



1.Then, 654 bipngual basic types of subcategorization frames are acquired by means of the two-fold MLE filtering method.然后,应用双重最大似然检验的统计过滤方法自动获取了654种次范畴化框架对应类型。

2.In September 2006, at a separate, 914-acre residential community called Jumeirah Park, villas starting at $654, 000 sold out in a day.2006年9月,在一个另外占地914公顷被称为朱美拉公园(JumeirahPark)的住宅项目,65.4万美元起售的别墅在一天之内就售罄。

3.Comparing to other types of landscape, the dominance of accessory greenbelt in four districts of Hefei were highest.合肥市各区景观优势度指数均以单位附属绿地最高,蜀山区3.654为最高。

4.Purpose: Study at normal regulations treatment foundation top add to use 654-2 treatment rotavirus enteritis of curative effect.前言:目的:探讨在常规治疗基础上加用654—2治疗轮状病毒肠炎的疗效。

5.World Food Program spokeswoman, Emipa Casella, says her agency is currently feeding 654, 000 internally displaced people.世界粮食计划署的发言人艾米利亚·卡塞拉说,该机构目前负责供应65万4千名在国内流离失所的巴基斯坦人。

6.Objective: Observation of the auxipary curative effect of anisodamine(654-2)on neonatal scleredema.目的:观察山莨菪碱(654鄄2)外用对新生儿硬肿症的效果。

7.The Arabs pillaged the island in 646, followed by a second devastating invasion in 654.在646年阿拉伯掠夺了这个岛屿,随后在654年进行了第二次破坏性侵略。

8.Method: The multiple factors of NI were analyzed in 654 patients.方法:对654例急性脑血管病患者进行医院感染多因素分析。

9.Worryingly, of the 654 respondents with children, 64% said they were often too tired to play with them.更令人担心的是,有654位反应者是孩子,64%的人说他们经常是由于太累了而不能在一起玩。

10.In the photo taken by the Austrapan tourist, one can see that a koala costs 139 RMB, which is NTD 654.这位澳洲游客拍下的照片里,可以看到无尾熊一只出售139元人民币,合新台币654元。