

censure:[英 [ˈsenʃə(r)] 美 [ˈsɛnʃɚ] ]


过去式:censured;   过去分词:censured;   现在分词:censuring;

censure 基本解释

名词责备; 指责,谴责; 斥责

及物动词指责; 谴责; 责备; 批评


censure 相关例句


1. The judge censured the driver but didn't fine him.



1. He received a public censure for his dishonourable behavior.


censure 网络解释


1. 谴责:n of license)、禁止在券商处供职(Bar from association with a broker-dealer)、中止许可、限制从业人员或机构的行为和业务种类、谴责(Censure对与证券有关的行业(律师业、会计师业)从业人员进行谴责或取消其在SEC前执业的资格;

2. 责难:sear#使枯萎;烧灼;使麻木 | censure#责难 | brag#夸张

3. censure的反义词

3. 指责,非难:caustic 刻薄的,讽刺的 | censure 指责,非难 | centrifugal 离心的

4. 指责:censorship 潜意识稽查 | censure 指责 | census 人口调查

censure 双语例句

1. We also extend these same constitutions, with each and every censure and penalty contained in them, to each and every living person of whatever status, condition and distinction, who attacks with an armed band the home of any of the said cardinals, both at the time of the said conclave, even if the cardinal in question has been elected pope, and at other times and for any reasons, and who seizes anything in the house with violence like an enemy or wounds anyone of those dwelling there, and also their associates and those who have given orders for it to be done, or have given personal approval to the deed or have provided counsel and support to the attackers in the above matters and have defended them.


2. censure

2. Despite the huge number of complaints, the ASA threw out the objections because the advert did not break any rules. The ASA did not censure any of the five adverts that attracted most complaints.


3. The Government's power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the Government.


4. Now I am not going to censure or detest it, after all, there is always danger ahead for all of us, which proves to be fair to everyone.


5. As for your censure, if it were true, I wouldn`t refute it because fallacious argument is guiltier. If it were not true, why should I refute it?


6. But at Billu`s Indian Eatery and Sweet House, a Harris Park gathering point, Aruna Chandrala, an Indian community leader, carefully avoids censure.


7. Their censure did not much affect him, for the good-natured young man was disposed to accept with considerable humility the dispraise of others


8. Their censure did not much ffect him, for the good natured young man was disposed to accept with considerable humility the dispraise of others.


9. In order that this dangerous and most foul doctrine might be eliminated from the church's midst, he ordered, by his apostolic authority and under pain of ecclesiastical censure, that all such books, treatises, volumes and pamphlets should be diligently sought out by the local ordinaries and should then be publicly burnt; and he added that if necessary those who do not obey should be proceeded against as if they were promoters of heresy.


10. Never, even in the company of his dear friends at Netherfield, or his dignified relations at Rosings, had she seen him so desirous to please, so free from self-consequence or unbending reserve, as now, when no importance could result from the success of his endeavours, and when even the acquaintance of those to whom his attentions were addressed would draw down the ridicule and censure of the ladies both of Netherfield and Rosings.


11. Synonyms: accuse, adjudicate, arraign, blacklist, blame, boycott, brand, castigate, censure, charge, charge with, criticize, damn, declaim, decry, denunciate, derogate, dress down, excoriate, expose, finger*, hang something on, impeach, implicate, impugn, incriminate, indict, inveigh against, knock, ostracize, proscribe, prosecute, rap, rat, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprobate, reprove, revile, scold, show up, skin*, smear, stigmatize, take to task, threaten, upbraid, vilify, vituperate

Notes:denounce 着重公开谴责,指责。condemn 正式用词,与 condemn 意义最接近,有较强的司法意味,侧重从道义或原则上进行坚决、毫不留情的谴责。accuse 语气比 blame 强,本义为归罪,可用作指非难或谴责之义。blame 普通用词,语气较弱,仅是一般的责难,强调对过错等应负责任。rebuke 多指上级对下级进行的公开、强烈、严正而不宽容的责备。reproach 指因他人粗心,自私等引起不满而去指责,找岔。scold 普通用词,多指上级对下级,长辈对晚辈或雇主对雇员的态度粗暴,言词激烈的数落。

12. Even Shige, whom Western viewers are inclined to censure, surprises us with her sudden, copious, utterly sincere burst of tears at her mother`s death; and her harsh edges are mitigated by the fact that she`s played by Haruko Sugimura, one of Japan`s most beloved female performers.


13. Mankind censure injustice, fearing that they may be the victims of it and not because they shrink from commintting it. Plato, Ancint Grek philosopher


14. The opposition passed a vote of censure on the government.


15. censure的解释

15. The opposition passed a vote of censure on the government, putting the prime minister in an embarassing position.


16. The parliament passed a vote of censure.


17. However a vote of censure was moved against Burke for noticing the affairs of France, which was moved by Lord Sheffield and seconded by Fox.

然而反对伯克提请他注意法国事件的投票动议得到了通过,此投票动议由Lord Sheffield提出,Fox附议。

18. The more resources and weight national enterprises have, the more indignant and fierce the censure against them.


19. Censure is sometimes hader to bear than punishment.


20. Deutsche Securities for the censure and a fine of six million yuan, mainly because I think that it is not a sufficient system, thus facilitating the trading sector, and customer self-dealing transactions pooling implementation, failure to identify and involved to resolve potential conflicts of interest; and did not maintain a proper and effective regulatory functions, resulting in the identity of the principal transactions with customers, they are unable to detect and manage the risks involved in the customer; In addition, the Securities and Futures Commission also alleged that the company failed to fully retain the customer orders drop the audit trail.


censure 词典解释

1. 严厉批评;指责

If you censure someone for something that they have done, you tell them that you strongly disapprove of it.


e.g. The ethics committee may take a decision to admonish him or to censure him...


e.g. I would not presume to censure Osborne for hating his mother.


censure 单语例句censure是什么意思

1. Any censure and fear of China is " groundless, " he said.

2. BEIJING - Government officials who allow the use of pirated software in their offices will face censure amid a drive to promote authorized software.

3. Government officials who allow the use of pirated software in their offices will face censure amid a drive to promote authorized software.

4. And while his weekly email magazine made no direct mention of the censure, the opening greeting yesterday was " Never give up ".

5. The decision was seen as a victory for Iran, which has warned that Washington would be isolated if it seeks strong censure of Tehran.

6. I knew it was not right to anger a lady, though I wondered what exactly I had done wrong to deserve such censure.

7. The announcement came after weeks of news media censure of Shanghai's questionable entrapment methods used by its law enforcement officers.

8. Some aggressive people criticize the infected for bringing in the virus, thereby provoking moral censure in society.

9. Washington decided against such a censure last year and China told the United States to " think three times " about introducing a critical resolution.

10. Although European colonial powers receive their share of censure, the main goal is keeping memories of Japanese conquest fresh.

censure 英英释义


1. harsh criticism or disapproval

Synonym: animadversion

2. the state of being excommunicated

Synonym: excommunicationexclusion


1. rebuke formally

Synonym: reprimandcriminate