

balm:[英 [bɑ:m] 美 [bɑm] ]



balm 基本解释

名词香油,香脂; 芳香,香味; 镇痛软膏; [植]白壳杨

动词安抚,安慰; 止痛; 在…上搽香油

balm 相关例句


1. Sleep was a balm to his troubles.


balm 网络解释

1. 香膏:於是流浪者自然的倾向是想要离开较低能量的工作, 移动进入心, 然后进入沟通的能量与意识中的工作, 因它们提供那麼多的祝福与香膏(balm)可敷抹在流浪者的许多伤口上.我们尝试沟通的重点如下: 第三密度并不是一个人纵身一跃,

2. 香蜂花:25.橙花: Nerium oleander | 26. 香蜂花: Balm | 27.柠檬草 :Lemon grass

3. balm在线翻译

3. 香膏,安慰剂:astringent 收敛剂 | balm香膏,安慰剂 | coagulant 凝结剂

4. balm是什么意思

4. 香油:ballyrag 恫吓 | balm 香油 | balmacaan 宽身大衣

5. balm:block and list manipulator; 数据块与数据清单操纵器(一种可扩展表加工语言)

balm 双语例句


1. This by far is the BEST lip balm I have ever used.



2. No other balm for earthly pain Is half so sure, No sweet caress so filled with love Nor half so pure, No other soul so close akin that understands, No touch that brings such perfect peace as Mother`s hands.


3. Herbal medicine, primarily Lycopus virginicus, Melissa officinalis, Leonurus, Skullcap; for optimal results use in a tonic prescribed by a herbalist or as a tincture diluted in tea.

草药,主要是欧地笋,蜂蜜花成药(Lemon Balm,益母草,黄芪,为了达到最好的药效,最好请药剂师做成町剂,冲淡服用。

4. I have been having a hard time finding this lip balm.


5. Do you have any lip balm?


6. Ambergris is used in the modern perfume industry as well, but due to its high price and reduced whale hunting it is often replaced by components containing ambrein, the the principal active fragrant ingredient of ambergris, extracted from plants such as Rockrose, Bee Balm and Angelica.



7. English: More than one year old baby, what can lip balm?


8. Using only active ingredients, Pot of Gold baby balm can also be used to aid all skin conditions, including


9. Angel Baby Bottom Balm is more than just a diaper rash cream.


10. Use our baby balm as a natural alternative to any other products created for skin irritations, massage, moisturisation, and general day-to-day skin care.


11. In fact, my husband has patches of bad eczema and I got him hooked on the Angel Baby Bottom Balm. It works for his eczema like a charm.

其实我老公身上有很多蛮严重的块状湿疹,我让他用Angel Baby Bottom Balm,这款产品似乎有超常的魔力,对他的块状湿疹很有效。

12. Pot of Gold baby balm is specially blended to offer a perfect all round balm for both mother and baby that we believe will replace many of the products kept in your baby bag and medicine cabinet.


13. While our Pot of Gold skin balm is designed for use on more severe conditions and ailments, Pot of Gold baby balm is a milder all-round daily use product, created with both baby and mother in mind.

100%新西兰纯天然产品,75%为有机成分。skin balm护肤霜专为比较严重的皮肤问题和疾病制作,而baby balm宝宝霜则为日常轻微皮肤问题而设计,且充分考虑到宝宝和妈妈的特点。

14. Slather on Glam Balm to dry flaky lips and use an old tooth brush to polish and smooth lips.


15. I have used almost everything out there and this Aveeno lip balm stands alone as the most effective.


16. balm的意思

16. In the wilderness, John experienced hunger, wolves and wild insects Tiger Balm the threat of heavy rain and strong wind to put up with the attacks.


17. Then Israel said to them: If it must needs be so, do what you will: take of the best fruits of the land in your vessels, and carry down presents to the man, a little balm, and honey, and storax, myrrh, turpentine, and almonds.


18. For a lip balm, use coconut butter on its own or add peppermint or spearmint oil.


19. balm什么意思

19. NewWorldMusic. com is also out there on the web introducing their new aromatherapy gift set that is composed of bath and shower gel with lavender essential oil, perfume balm for pulse poins, hand made soap, relaxing bath parcel, and relaxing bath bomb.


20. balm的翻译

20. Then, while a seedy-looking nondescript man carrying a leather bag stood on the steps of St. Paul`s Cathedral, and hesitated, for within was what balm, how great a welcome, how many tombs with banners waving over them, tokens of victories not over armies, but over, he thought, that plaguy spirit of truth seeking which leaves me at present without a situation, and more than that, the cathedral offers company, he thought, invites you to membership of a society; great men belong to it; martyrs have died for it; why not enter in, he thought, put this leather bag stuffed with pamphlets before an altar, a cross, the symbol of something which has soared beyond seeking and questing and knocking of words together and has become all spirit, disembodied, ghostly—why not enter in?


balm 词典解释

1. (用于制作疗伤或镇痛油膏的)香树脂

Balm is a sweet-smelling oil that is obtained from some tropical trees and used to make creams that heal wounds or reduce pain.


2. 安慰(物);慰藉(物)

If you refer to something as balm, you mean that it makes you feel better.

e.g. The place is balm to the soul.


balm 单语例句balm

1. " Miss Hilton pulled out a tube of lip balm, " Sheahan said.

2. With the improvement of technology the heating facility evolves from charcoal to balm light, and then becomes gas blowtorch.

3. But it somehow became spiritual candy and balm for some fellows who feel abandoned in real life.

4. The risotto is infused with ginger and the roast sea bass comes with vegetables in lemon balm.

5. We use the tiger bone to increase our sexual performance, and Tiger Balm is essentially a panacea for all minor ailments.

6. But not before he slathered on some lip balm and popped a breath mint.

7. Clearly, some more thorough measures are needed to apply the balm where it hurts.

balm的近义词balm 英英释义


1. semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation

Synonym: ointmentunctionunguentsalve

2. any of various aromatic resinous substances used for healing and soothing