

ownership:[英 [ˈəʊnəʃɪp] 美 [ˈoʊnərʃɪp] ]


ownership 基本解释

名词所有权; 所有; 所有制; 物主身份


ownership 相关例句


1. There was a dispute over the ownership of the land.


2. The ownership of the house is still unknown.


ownership 双语例句

1. Certification of ownership or land use right to the business ground or office



2. With the national economy and the rapid development of the auto industry car ownership doubled up the rapid development of the automobile industry with the Car fans hold the Automobile Club has been promoting the development of an unprecedented sales modified brand rescue riding tours rental decorations leisure campaign after serving replacement insurance for the Automobile Club theme sprung up to develop.


3. 2Any business combination in which two or more separate enterprises are brought together into a reporting entity merely by contract other than ownership shares.


4. A venture capital funding arrangement will typically entail relinquishing some level of ownership and control of the business.



5. A venture capital funding arrangement will typicallyentail relinquishing some level of ownership and control of the business.


6. ownership的近义词

6. Join the poly acrylic resin or chloridizing polypropyrene, and so on can improve the business card printing HDpE and membership card making sex is based on their miscibility with HDpE is poor for the HDPE as blends of dispersed and home ownership scheme flats open film surface, obviously beneficial to bond with ink.


7. Because goods economy oneself did not offer off-the-peg implementation state ownership is special this.


8. Land use right transfer contract expires over the useful life, land users need to continue to use the land, it should be no later than the expiration of the previous year to the land management department to apply for renewal of approval, it should be re-signed land-use the right to sell contract, according to the payment of land price and replacement of land ownership documents.


9. Buildings ownership, is the distinction ownership refers to a number of co-owned a building, the owner of the distinction enjoyed by the proprietary part of the exclusive ownership, and the share enjoyed by some of the authority, and the resulting Common relations generated by members of the right to collectively.

摘 要:建筑物区分所有权,指多个区分所有权人共同拥有一栋建筑物时,各区分所有权人对专有部分所享有的专有所有权、与对共用部分所享有的共有权、以及由此形成的共同关系所产生的成员权之总称。

10. According to Automotive News, GM will take ownership of five U. S.


11. Its system characteristic also appears from inner ownership and corporate governance of family business.


12. ownership什么意思

12. The cent of the ownership of a share's placing is because of the system reason of the our country, being reforming to open initial stage, for prevent°froming not- public make economy become big, establish in the ownership of a share up, appeared the special circumstance that can't circulate of stateowned and legal person, changes to have the above share of 2/3 to belong to before can't circulate of share, and together the imagination of different power is very outstanding.


13. This chapter points out, after analysing compre-hensively the contradiction existing in the traditionaltheory of AR, that there isn't any substantial rela-tion between the existence of AR and the height of theorgnic composition of agricultural capital, nor anynecessary association between the quantity of AR andthe balance of value of agricultural product and it'sPP; The only factor that determines the existence ofAR is the monopoly of land ownership, which naturallytakes the limitednass of land and the marginal reve-nue product of land bigger than zero as it's premise; The monopoly of land ownership makes the MPP transformto monopolistic enough price determined by the indivi-dual enough price of inferior land; AR as the MPP ofinferior land equals to the balance of IEP and IPP, andDR as the MPP of superior land equals to the balanceof MEP and IEP; All rents are created from the naturalproductive force of labour, both of them coming fromthe deduction of total surplus value.

第三章 绝对地租与垄断足够价格本章所提出的新见解是:(1)全面分析了传统绝对地租理论中存在的矛盾以及这些矛盾由以产生的根源;(2)论证了绝对地租的存在与农业资本有机构成的高低没有任何本质的关系,绝对地租的数量与农产品价值和生产价格的差额也没有必然的联系,绝对地租存在的唯一条件是土地所有权的垄断,而这种垄断又是以土地的有限性和土地的边际收益产品大于零为前提的;(3)揭示了由于土地所有权的垄断所引起的垄断生产价格向垄断足够价格的转化;(4)在劳动价值论和平均利润理论基础上重新阐释了绝对地租的来源及其量的规定,并对级差地租和绝对地租进行了综合考察,指出,全部地租都是由劳动的自然生产力创造的,它们均来自对总剩余价值的扣除,其中绝对地租作为劣等土地的边际收益产品等于个别足够价格与个别生产价格的差额,级差地租作为较优等土地的边际收益产品等于垄断足够价格与个别足够价格的差额。

14. Azio are seeking a co-ownership deal for Bonanni and hope to sign him on-loan after scheduled talks this weekend.



15. Under the context of national owned land ownership and marketable land-use right in China, it is more complicated to measure the insurance value of real property. In insurance business practice, the building insurance clause in mortgage insurance usually applies the real estate value to amount insured, wheras raplacement approach is applied to the indemnity, which causes overinsurance—the amount insured is greater than insurance value.


16. ownership的反义词

16. But Western countries, ownership of the land phase of practice, we should learn from.


17. Their society was based on common ownership of land.


18. ownership的反义词

18. Land belongs to the city; there is no such thing as private ownership of land.


19. Of these, I believe that the issue of rural land ownership is among other issues.


20. ownership的意思

20. We discussed the core issue of the ownership of land at the meeting.


ownership 词典解释

1. 所有权;产权;物主身份

Ownership of something is the state of owning it.

e.g. On January 23rd, America decided to relax its rules on the foreign ownership of its airlines.


e.g. ...the growth of home ownership in Britain...


ownership 单语例句

1. The limitations on car ownership set off a frenzy among people wanting to buy.

2. But the buyer of the nest contested ownership and it was only recently that judicial authorities ruled that the fossils belonged to China.

3. The cash was meant for the cachet that the items carried with their previous ownership.

4. Cat and dog ownership both rose during that time, with the rate of canine owners nearly doubling.

5. I think the players did a good job in extracting as much as they were going to extract from ownership it seems.

6. He noted that although per capita car ownership in China greatly lags many other nations, the sheer number of cars still contribute to urban stress.

7. The decision called for actively promoting the development of diversified forms of public ownership, and speeding up adjustments of the layout and composition of the public economic forces.

8. Increased car and home ownership within the general population should increase demand for personal insurance protection.

9. But Chen warned that increasing car ownership will pile the pressure on the nation's oil supplies.

10. Their jobs as police officers provided easy access for making fake ID cards and cachets to obtain ownership of the cars.

ownership 英英释义


1. the act of having and controlling property

Synonym: possession

2. the relation of an owner to the thing possessed

possession with the right to transfer possession to others

3. the state or fact of being an owner