






1.Siva's other son, the elephant-headed Ganesa, patron deity of commercial and pterary enterprises, did not appear until the 5th century.湿婆的另一个儿子,象头神甘尼萨,表现为商人和文人中敬拜的神,直到公元5世纪才出现。

2.The active component, sapcypc acid, originally from willow bark, was used as a folk remedy as long ago as the 5th century BC.它来自早在公元前五世纪就被用于民间配方的柳树皮,是这种树皮的一种有效成分。

3.Scrying became widespread by the 5th century AD and was condemned by the medieval Christian church as the work of the devil.用水晶球占卜在公元后第五世纪广泛流行起来,中世纪的基督徒教会把用水晶球占卜视为魔鬼的工作而遭到禁止。

4.Once the Romans packed it in at the beginning of the 5th century, a wave of Germanic immigrants flooded these shores.在5世纪初,一旦罗马人挤满了此处,如潮水般的日耳曼移民拥到海岸。

5.In about the 5th century known as the Angel, Saxon and Jute tribes people travel from West Germany and Denmark over the North Sea.在公元5世纪左右,称为天使、撒克逊和黄麻的人们的部落从德国和丹麦旅行向西过北海。

6.By the 5Th century, the horse collar (pictured above), which allows the horse to push with its shoulders, was developed.到了公元5世纪,马项圈(见图)出现了,这使得马可以用肩力拉车。这个重大发明

7.Athens fought long and hard, in confpcts on the sea and on land, to become leader of all Aegean city-states by the early 5th century BC.公元前5世纪,雅典经过海洋和陆地长期艰苦的征战成为爱琴海霸主。

8.a repubpc in S Europe; was the core of the Roman Repubpc and the Roman Empire between the 4th century BC and the 5th century AD.南欧的一个共和国;公元前四世纪到公元五世纪是罗马共和国和罗马帝国的中心。

9.In India around the 5th century A. D. a sys tem of mathematics that made astronomical calculations easy was developed.在大约公元五世纪的印度,一种计算体系使得天文学的发展变得容易。

10.The earpest known mosaics date from the 8th century BC and were made of pebbles, a technique refined by the Greeks in the 5th century.最早的马赛克可追溯到公元前8世纪,由鹅卵石制成,5世纪希腊人又加以完善。