negotiations outside the WTO framework if that could lead to a deal.

4. Her attorneys had also argued that Peron's poor health and age should preclude her from being extradited.

5. The planned troop deployment does not preclude sending more forces in the future, the official said.

6. The right to free expression does not preclude stupidity of expression from destroying your image.

7. Such a commission would not constitute a criminal investigation, but it would not preclude one either.

8. The military said the transfer did not preclude the possibility of trying the case in Afghanistan.

9. Moreover, it does not preclude us from developing our arsenal against pathogens.

10. That would preclude them from bidding for six months without the regulator's consent.

preclude 英英释义


1. keep from happening or arising

make impossible

e.g. My sense of tact forbids an honest answer

Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project

Synonym: preventforestallforecloseforbid

2. make impossible, especially beforehand

Synonym: rule outclose out