

optimistic:[英 [ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk] 美 [ˌɑ:ptɪˈmɪstɪk] ]


optimistic 基本解释


optimistic 同义词


optimistic 反义词



optimistic 网络解释

1. 乐观的:好几个成功的大型Web应用(例如,eBay和Amazon)都显示出乐观的(optimistic)弱一致性要比传统悲观的(pessimistic)机制在扩展性方面好得多. 本文将一窥八种不同的隔离级别. 学会适当的放宽数据一致性的约束,

2. 乐观:我是个很平凡的人,没有出众的相貌,没有横溢的才华,更不是富家子弟,但是我对未来的生活充满信心,乐观(optimistic)我喜欢做我自己,走我自己的路.

3. optimistic

3. 是乐观的:若你是一般的(normal )你可以活70多岁到80岁,大多是79岁. 若你是悲观的(pessimistic)你可以活50多岁. 若你是虐待狂(sadistic)你可以活30多岁,大多是39岁. 若你是乐观的(optimistic)你可以活90...

4. 观:公司本着专业(Professional)、积极(Active)、亲切(Neighborly)、创新(Creative)、乐观(Optimistic)的经供专业、可靠、优质的服务. 我们珍视每一次与您合作的机会,并尽全力回馈您绝对的实惠! 经营范围:投影系列、复印机、传真机、程控交换机、IT网络工程、办公家具、其他办公设备.

optimistic 双语例句

1. Huxing design to the small size of three rooms four rooms mainly export prospects more optimistic.


2. So, I think to have a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, to deal with life issues.


3. optimistic

3. Rendered in a bouncy, optimistic palette of corals, fuchsias, and limes, nearly every look was heavy on the beaded embroidery and topped off with outsized sombreros and bijoux.

提供在一个bouncy ,乐观的调色盘,珊瑚,倒挂金钟,和石灰,几乎每一个期待是沉重的对串珠绣花和达小康与outsized sombreros和珍宝。

4. But the bubble in risky assets was premised on an outright dismissal of these possibilities -- in effect, discounting the highly optimistic alternatives of open-ended Chinese commodity demand and an unstoppable American consumer.


5. I am optimistic, social, humoristic, realistic.


6. The Society of Friends are optimistic about the purposes of God and the destiny of mankind.


7. The development of the Network game industry starts from the development of IT industry, playing an effect of moving and pushing on it in our country. But it`s not optimistic to the Overall Economy that cause unemployment aggravating, and a large amount of human capital and money-capital runs off to the entirety!


8. optimistic什么意思

8. It should be said that from the demand, in 2003 the property market is still very optimistic.



9. Maybe it is optimistic to imagine that a developer will have time to write unit tests for existing code.


10. The second characteristic of the difference should be the subject of a large, generally 40% to 90% is common, there are three times, five times and some low agreement may be affected by the impact of premium, high estimate is very optimistic on the market, in One in front, on the 2nd notice are non-residential plots, the real is on the 3rd block this out, we are now to do a risk systems, risk systems in accordance with our prediction, the vast majority of areas we need it the average We estimate that the region should be higher than the price of three into the original in the first round tender for a high price, but that hundreds of pieces of land which already has nearly half of the land into the market, their current pricing, as well as some of their project with the bid has been fully resolved the first round of bidding when the call price, so the first round of bidding price risk has faded.

第二个特征的差异应该是一个大问题,一般40 %至90 %是常见的,有3倍,5倍和一些低协议可能受影响的保费,高的估计是非常乐观的市场,一个在前面,在第2次公告的非住宅小区,真正的是在第三块了这一点,我们现在正在做一个风险系统,风险系统根据我们的预测,绝大多数的地区,我们需要它的平均我们估计,该地区应高于价格的3到原来在第一轮投标,以高昂的代价,但数百幅土地已经有将近一半的土地进入市场,其目前的定价,以及他们的一些项目的竞标价格已经完全解决了第一轮招标时,要求的价格,以便在第一轮投标价格风险已经消退。

11. optimistic是什么意思

11. I am optimistic, if you are at the head of Milan you cannot lose hope.


12. Pessimistic and optimistic people are equivalent in their psychological vulnerability.


13. Press Center Daily News Top 5 yuan Jiancang costs, the main has been profitable 50%, had not been realized in the stock plu MM eted, but it also keeps Masukura clearly optimistic about the performance of the Unit's follow-up.


14. This month, however, Mercury will be retrograde from September 7 to 29, so if you are still having talks, you may see them stall. Remain optimistic.


15. optimistic的意思

15. Years, the successful Olympic bid for the property market inject a dose booster, and even those who make optimistic predictions fire to 2007


16. Not optimistic about her election when Chen Chen Ludan time, I felt that such a aims only at boosting his girls and really not very Weichen revealed.


17. optimistic的意思

17. How robust is the recovery they have used astronomical government debt to build? How many hidden landmines would go off when the world is quite optimistic about the future? Would the Dubai debt crisis push the global economy into double-dip recession? These questions need to be pondered.

公帑编织的喘定局面,天文数字的公债以天文数字的公债余波未了公帑筑起的复苏路有多牢固有多少隐藏的地雷牢固,地雷会在大家未来充满乐观情绪时突然引引牢固地雷陷入双底衰退(double-dip recession),这爆,迪拜的债务危机会否触发全球经济陷入双底衰退陷入双底衰退些问题都需要深思。

18. I am optimistic about the development of education in our country.


19. I think it is a great reason to be optimistic.


20. I am optimistic that we can do this, but I


optimistic 词典解释

1. 乐观的

Someone who is optimistic is hopeful about the future or the success of something in particular.

e.g. The President says she is optimistic that an agreement can be worked out soon...


e.g. Michael was in a jovial and optimistic mood.



Both sides have spoken optimistically about the talks.

双方都对会谈表示乐观。optimistic 单语例句

1. Insiders suggest Joyo's senior company officials are quite optimistic about their business prospects, and they are reportedly satisfied with the firm's excellent performance last year.

2. Despite the current economic downturn that has hit charity fundraising in the US, the business sector remains optimistic about its international aid endeavors.

3. Although Wuliangye said it expected the price rise to affect its business this year, analysts are optimistic about the company's performance in 2010.

4. But Shambaugh is still optimistic about the future of the two countries.

5. Li said he's " very optimistic " about his companies'prospects and has been buying shares in them.

6. While developing countries seek to begin utilizing the resource by 2015, Zhang said that even 2030 would be an optimistic guess for China.

7. Having an optimistic attitude is much, but turning optimism into action is more.

8. The rate of capacity utilization has increased dramatically since early 2009, margins for manufacturers have improved and Chinese manufacturers remain optimistic about the future.

9. Most analysts remain optimistic about the outlook for inward capital flows, saying momentum will start to pick up later this year as the global economy recovers.

10. Some Iraqis were optimistic about the plan, while others complained about the inconveniences imposed as traffic jams slowed movement in the capital.

optimistic 英英释义



1. expecting the best in this best of all possible worlds

e.g. in an optimistic mood

optimistic plans

took an optimistic view

2. expecting the best

e.g. an affirmative outlook

Synonym: affirmative