

wilderness:[英 [ˈwɪldənəs] 美 [ˈwɪldərnəs] ]



wilderness 基本解释


名词荒野; (草木丛生的)荒地; 不再当政(或掌权); 令人困惑的东西


wilderness 相关例句


1. wilderness

1. The botanical garden has turned into a wilderness.


2. The surrounding country is a wilderness of sand.


3. The city has become a lawless wilderness.


4. The yard is a wilderness of weeds and heaps of coal.


wilderness 网络解释

1. 荒地:第 2 行显示将采取什么动作来解决分配失败,堆的主块中有多少空闲空间,以及荒地(wilderness)中有多少可用空闲空间. 可能采取的 AF 动作是:reason=9 堆中有很多碎片. 这不同于 reason 2,因为它使用一个额外的启发式(heuristic)方法来判断是否应该执行压缩.


2. 荒原:换言之,这种制度从身体上将人毁灭掉,并将人所生存的周遭环境转变成为一处荒原(wilderness). 基于这种毁灭社会存在的制度本质,社会本身会起而寻求自我保护,但是社会所能够寻求到的任何自我保护措施,最终又都会对自我调控的市场构成威胁,

wilderness 双语例句

1. wilderness在线翻译

1. More often than not, however, Raiders are simple outlaws and wilderness warriors living on the fringes of Westeros.


2. You know, says he, the Children of Israel, though they rejoyc'd at first for their being deliver'd out of Egypt, yet rebell'd even against God himself that deliver'd them, when they came to want Bread in the Wilderness.


3. wilderness

3. It boasts some of the most gorgeous wilderness in the west and stretches across the Sierra Nevada Mountains.


4. Or the dark side of the wilderness on the stand really is not Zhike Cangmang was wrong tree but harbor read different people may have Wuyan ever hear the sound of the wind is really only those who mocked and evil, alas, perhaps the air Sure enough is run through the dark clouds of those people with the curse of the Huian Head



5. But as for you, your carcases, they shall fall in this wilderness.

14:32 至于你们,你们的尸首必倒在这旷野。


6. But as for you, your corpses shall fall in this wilderness.

14:32 至于你们,你们的尸首必倒在这旷野

7. It takes place in the first age, when gods walked like men and daedra stalking the wilderness with impunity.

这发生在first age,当上帝像人类一样行走,当deadra可以在荒野上自由地围猎。

8. wilderness在线翻译

8. It quietly in the rain shower in the evening high grass low tree Needless to say, still as in the past of those days, people feel a kind of incense is not breathing, but a green wilderness.


9. Research into the impact of human faecal waste disposal on non-serviced wilderness areas appeared in the 1970s and in the 1980s.


10. If does not have the interest to be possible to photograph before the temple gate accepts as a memento, the temple has Tibet unique leisure place---, has the interest unexpectedly also to come one to stroll Lin Ka, may watch the Yarlung Zangbo River scenery along the way, and wilderness prairie, the sand dune scenery, the Tibetan incense processes the workshop.


11. wilderness的翻译

11. Based on the foregoing, a recommendation would be to establish a location that is at the conjunction of a large wilderness tract and a farming community, preferably also within proximity of a river or lake that is not at risk of contamination from sewage (as people can no longer rely on sewers) or industrial pollution and which does not pose risk from major flooding that will occur in the immediate aftermath of the pole shift.


12. wilderness

12. I would not given it for a wilderness of monkeys.


13. Peter Stark tells the physical story of his kayak trip along the Lugenda--he was the first white man to paddle the river--and weaves in the history of exploration in Africa, presenting us with a meditation on why we are so drawn to the African wilderness, why we feel we must explore the unknown.



14. A mythical bird of great beauty fabled to live 500 or 600 years in the Arabian wilderness, to burn itself on a funeral pyre, and to rise from its ashes in the freshness of youth and live through another cycle of years: often an emblem of immortality or of reborn idealism or hope.


15. When evening would come, however the dwarf and I nearly ran off into the wilderness so that we could fully speak our minds


16. And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground.


17. And when it had covered the face of the earth, it appeared in the wilderness small, and as it were beaten with a pestle, like unto the hoar frost on the ground.


18. For the strong city shall be desolate, the beautiful city shall be forsaken, and shall be left as a wilderness: there the calf shall feed, and there shall he lie down, and shall consume its branches.


19. So, when Derek and I first started dating, I always teased him that he was lost in the wilderness and finally he found me.



20. That made the world a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof, that opened not the prison to his prisoners?


wilderness 词典解释

1. 荒野;荒漠;原野

A wilderness is a desert or other area of natural land which is not used by people.

e.g. ...the icy Canadian wilderness...


e.g. He is proud of the garden he made from a wilderness.


2. 在野;不掌权;不活跃;坐冷板凳

If politicians or other well-known people spend time in the wilderness, they are not in an influential position or very active in their profession for that time.


e.g. ...a party released from 12 years in the wilderness...


e.g. For so long he had waited in the wilderness for a recall to Test cricket.


wilderness 单语例句

1. Another close call came when he nearly ran out of water after three days in the desert wilderness of Ningxia Hui autonomous region.

2. The destination was the Guanting Reservoir Island in the northwest Beijing but I felt like I was in a caravan into the wilderness.

3. I understand sights and sounds in the wilderness very well, having studied life sciences at university and then spent all my adult life traveling outdoors.

4. Argentina's slip into the financial wilderness has hit the fabric of economic life.

5. An everlasting bond since childhood could be embodied by the " obsolescence and wilderness " of the old houses and streets in the background.

6. Regardless of how long the trip or what time of day one travels, we stock up for the train like we are going on a wilderness expedition.

7. Right after take off he learns he is not alone, as young Wilderness Explorer Russell has inadvertently tagged along for the ride of a lifetime.

8. " We lack confidence in the future performance of many of the Firestone Wilderness AT tires, " he said.

9. The soldiers have also learned the necessary knowledge for sunstroke prevention, long marches and wilderness first aid.

10. Travel has been banned in wilderness areas in the southern half of the province.

wilderness 英英释义


1. a bewildering profusion

e.g. the duties of citizenship are lost sight of in the wilderness of interests of individuals and groups

a wilderness of masts in the harbor

2. a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition

e.g. it was a wilderness preserved for the hawks and mountaineers

Synonym: wild

3. (politics) a state of disfavor

e.g. he led the Democratic party back from the wilderness