

eternity:[英 [ɪˈtɜ:nəti] 美 [ɪˈtɜ:rnəti] ]


eternity 基本解释

名词永恒; 不朽; [宗]来世,永生,永劫; 万年

eternity 相关例句


1. It seemed an eternity before news of his safety reached her.


2. The preacher promised us eternity.


3. eternity在线翻译

3. God will live for all eternity.


4. The dull play seemed to last an eternity.


eternity 网络解释

1. [千岁情人]:介绍:共20集 千岁情人 (Eternity) 上映:1994年地区:中国香港语言:粤语类型:连续剧,奇幻片 导演:李国立 Guoli Li编剧:欧冠英主演:王菲 Faye Wong (王靖雯夏林(原

2. 永远:要不然,宇宙就不是无限的. 不管朝哪一个方向,宇宙都永远地伸展下去. 宇宙的无限性不仅在无限小,也在无限大中也永远地伸展下去. 这同样适用于时间的无限性. 我们称其为「永远 (eternity)」. 小矮人(Hobbit)的头盖骨不是人类的


3. 永:80年代香水的设计,似乎在探索人生哲理.美国服装名师卡尔文.克莱恩(Calvin Klein)推出香水三步曲:困惑(Obsession),永(Eternity)及逃逸(Escape),就象是在用芬芳陈述他对人生的看法,从沉迷走向大彻大误.1985年雅丝.兰黛推出漂亮(Beautiful),


4. eternity:eter; 无限

eternity 双语例句

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2. I can continue to use them for all eternity.


3. It allowed people, in William Blake's phrase, to hold infinity in the palm of a hand, and eternity in an hour.

用William Blake的话说,它让我们丈浩瀚宇宙,知茫茫乾坤。

4. What unsunned gyres of waste eternity?


5. And this is what gives music its particular sense of eternity.


6. If you were to sit down and make a list of all the pet services available to pet owners, it would take you an eternity.


7. When kundalini shakti reaches sahasrara, it is known as the union between shiva and shakti, individual consciousness dies and universal consciousness is born. sahasrara is visualized as a thousand petalled lotus, unfolding into eternity.


8. Enter into eternal life, that is to say, into the eternity of


9. Improve statistical number quality the theme that we should do what Sha Naimin to improve statistical number quality is statistical job eternity.


10. eternity什么意思

10. What we do in life echoes in eternity!


11. Their souls will join their bodies and be with Christ for all eternity.


12. eternity

12. This is your eternity, this is your immortality.


13. From his very opening sentences John turns his gaze to the inmost recesses of eternity, to the Divine Word in the bosom of the Father.

从他的非常开放的刑罚约翰原来他的目光向inmost recesses的永恒的,神圣的字眼,在bosom的父亲。

14. Don`t miss this opportunity to welcome new students and visiting scholars with these powerful tools that can change their lives for eternity!


15. O: Though the lovers die young, their love lives till eternity.


16. Our lives are measured by eternity not years.


17. This book appreciates death as it brings all the miseries of human being to an end and it brings our lives to eternity.


18. I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of the Father from eternity, and also true man, born of the Virgin Mary, is my Lord, who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned creature, purchased and won me from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil, not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death, in order that I may be His own, and live under Him in His kingdom, and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, even as He is risen from the dead, lives and reigns to all eternity.

我相信耶稣基督,真神,b egotten的父亲从永恒的,也是真正的男子,出生的圣母玛利亚,是我的主,谁已赎回我,失去了和谴责的动物,购买和韩元我从所有的罪孽,从死刑,并从权力的魔鬼,而不是与金或银,但与他的神圣的,宝贵的鲜血和他无辜的痛苦和死亡,为了使我可能是其本国在内,并下生活,他在他的王国,和服务于他在永恒的正义,无罪推定,和幸福,甚至因为他是从死里复活,生命和普遍存在于所有永恒。

19. He who kisses the joy as the flies lives in eternity sunrise, said poet.


20. We come, and we go, to get some feelings, to leave certain traces of memories and in the end to let them melt with lives into eternity.


eternity 词典解释

1. 永恒;永生;不朽

Eternity is time without an end or a state of existence outside time, especially the state which some people believe they will pass into after they have died.

e.g. I have always found the thought of eternity terrifying.


e.g. ...laying him to rest for all eternity.


2. 极长的一段时间;似乎无穷尽的一段时间

If you say that a situation lasted for an eternity, you mean that it seemed to last an extremely long time, usually because it was boring or unpleasant.


e.g. The war continued for an eternity...


e.g. The ringing went on for what seemed an eternity, and then someone answered.


eternity 单语例句

1. It has taken small screen beauty Yu Feihong 10 years to adapt the novel " Eternity of Love " into cinematic format.

2. Excavation of the vault revealed thousands of warriors and their horses, an entire army designed to follow its emperor into eternity.

3. For Yuan Longping, eternity can indeed be seen in a grain of rice.

4. The ancient Egyptians yearned intensely for immortality, and sought to preserve the body for eternity as the receptacle of the immortal soul.

5. " He even copied the words from our website and uploaded them onto his, but forgot to take out the words'Eternity Fitness'".

6. The purpose of the warriors and horses was to maintain and protect the spirit of their ruler throughout eternity.

7. For what seems like an eternity, holiday revelers have been singing the same Christmas songs year after year.

8. The number of steps should be reduced to 9, which means prosperity and eternity.

9. I want to turn the momentary beauty into eternity through the medium of photography, ''Shao said.

10. His works often involve gingko tree leaves, a symbol of timelessness and eternity.

eternity 英英释义


1. a state of eternal existence believed in some religions to characterize the afterlife

Synonym: timelessnesstimeless existence

2. time without end

Synonym: infinity

3. a seemingly endless time interval (waiting)