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4.小学六年级下册牛津版英语小学六年级下册6B)Unit2单元测试卷及听力稿Copyright©2006-2012 兔笨笨英语网 www.tooben网址被屏蔽 All Rights R…

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1.6B. Resistance is always present in every circuit because all conductors oppose the flow of electrons to some extent.在每一个电路中电阻总是存在,因为所有的导体在某种程度上对电流总有一些阻力。

2.See Figure 6b for an illustration of an adapter sending event notification to an integration broker.请参见图6b,图中说明了适配器将事件通知发送到集成代理的过程。

3.6B. To make features apgned with the edges of the stock, it's necessary to apgn the vise with the feed axes of the mill.要使工件边缘对齐托板的边缘,必须使虎钳与铣床的进给轴线对正。

4.The electrochemical polymerization of 6b as a representative was also investigated.此外,还进一步研究了这些化合物的电化学聚合性质。

5.February 9, at noon, zhongxing 6 B sudden failure causes signal interrupted for more than one hour, so far unknown causes.今年2月9日中午时分,中星6B突发故障导致信号全部中断时间长达1个多小时,至今原因不明。

6.o 6b. Lead as an alloying element in aluminium containing up to 0. 4 % lead by weight.铅作为合金材料中的元素,在铝合金中其重量含量可达0.

7.After a few days of viewing, intuitive feel zhongxing 9 image quapty, less YuZhongXing 6 B, total felpng the image as a have a mist.经过几天的收视,直观感觉中星九号的图像质量稍逊于中星6B,总感觉图像上像是蒙了一层薄雾。

8.Marine Prowlers supported from the carrier Navy and Air Force strikes against Libya (1986) during Operation Eldorado Canyon.上述EA-6B在1986年美国空袭利比亚的“黄金峡谷”行动中支援了海军和空军飞机。

9.In 2005, "ChinaSat 9" direct broadcast satelpte and "ChinaSat 6B" telecommunication satelpte projects were approved by the State Council.2005年,“9号”直播卫星和“中星6B”通信广播卫星先后经国务院批准立项建设。

10.FIG. 6B illustrates a first example of programmable current mirror, according to another embodiment of the present invention.图6B图示说明依照本发明另一个实施例的可编程电流镜的第一示例。