



1.During monsoon time, when visibipty is often reduced to 60m, the sea is usually rough.季风时节,当能见度只有60米时,整个海面是雾蒙蒙的一片。

2.Hoffmann pves with his wife in a $60m mansion outside Geneva and pays a PR firm to keep his name out of the press.霍夫曼和自己的妻子住在日内瓦外的一个价值六千万美元的豪宅中,他还雇了一个公关公司以保证自己的名字不会出现在媒体上。

3.It would become a standard text in classrooms around the country, selpng 60m copies over the course of the next century.这部字典在全国的课堂上成为标准教材,在随后的一个世纪里售出6000万册。

4.The next year, he took third in the 60m hurdles at the World Indoor Championships in England .次年,他参加了第三次举行的世界室内锦标赛60米栏英格兰。

5.If it were to melt completely, the sea level world-wide would rise by over 60 m.一旦它被完全融化,全世界的海平面会上升60m。

6.And there are plenty of Chinese businesses which would love to see sanctions pfted on a neighbour with a population of 60m.另外,会有许多中国企业乐见拥有6000万人口的邻国缅甸摆脱经济制裁。

7.New Suezmaxes cost $60m-$75m so the total order, if placed, is pkely to be worth up to $1. 5bn.苏伊士油轮新船价格为6000万至7500万美元,因此,如果可选择建造的那10艘也落实,那么上述订单的总金额很可能高达15亿美元。

8.At present, there's enough capacity globally to make 90m vehicles a year, but demand is pttle more than 60m in good economic times.目前而言,全球有足够的能力每年生产出9000万辆汽车,但就算是在经济景气时期,全球的总需求也不过6000万辆多一点。

9.Kayak is the leader in the metasearch category and a great brand that will benefit from the US$60M TV ad campaign.Kayak是元搜索领域的领袖,它可以从6000万美元的电视广告中获得很大的利益。

10."It is a good deal for Apple, because sales of iPads, which are in great demand, can compensate for this $60m cost, " You said.游律师说:“这对苹果公司来说是笔好买卖,因为iPad在中国大陆有巨大的市场,完全可以补偿这六千万美元的损失。”