

dictatorial:[英 [ˌdɪktəˈtɔ:riəl] 美 [ˌdɪktəˈtɔriəl, -ˈtor-] ]


dictatorial 基本解释

形容词独裁的; 独断; 专横傲慢的; 盛气凌人的

dictatorial 网络解释

1. dictatorial的翻译

1. 独裁,专横的:dictator 独裁者 | dictatorial 独裁,专横的 | diction 用字遣词,词藻,语法

2. dictatorial

2. 独裁的:dictator 独裁者 | dictatorial 独裁的 | dictatorially 独裁地

3. 独裁者的,独裁的,独断的:arrogant 傲慢的,自大的 | dictatorial 独裁者的,独裁的,独断的 | authoritative 权威性的;官方的,当局的

4. 独裁者的/独裁的/独断的/独断:dictation /口述/口授/听写/命令/指令/指挥/ | dictatorial /独裁者的/独裁的/独断的/独断/ | dictatorially /独裁/自大地/

dictatorial 双语例句

1. And they have a point. No one in the U. S. would argue that it should adopt China's dictatorial style of government. America doesn't need to displace tens of thousands of people in order to build a massive dam, as China did in Hubei province from 1994 to 2006. The value of checks and balances is, in fact, among the many things China could learn from the U. S.


2. In the South, the United had built up the dictatorial government of an American-educated Korean, Syngman Rhee.


3. Most of those such as EX who call black white and defend china's terrible human rights are paid by the dictatorial regime.


4. However will also be unprogressive, arrogant, dictatorial of one side.


5. The decrees of the designers are unpredictable and dictatorial.


6. Thedecrees of the designers are unpredictable and dictatorial.



7. Indeed, a popular joke in the Arab world is that the region's dictatorial leaders are a sign of God's love as a hadith states The greatest reward comes from the greatest trial.


8. With her charm and her music Maria wins over the rebellious children-even the dictatorial unbending Captain.


9. If you take a forceful, dictatorial approach, it will backfire.


10. If I had the dictatorial power in a dictatorship, I would dictate that she be kept in detention for appearing too pretentious.



11. Mr Soro denounced what he called the dictatorial rule of President Laurent Gbagbo.


12. dictatorial的反义词

12. If that`s not dictatorial power, what is?


13. One does not have to be dictatorial to be a leader.


14. He is reasonable in his approach to problems and his leadership is less dictatorial.


15. After all, it could be the transformation from a dictatorial constitution to a democracy.


16. dictatorial的翻译

16. It should be noted that even the wheels of economic development get jammed under dictatorial society.


17. In the view of Peter Larmour, a specialist on the Pacific islands at the Australian National University in Canberra, (5)corruption is better tackled by reducing institutional opportunities for it, rather than by dictatorial moral crusades from a strong-arm regime that sets itself up as detective, judge and juror.

在Peter Larmour看来,Peter Larmour是堪培拉澳大利亚国立大学太平岛的专家,他觉得腐败的最好解决方法是减少制度上发生腐败的机会,而不是来自军事政权的独裁道德改革运动,该政权将自己设为政探,法官和陪审员。

18. dictatorial的反义词

18. You can say I am just a guy who is brain-washed by our dictatorial government, but I hope you can issue your opinions upon your familiarity of the background of one policy and you also should know the updated situation of one policy and not attack one policy using a very old example.


19. The evil races will begin in the militaristic dictatorial city of Freeport, the good races will begin in the peace loving city of Qeynos.


20. In large parts of the world, especially in poorer and more dictatorial countries, dual nationals remain anathema.


dictatorial 词典解释

1. 独裁的;专政的

Dictatorial means controlled or used by a dictator.


e.g. He suspended the constitution and assumed dictatorial powers.


2. 专横的;霸道的;喜欢发号施令的

If you describe someone's behaviour as dictatorial, you do not like the fact that they tell people what to do in a forceful and unfair way.


e.g. If you are too strict with them, your children will see you as dictatorial.


e.g. ...his dictatorial management style.


dictatorial 单语例句

1. Some " enlightened " minds speak out in this context and argue that the chaotic situation in Egypt is now a fight between dictatorial and democratic systems.

2. The relative isolation of family managements from society and the paternalistic " dictatorial " model of their businesses make them totally dependent on their founders and successors.

3. Eventually, the movement turned against Chiang's dictatorial rule in Taiwan.

4. The infamous 1933 Enabling Act gave Hitler dictatorial powers but also helped him win his battles with the Munich tax office for good.

5. But the fear of the dictatorial junta is such that no one is willing to voice opposition publicly.

6. " He also has been violent and dictatorial at home sometimes, " she added.

7. It's Streep who dominates " Prada " with her every purring, dictatorial command.

dictatorial 英英释义



1. characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule

having absolute sovereignty

e.g. an authoritarian regime

autocratic government

despotic rulers

a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war

a tyrannical government

Synonym: authoritarianautocraticdespotictyrannictyrannical

2. expecting unquestioning obedience

e.g. the timid child of authoritarian parents

insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter

Synonym: authoritarianoverbearing

3. of or characteristic of a dictator

e.g. dictatorial powers