

complicate:[英 [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪt] 美 [ˈkɑ:mplɪkeɪt] ]


过去式:complicated;   过去分词:complicated;   现在分词:complicating;

complicate 基本解释

及物动词使复杂化; 使错综,使混乱; 使卷入; 变复杂

形容词复杂的; 麻烦的; (昆虫的翅)纵折的


complicate 相关例句


1. Don't complicate life for me!


2. The child's existence complicated matters considerably.


3. His disease was complicated by pneumonia.



1. The problems grew, multiplied, and complicated beyond all reason.


complicate 网络解释

1. complicate的近义词

1. 使复杂:complex 复杂,错综的 | complicate 使复杂 | comport 适合,相称

2. 使复杂;使陷入:complex 合成的;复杂的 | complicate 使复杂;使陷入 | composition 写作;组成

3. 变复杂:complicacy 复杂性 | complicate 变复杂 | complicated 复杂的

4. complicate的意思

4. 错综复杂的,麻烦的:complex 复杂的,复合的 | complicate 错综复杂的,麻烦的 | compose 写作,作曲,由...组成

complicate 双语例句

1. complicate的反义词

1. This paper systematically summarized and analyzed general development characteristics of soil profile CaCO3 in Loess hill gully area including source, content, forming-condition, distribution and illuviation- depth of CaCO3, which will have the most important significance for the further studies on global soil and climate change. Soil CaCO3 eluviation-illuviation is a relatively complicate process, soil CO2 is one of the important effect factors, which influences soil CaCO3 through controlling soil pH value and CaCO3 solution capability.


2. I don't wish to complicate the task more than is necessary.


3. That is going to complicate their management; particularly management of their hepatitis C.


4. I have to admit that our implication in the problem did nothing but complicate it.


5. I do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary.


6. This method provides a new approach to complicate fault tree analysis.



7. Due to the hysteretic nature of laws and regulations and virtuality of internet, this new way of transaction will complicate the relation of each side and will unavoidably aggrandize the possibility of personal injury and property damage.


8. When increasingly social complicate dispute could not be resolved by nature ways, people put them forward to rational person, then judicial vocation came into being.


9. complicate的意思

9. This paper sets out from the angle of safety system engineering, and it`s subject of the research is the safety assessment about complicate navigable waters environment in channel of the Three Gorges reservoir area.


10. Using Query Builder you can let your users to make up large and complicate SQL queries with unions and subqueries for different servers without any knowledge of the SQL syntax.


11. complicate是什么意思

11. The original story is very simple, but Gao divides it into three parts and makes it complicate. So this play finally becomes Gao's personal edition.


12. complicate什么意思

12. These differences in the relative impact of retention and acquisition investments complicate the question of finding the right balance when deciding how much to invest in each.


13. complicate

13. And there were extremely complicate effects between impeller speed and kneading time on drug content uniformity.


14. It is in the complicate theoretical contexts that Lukac has elaborated his reification theory


15. This is a rare finding that may complicate a term pregnancy at delivery.


16. This text is more complicate than we can imagine.


17. complicate什么意思

17. In fact, it can complicate other health concerns you may have, leading to more serious conditions.


18. What`s more, the system can realize some complicate knowledge query, and realize value-added service.


19. complicate

19. We can complicate this story and still come up with the same amazing moral.



20. A bipolar disorder diagnosis can certainly seem to complicate one's life.


complicate 词典解释

1. 使难以理解;使复杂化

To complicate something means to make it more difficult to understand or deal with.

e.g. What complicates the issue is the burden of history...


e.g. The day's events, he said, would only complicate the task of the peacekeeping forces...


complicate 单语例句complicate在线翻译

1. But many female students and teachers argued that having girlfriends sleep over would affect other roommates and complicate campus management.

2. The bombing was certain to complicate American efforts to pacify an increasingly violent Iraq.

3. On Christmas Day, there are two other developments that will further complicate holiday weekend estimates.

4. The international warrants could further isolate Gadhafi and his inner circle and potentially complicate the options for a negotiated settlement.

5. The Bush administration opposes the bill and Senate Democrats plan to bring up a more comprehensive bill that could complicate its prospects.

6. This can complicate matters instead of resolving the Darfur issue, he said.

7. The decision could complicate her efforts to stamp her authority on the Socialist party, which faces internal strife following its third consecutive loss in a presidential election.

8. He added that Beijing consistently rejects efforts by irrelevant parties to inject themselves into the negotiations - something that could ultimately complicate the issues.

9. As a state owned firm and with senior mangers in key positions oft connected to the government this did however complicate proceedings.

10. Bush monitored the returns from the White House as the voters picked a new Congress certain to complicate his final two years in office.

complicatecomplicate 英英释义


1. make more complex, intricate, or richer

e.g. refine a design or pattern

Synonym: refinerarifyelaborate

2. make more complicated

e.g. There was a new development that complicated the matter

Synonym: perplex