

nervous:[英 [ˈnɜ:vəs] 美 [ˈnɜ:rvəs] ]


nervous 基本解释

形容词神经质的; 紧张不安的; 焦虑的


nervous 相关例句


1. He's nervous of strangers.


2. He is full of nervous energy.


3. I got nervous at the English examination.


4. The speaker gave a nervous cough.


5. Some are nervous in the dark.


nervous 情景对话


A:Yelling to Rose) Rose, Don and I are going to buy some drinks.


B:(Quietly to Sue) Rose and Herb are from the Dark Ages!


A:Ive never seen two people who are so nervous when together.


B:This is going to be a major disaster.


A:Youre right. They wont say a word to each other...


B:...the whole evening.


A:They wont get together, ever.


nervous 网络解释


1. 紧张的:等级5以上最大体力增加3 硬的(Hard)铁制装饰品 等级5以上str+1,等级18以下生命力+8,等级25以上dex+3 鬣狗的(Hyenas) 等级15以上最大体力减少2,等级5以上最大生命力增加2 紧张的(Nervous)衣服、铠甲 暴击E以上str-2,

2. 不安:作者对自己的不准时、不守信和撒谎感到的不应该是恐惧害怕(frightened),惊讶意外(surprised),紧张不安(nervous)而应该是羞愧难当(ashamed). 父亲在生自己(myself)的气,在自责. 父亲要一路上严肃认真地想想他这些年来在对作者的教育方面哪儿出了差错,

3. nervous

3. 紧张不安:作者对自己的不准时、不守信和撒谎感到的不应该是恐惧害怕(frightened),惊讶意外(surprised),紧张不安(nervous)而应该是羞愧难当(ashamed). 父亲在生自己(myself)的气,在自责. 父亲要一路上严肃认真地想想他这些年来在对作者的教育方面哪儿出了差错,

nervous 双语例句

1. The slow wave sleep in the process by the central cortex inhibition, jade pillow can reduce cerebral blood, central nervous get enough rest.


2. Performing the process, many parents have to watch the show, but the good thing is, makes me nervous.


3. This time I will wait for you to scold me and I would obediently penalized if I tell you kicked so nervous attack the next day I would buy a lot of things to coax you until you punish me again, I will glad to


4. Survey of principles underlying the structure and function of the nervous system, integrating molecular, cellular, and systems approaches.



5. RESULTS: Under a phase contrast microscope, NSCs showed turgor vitalis, clear nucleus and nucleolus, enlarged nervous process and dense lattice.


6. He seems overmatched and nervous. Henn is a nice kid who tries hard but has a 7.53 career ERA over parts of three seasons. Wright allowed a home run to Mike Lowell in April that just now landed on the Mass Pike. That was the end of him.

他看来实力有段差距并且容易紧张;Sean Henn是个努力的好孩子,但他3个球季的ERA 高达7.53;Chase Wright在四月份被红袜的Mike Lowell打的那支全垒打搞不好现在还留在Mass Pike。

7. If this has made Ben Bernanke, current Fed boss, a little nervous, the wavering last last week of some Senate Democrats over backing his confirmation for a second term will not have improved his composure.



8. Unlike type 2 and type 3 Gaucher disease, type 1 disease does not involve the primary central nervous system.


9. May be too nervous because of your own pregnancy, but postponed to menstrual period.


10. My mom said she was nervous during pregnancy, but was also very excited.



11. Can ah, there is no need for us to get nervous, I pregnancy when they are asked a doctor, the doctor said that a pregnant person on the tension in this, the tension that, in fact, there is no need to, if not on the skin must maintain care and summer must pay attention to the sun, because of pregnancy when a long easily spotted, so the skin care is still very necessary, if a pregnant do not have anything, it is also afraid that is afraid to make their own side of蓬头meet unexpectedly, feelings can be good, so why not be a good mother does, as long as not to use poor-quality cosmetics, there is no problem.


12. First of WangYueLun said that when my father was very nervous, LiXiang after pregnancy and LiXiang due to eat anything serious, reaction, still hospitalized for a long time, he was busy every day and had to go to movies, hospital, Mrs. Take care of all get his fear LiXiang rehabilitation hospital, until, and it can eat can sleep, he just slightly.


13. In order to explore the effects of maternal iodine deficiency during pregnancy on the nervous system of the infants. an epidemiological survey of pregnant women in the endemic region was carried out. They were divided into three groups: treatment group. placebo group and normal group.


14. nervous

14. Organic lavender extract powder can also adjust female internal secretion, cure abnormal emmenia, and has effects of relieving pains from emmenia and nervous system, and curing digestive system and circulatory system discomforts.


15. nervous

15. According to Introduction Hu Lubin, of M1 in forming, with industry current deposit is given priority to, the fund that its fluctuant circumstance reflected a business directly is bounteous degree -- if company capital is abundant, the current account that many capital surplus is in a bank, m1 increases quickly; Conversely, if company capital is nervous, so that current capital inadequacy wants to employ time deposit, m1 is added fast drop to appear even negative growth.


16. They process the information in steps, and then the processed information is combined in a higher-level station in the nervous system.


17. You make me nervous so I really can't eat Lets go... don't wait...

您真正地使我紧张因此我can't 吃让越过。。。

18. At compensation stage and broken compensation stage, neuroendocrine derangement and sympathetic nervous system activation.


19. He never showed his weakness on the outside, continuing his work as if nothing was wrong, driven by Sosai X and his own demons, but he was riding on the ragged edge of a nervous breakdown when everything blew up.

他从不出示了在外面方面的他弱点,继续他的工作好像没事是错误的,被 Sosai X 和他自己的魔鬼驱使,但是当每件事物炸毁的时候,他正在搭乘神经衰弱的衣衫褴褛的边缘。

20. nervous的反义词

20. L Nervous system: Agitation, confusion, hyperkinesia, ataxia, CNS depression, nightmares, nervousness, psychiatric disturbance, hallucinations, insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, thinking abnormality.


nervous 词典解释

1. 神经紧张的;担忧的;焦虑的

If someone is nervous, they are frightened or worried about something that is happening or might happen, and show this in their behaviour.

e.g. The party has become deeply nervous about its prospects of winning the next election...


e.g. She described Mr Hutchinson as nervous and jumpy after his wife's disappearance.



Brunhilde stood up nervously as the men came into the room...


Nervously clutching our glasses of chilled wine, we gathered on the terrace.


I smiled warmly so he wouldn't see my nervousness.


2. 神经质的;神经过敏的

A nervous person is very tense and easily upset.

e.g. She was apparently a very nervous woman, and that affected her career.


3. 神经性的;神经的

A nervous illness or condition is one that affects your emotions and your mental state.

e.g. The number of nervous disorders was rising in the region...


e.g. He developed nervous problems after people began repeatedly correcting him.


nervous 单语例句

1. Acrylonitrile primarily affects the nervous system and lungs, can cause death and may cause cancer.

2. " We don't feel nervous facing the camera, " Kang says.

3. Lead poisoning can damage the nervous system and cause various mental problems.

4. US stock markets last week posted their worst losses in a year, the dollar slumped and nervous investors put cash into insured bank accounts.

5. And Clinton Fatigue may be lurking in the party's central nervous system.

6. The source said Edwards had inadvertently taken a form of glucose that unknowingly contained nikethamide, a stimulant that can affect the central nervous system.

7. This organism produces a toxin that affects the central nervous system of fish so that they are paralyzed and cannot breathe.

8. By the time they discovered Zhu had been poisoned with thallium, her central nervous system had already been badly damaged.

9. During this activity phase they are involved in the pattern formation of the extremities and the central nervous system.

10. The rabies virus spreads through the central nervous system and causes inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.

nervous 英英释义


1. unpredictably excitable (especially of horses)

Synonym: skittishflightyspooky

2. excited in anticipation

Synonym: aflutter

3. easily agitated

e.g. a nervous addict

a nervous thoroughbred

4. causing or fraught with or showing anxiety

e.g. spent an anxious night waiting for the test results

cast anxious glances behind her

those nervous moments before takeoff

an unquiet mind

Synonym: anxiousqueasyuneasyunquiet

5. of or relating to the nervous system

e.g. nervous disease

neural disorder

Synonym: neural