

etc:[英 ['etk] 美 ['etk] ]


etc 基本解释


副词等等及其他; 诸如此类

abbr.[拉丁语]et cetera(常读作 and so forth)


etc 网络解释

1. 电子节气门控制:双镀铬排气尾管 扇形晶钻立体尾灯 EVIC-iii智能双阀三级可变进气控制系统 电子节气门控制(ETC)系统双镀铬排气尾管 扇形晶钻立体尾灯 EVIC-iii智能双阀三级可变进气控制系统 电子节气门控制(ETC)系统双镀铬排气尾管 扇形晶

2. etc的翻译

2. 等等:英文单词给出了解释,妻子(Wife),就是洗(Wash),熨(lron),吵架(Falling out)等等(Etc).看起来,为人妻就是家电功能的大汇总,其实,每个人的性格里都隐藏着一款家电的影子.

3. 其他:游戏名称 : 2049 - 成功男士迷人生活 夜晚实战篇 完全汉化版 游戏类型 : 其他 (ETC) 压缩大小:11.5mb 游戏版本:中文汉化版 汉化人员名单: 翻译:OTAKING 御寮の囧囧君 宇宙世纪的风 我爱喵喵美...

4. 其他类游戏:.....故乡:江苏-徐州 .....婚姻状况:未婚 性格: 活泼开朗 业余爱好: 听音乐/看电影 电子游戏/网游 最喜欢的游戏类型: 其他类游戏(ETC) 情感生活/书籍 喜欢的文章类型: 散文

5. etc:equivalent thermal conductivity; 有效热导率

6. etc:electronic toll collection system; 不停车收费系统

7. etc:electronic temperature control; 电子温度控制

etc 双语例句

1. III. silicate mineral contain iron, include olive stone, black column stone, common picrite etc.


2. Graduates receive advanced standing for degrees at such universities as: Guelph, Ryerson, Hong Kong Polytechnic, Griffith, Thames Valley, Penn College, University of Calgary, etc.


3. Be unable to stand tests, trials, etc.


4. Be unable to stand exertion, fatigue, etc.


5. For domestic and foreign customers with a complete set of automation solutions and related processing equipment, product coverage of electronic manufacturing, office automation, metal processing and many other industries, the main products are: inkjet printer, chip capping machine components, pressure plate installed components, chip components sorting machine, life testing machine, FPC cutting machine, rubber roller cutting machine, core indentation machine, Automatic screw machine, a dedicated flat-milling machine, tapping machine multi-axis, pneumatic presses, hydraulic machines, etc.ú.


6. The business card printing and membership card making machine is configured with seven business card printing and membership card making color groups, 2 on the toilet roll system, 12 only ultraviolet lamp, a hotmelts sizing device and die-cutting device, etc.


7. When gypsum curing stiffened, button printing alignment basic positioning completed, such a location a few die, many systems can even set not to affect the hot miconioides speed, according to the size of the hot button each time to complete dozens of flowers or a few hundred, button-shaped and colored paper between neurorrhaphy, may be in the current market for the sale of heat transfer, such as 3 m adhesive glue, etc will be colored paper and buttons bonding.


8. Shuizhu Niurou (steamed beef with a variety of seasonings and spices), Yuxiang Rousi (a roast pork dish cooked with bamboo shoots, mushrooms), Zhangcha Duck, etc.


9. In this system, nine function modules such as safety management, supervision of law enforcement, etc.


10. His tenure then included highly-acclaimed performances of contemporary music and also many recordings of the music of Bernstein, Elgar, Hummel, Mozart, Rossini, Shostakovich, and Wagner, as well as such Chinese composers as Tan Dun and Chen Yi etc.


11. Silver, copper, gold, aluminum, etc. are all printed traditionally as extra colors.


12. Being the main channel of XAC`S foreign economic and trade cooperation, the company is mainly engaged in the import and export business of aircraft avionics and equipment, mechanical equipment, architectural material, light and chemical industrial product, apparatus and instrument, plywood, textile, antenna etc., undertakes the science and technology advisory, know-how transfer, project contracting, labor cooperation, investment and development, cooperative production., joint production business, and trade in China etc.


13. It can drill through ground buildings or underground bars (such as highways, railways, rivers, buildings and underground obstacles, etc) for the laying of the diversified pipes under the diameter 750mm.


14. NTOURS GLOBAL】can offer a mass of information of drive tour and travels, according to the real information from the scenic spots, we collect the drive routes, open time and tickets price of national parks, introduction of city scenic spots, Address and price of good restaurants, shopping malls and coupons, traffic rules of different states etc which could offer to our members.

驾游天下-NTOURS GLOBAL】提供丰富的驾车和自由旅行旅游资讯,以实地资讯为依据,对所搜集的详实信息进行重组、整合处理。内容涵盖自驾线路参考;国家公园开放时间和门票价格;城市景区的热点介绍;四色美食的餐厅地址和价格;购物天堂的各类特色商店;直销名店的地址和折扣优惠券;驾游目的国的交通规则和风土人情等各种驾游资讯的综合在线平台。

15. Research Areas Include, but are not exclusive to: resource quality, quantity and sustainability; economics of environmental management; transport and fate of pollutants in the environment; spill prevention and management; remediation of contaminated sites; process modification for pollution prevention; improved energy efficiency and waste treatment and disposal etc.



16. The corporation`s production bases, which is specialized in the production of thermally conductive compounds, organic silicon materials, and special adhesives, etc., are located in the China`s University High-tech Industry Areas in Mi Yun, Beijing and Fuzhou, Fujian province.


17. etc的解释

17. The main sterol in the rice bran oil deodorizer distillate was stigmasterol, campesterol and sitosterol, but the total sterol content was only 0.32%. In addition, the deodorizer distillate contained a trace of germanical sterol, lanosterol, stigmastan-3, 5-diene etc.


18. We have to decide how we want to raise our children, what moral and ethical systems we want to have, etc. We don't need to be told by somebody else'out there'what is best for us.


19. etc的意思

19. Semelparous organisms and others that die suddenly following reproduction e. g. salmon, octopus, marsupial mouse (Brown Antechinus, etc. also represent instances of organisms whose design incorporates a life span limiting feature.


20. Readability depends on many factors, including the average length of sentences in a passage, the number of new words a passage contains, the grammatical complexity of the language used, etc.


etc 词典解释

1. 等等;以及其他

etc is used at the end of a list to indicate that you have mentioned only some of the items involved and have not given a full list. etc is a written abbreviation for (书面缩略=) 'et cetera'.

e.g. She knew all about my schoolwork, my hospital work etc.


e.g. ...a packed programme of events—shows, dances, coach tours, sports, etc.


etc 单语例句etc什么意思

1. An ETC tag costs 450 yuan and cannot be shared between cars.

2. Beijing Capital Highway Development Company will finish the construction of another 127 lanes this year, guaranteeing at least one special ETC lane at every toll gate.

3. I can appreciate that to see the Western world still consuming large amounts of oil etc while calling on China to reduce is not equitable.

4. China does not use subsidies, etc to boost it's trade.

5. The company plans to transform half of its 14 total lanes into ETC ones in the next two to three years.

6. China first put its ETC highways into public use in 2007 in Beijing and Fujian province.

7. Shanghai began working on plan to develop an ETC system in early 2006.

8. Entrant shall shoulder the responsibility of legal problems such as the right of portrait, copyright and the right of trade marks etc related to the entry.