

smother:[英 [ˈsmʌðə(r)] 美 [ˈsmʌðɚ] ]


过去式:smothered;   过去分词:smothered;   现在分词:smothering;

smother 基本解释

动词抑制; (使)窒息,(使)透不过气; 遮掩

名词窒息物; 浓烟,浓雾


smother 相关例句


1. smother的翻译

1. He attempted to smother up a scandal about his family.


2. He smothered the flame with a wet blanket.


3. Mary smothers her children with too much love.


4. Don't put that cloth over the baby's face, you'll smother him!


smother 网络解释

1. 老妈爱死你:温馨又好笑的喜剧(Smother)-诺亚的老妈因为怀疑丈夫出轨、在万圣节当晚穿著南瓜衣离家出走,带只5只爱狗投靠儿子家,疯狂、天真、及过度的关爱,让刚失业的诺亚生活更加混乱.

2. 使窒息:smooth-bore 滑膛武器 | smother 使窒息 | smothering action 窒息作用

3. smother的意思

3. 浓烟:smoothness 平滑度 | smother 浓烟 | smother 窒息

smother 双语例句

1. The Renown had caught the northeast trades and was plunging across the Atlantic at her best speed, with studding sails set on both sides, the roaring trades driving her along with a steady pitch and heave, her bluff bows now and then raising a smother of spray that supported momentary rainbows.


2. smother

2. The instinct of self-preservation warned him to batten down his hatches, to smother the fire with want of air


3. Something, such as a dense cloud of smoke or dust, that smothers or tends to smother.


4. I`m trying not to smother her tonight.


5. To this, the explanation of concerned staff of farming letter agency is: They are having imitate practice, these smother are to put tear bomb on be caused by artificially.


6. Choke sth; block or filla passage, space, etc.; clog or smother sth


7. Esp passive〗choke sth; block or fill; clog or smother sth


8. Choke sth; block or fill; clog or smother sth


9. In a word, a man were better relate himself to a statua, or picture, han to suffer his thoughts to pass in smother.


10. Since returning home following a disastrous 2-5 road trip, the Yankees watched Andy Pettitte, Roger Clemens and Wang smother the Red Sox, who played yesterday without cleanup hitter Manny Ramirez.

自从前一波 2胜 5败的悲惨客场之旅返回主场后,洋基就看著大师兄派提特、火箭人克莱门斯,然后是小民接手封死红袜队,红袜队於昨天则是在少了清垒打者曼尼的情况下出赛(因为曼尼的腹侧斜肌问题)。

11. Include it into your diet and your skin will become smother and cleaner.


12. Include it into your diet and youк skin will become smother and cleaner.


13. smother

13. Last saturday, my friend and I went to Macao. When we arrived at Rua de S. Paulo, we saw 3 pieces of distorting mirror on a building's ektexine. Our mirror image looked very funny. And then we took the following pictures. Smother good loud laugh when you saw it. Haw-haw!


14. smother

14. He's gonna smother your punches and take your balance, right?


15. It is very difficult to understand discontent, because most of us canalize discontent in a certain direction and thereby smother it.


16. smother的反义词

16. Jewelweed Nectar helps negate irritating substances. Won't smother skin. Won't clog pores.



17. In the correct amount the side-dressing would be life-enhancing, but too much can smother the plant.



18. To- One word is too often profaned For me to profan it, One feeling too falsely disdain'd For thee to disdain it; One hope is too like despair For prudence to smother, And pity from thee more dear Than that from another.

给- 有一个字常被人滥用,我不想再滥用它;有和种感情不被看重,你岂能再轻视它?有一种希望太像绝望,慎重也无法压碎;只求怜悯起自你心上,对我就万分珍贵。

19. To- By Percy Bysshe Shelley One word is too often profaned For me to profan it, One feeling too falsely disdain'd For thee to disdain it; One hope is too like despair For prudence to smother, And pity from thee more dear Than that from another.

给- 雪莱有一个字常被人滥用,我不想再滥用它;有和种感情不被看重,你岂能再轻视它?有一种希望太像绝望,慎重也无法压碎;只求怜悯起自你心上,对我就万分珍贵。

20. smother是什么意思

20. Too much snow, for example, can smother trees, and avalanches and snow creep can damage or destroy them.


smother 词典解释

1. 将(火)闷熄

If you smother a fire, you cover it with something in order to put it out.

e.g. The girl's parents were also burned as they tried to smother the flames.


2. 使…透不过气来;使…窒息;闷死

To smother someone means to kill them by covering their face with something so that they cannot breathe.


e.g. A father was secretly filmed as he tried to smother his six-week-old son in hospital.

一位父亲在医院里企图捂死自己 6 周大的儿子的情景被秘密地拍了下来。

3. 盖满;完全覆盖

Things that smother something cover it completely.


e.g. Once the shrubs begin to smother the little plants, we have to move them.



...a hundred-year-old red-bricked house almost smothered in ivy...


Make sure that your meal won't be smothered with white sauce.


4. 宠爱;溺爱

If you smother someone, you show your love for them too much and protect them too much.

e.g. She loved her own children, almost smothering them with love.


e.g. ...a smothering, overprotective mother.


5. 压抑,控制(感情或反应)

If you smother an emotion or a reaction, you control it so that people do not notice it.

e.g. She summoned up all her pity for him, to smother her self-pity.


e.g. ...smothered giggles.


6. 压制,钳制,扼杀,镇压 (某种活动或过程)

If an activity or process is smothered, it is prevented from continuing or developing.

e.g. Intellectual life in France was smothered by the occupation...


e.g. The debts of both Poland and Hungary are beginning to smother the reform process.


smother 单语例句

1. Smother the shredded meat in a spicy garlic mayonnaise and make a turkey sandwich, add some cubed cooked potatoes and the shredded meat turns into a pie filling.

2. She'll probably revert to her old saccharine self and smother her inner Ellen Degeneres in its infancy.

3. " I was trying to smother him so he couldn't counter me, " said Hopkins.

4. A historic storm started to smother the region under what forecasters say could be more than two feet of snow.

5. Nor could anyone smother the aspirations of the two sides to have exchanges or reverse the trend of peaceful development of ties.

6. He certainly deserves an award for coping with Chinese hospitality that can smother the guest with kindness.

7. San Antonio decided to smother James and dare his team mates to beat them.

8. Hatton tried to smother Castillo from the opening bell and get inside his punches.

9. The black pepper sauce really stood out - thick and fiery, without the need to smother the meat in gravy.

smother什么意思smother 英英释义


1. a stifling cloud of smoke

2. a confused multitude of things

Synonym: clutterjumblemuddlefuddlemare's nestwelter



1. conceal or hide

e.g. smother a yawn

muffle one's anger

strangle a yawn

Synonym: stiflestranglemufflerepress

2. envelop completely

e.g. smother the meat in gravy

Synonym: surround

3. deprive of the oxygen necessary for combustion

e.g. smother fires

Synonym: put out

4. deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing

e.g. Othello smothered Desdemona with a pillow

The child suffocated herself with a plastic bag that the parents had left on the floor

Synonym: asphyxiatesuffocate

5. form an impenetrable cover over

e.g. the butter cream smothered the cake