

arson:[英 [ˈɑ:sn] 美 [ˈɑ:rsn] ]


arson 基本解释


名词纵火; 纵火(罪); (故意)放火

arson 网络解释

1. 纵火:青少年法庭会尽最大的努力来教养(rehabilitation), 而不是处以监禁(incarceration)等惩罚. 只有在像谋杀(murder),绑架(kidnap),纵火(arson)和强奸(rape)等重罪案件中,青少年才会被当作成人来对待,这将取决于法官的判断.

2. 纵火(罪):从前的杀害与烧毁房屋变成了关于暴力伤害罪(mayhem)与纵火罪(arson)的控诉. 扰乱治安伤害(depaceetplagis)之诉与暴力伤害之诉变成了(或者在实质上已经是)仍然为律师们所熟悉的侵害行为之诉(theactionoftrespass).


3. 纵火犯:Easy:诱拐犯 (Kidnapping) Normal:纵火犯 (Arson) Hard:伪造犯 (Counterfeining)先到2楼东侧的员工电梯间,进到电梯里,会发现只能载一人,必须先把身上所有的东西放到柜子里,坐电梯的一楼,出电梯的左方有员工用旅馆地图,

4. 放火,纵火:arm-twisting 施加压力 | arson 放火,纵火 | assembly hall 会议厅

arson 双语例句

1. Thirty-nine-year-old Brendan Sokaluk is the only arson suspect to be charged so far since bushfires engulfed Victoria.

今年 39 岁的 Brendan Sokaluk 是自维多利亚被山火吞袭以来第一个被控告的纵火嫌疑犯。

2. CNN -- Australia's raging wildfires have killed at least 130 people, decimating massive spans of land and leaving thousands of residents homeless, as officials say they suspect arson in some of the blazes.


3. Reuters, Canberra, February 11 ---- analysts said yesterday, the Australian forest fires may be arson suspect young man, his motives may be to seek to stimulate, or out of control To be recognized...

路透堪培拉2月11日电(记者James Grubel)---分析人士周三称,澳大利亚森林火灾的纵火嫌疑人可能是名年轻男子,他的犯罪动机可能是希望寻求刺激、获得认可或出于控制欲。。。

4. arson的反义词

4. The police suspect arson.


5. arson的翻译

5. Police suspect arson.


6. Ah Xia thinks that giving presents/gifts is not'murder and arson', painstakingly trying to explain is instead very suspicious.


7. arson是什么意思

7. While demurring from arson, I agree that Prague scratches at the heart.


8. Though human activity is responsible for 98% of all wildfires, arson starts a surprisingly small proportion of them.


9. As less reprehensible than theft, highway robbery, cruelty to children and animals, obtaining money under false pretences, forgery, embezzlement, misappropriation of public money, betrayal of public trust, malingering, mayhem, corruption of minors, criminal libel, blackmail, contempt of court, arson, treason, felony, mutiny on the high seas, trespass, burglary, jailbreaking, practice of unnatural vice, desertion from armed forces in the field, perjury, poaching, usury, intelligence with the king's enemies, impersonation, criminal assault, manslaughter, wilful and premeditated murder.


10. As of 0200 BST, there had been 87 arrests for offences including violent disorder, obstruction, aggravated burglary, arson and unlawful possession of police uniforms.


11. arson的意思

11. It was one of about 400 blazes, some of which are being blamed on arson.


12. However, Di Gong did not think so, silversmith disappearance just hair, gold and silver workshops have been fires in these two cases are related with the gold and silver, and the central figure in the two cases and both are shar Khan will make a big prison, the world's things are not so coincidentally, through surveys the scene, Di Gong concluded that Golden Square has been a good mystery cavalry attack, these people away system Used for gold and silver, arson destroyed the workshop.


13. Me. Fake arson songs were shipped.


14. arson什么意思

14. But I know what to do: I will reverse their arson, make a pyre of my haunch and so the last thing they know will be the stench of my crotch.

但是 我知道有何法门:我要将她们纵的火逆转,用我的下腰造出火刑的柴堆于是她们所能得知的最后事情将会是我腿裆的臭味。


15. But after watching the scenes of violence and arson by the rioters, the Chinese believe that the government is doing the right thing in cracking down to restore order.



16. My career, two fires burnt the first time, lateral flexion do I eat dead cat Well needless expense of stem line system, arson, Friends of the spot closing Paper Article 1 month automatically leave.


17. Some law enforcement officers abuse their power, practice favoritism, bribery; some entrepreneurs to reap huge profits forget about the law, illegal production and operation, big fake selling fake products, damage the interests of the state and people; some people something for nothing, resentment retaliation, disregard the law, murder and arson, robbery, rampant tyrant city, etc., though, these violations will subject to severe legal sanctions, but these acts Quedui society, to the kids in endless troubles.



18. The principal felonies are homicide, rape, theft, robbery, burglary and arson.


19. More on the testing is seen below. Another fire, possibly caused by arson, threatened the shroud in 1997, but a fireman was able to remove it from its display case and prevent further damage.


20. Called in to investigate, Jack and his partner Art stumble onto a shrouded conspiracy of arson and murder. And suddenly Jack finds himself the prime suspect in the case.


arson 词典解释

1. 纵火(罪);放火(罪)

Arson is the crime of deliberately setting fire to a building or vehicle.


e.g. ...a terrible wave of rioting, theft and arson...


e.g. They vented their anger by carrying out arson attacks.


arson 单语例句arson

1. He gave himself up to police after the second act of arson.

2. The Chinatown in the country's capital of Honiara was nearly levelled following looting and arson attacks.

3. " So far there is little evidence that can prove Zhai was about to commit arson, " he said.

4. A woman who set fire to her apartment in a bid to commit suicide was arrested for arson.

5. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government's Criminal Investigation Department has been involved in the case as arson was suspected.

6. Prosecutors launched a criminal investigation on suspicion of murder, suggesting they believe it was an arson attack.

7. New arson attacks broke out Wednesday evening in the southern city of Toulouse, which was hit earlier this week.

8. But leading forensic experts have declared that poor science was used to determine arson in the case.

9. Small anarchist groups have also intensified arson attacks on symbols of wealth and state power, to protest government social and economic policies.

10. Arson specialists completed the initial stage of their investigation and found six main starting points for Saturday's fires.

arson 英英释义


1. malicious burning to destroy property

e.g. the British term for arson is fire-raising

Synonym: incendiarismfire-raising