




1.六点钟 ... Macy's( 梅西百货) 6PM( 六点钟) Timberland( 天伯伦) ...

2.六白菜 shopbop( 女装) - 教程 6PM( 六白菜) - 教程 Extrabux 返利 - 教程 ...

3.晚6点开始 $40,000 Prize Purse 总奖金4万美元 a. Start Time:6pm 晚6点开始 b. Location:9-Club,Hangzhou - China 地址:杭州酒球会 ...

4.六时2008年12月14日)当天上午九时(9 am)至下午六时(6 pm) “添福添寿面线鸡”款待各界信徒食用,让各位信徒弟子讨个吉利好彩 …

7.六点整时间 : 晚上六点整(6 PM)交流


1.ON A Tuesday at 6pm, children begin arriving at a bland commercial building just as the office workers are leaving.某个星期二下午6:00,孩子们开始来到一个不起眼的商业楼宇,此时,办公室人员正下班离开。

2.It was also finite, easy to do well, and ended on the dot of 6pm.工作令人开心,工作量也有限,容易干好,而且能够下午6点准时下班。

3.At 6pm my driver collects me for the two-and-a-half-hour journey home to Shanghai to join my family for the weekend.下午6点,司机开车送我回上海跟家人共度周末,路上用了2个半小时。

4.She will spend 10am to 6pm in beds in the company's showroom in Edgbaston , and then will blog about her experiences .她上午10时至下午6时将待在埃德巴斯顿公司陈列室的睡床上,然后在博客上发布自己的感受。

5.The absolute deadpne for votes not cast in person, which make up the overwhelming majority in most shareholder votes, is 6pm on Thursday.对于不是亲自到场的投票(这些票在多数股东投票中占绝大多数),绝对截止时间是周四下午6时。

6.Apple stores became magnets for technology enthusiasts who waited for the phones to go on sale at 6pm local time in each US time zone.苹果产品店一早就吸引了大量的技术“粉丝”,等待当地时间下午6点钟起正式开始销售。

7.You are also welcome to join the Happy Walk at 6pm as well! Under the boundless sky, walking on the promenade is so beautiful.同时,欢迎大家参加晚上6时的「快乐行禅」﹗在浩瀚无垠的穹苍下,步行于海滨长廊真的很美。

8.At 6pm we went back to the Eiffel Tower because I wanted to see it during daytime.下午六时,我们再到巴黎铁塔,因为想在白天再看一次。

9.Where: Refresh this page on Sunday at 6pm PST and a pve video box will appear.收看方式:在周日下午6点刷新该网页,将会出现一个视频窗口。

10.At 6pm, he convened a telephone board meeting to go over the details.下午6点,塞恩召集董事会进行电话会议,讨论具体出售事宜。