






1.One study of girls and boys aged seven to eleven in Aberystwyth, Wales, found the children to be not only knowing but dismissive of TV ads.在威尔士的阿拜利斯特韦斯,一项对7至11岁男女儿童的研究发现,孩子们不仅了解电视广告,而且持很轻蔑的态度。

2.Eleven workers were killed. Oil continued to spill from a damaged well head on the sea floor until July.石油持续不断地从损坏的钻井向海洋中泄漏,一直持续到7月份。

3.Having worked at a 7? ? Eleven store for two years, I thought I had become successful at what our manager calls "customer relations" .在一家7—Eleven连锁店工作了两年后,我觉得我在经理所说的“客户关系”方面已经做得老到圆熟了。

4.Their half-pfe in the body is estimated to be seven to eleven years.它们在体内的半衰期估计为7至11年。

5.Overall, 25% of the patients developed an infection, including pneumonia (seventeen patients) and wound infection (eleven patients).总体上,25%的患者并发感染,包括肺炎(7名)和伤口感染(11名)。

6.Winchester thinking when she had a staircase built that descends seven steps and then rises eleven?为什么有一段楼梯先是下行7级台阶,然后接着上行11级呢?

7.He won seven scoring titles and an unheard-of eleven rebounding titles in his career.他生业生涯7次夺得得分王和前所未闻的11次篮板王。

8.Representatives from Heartland and 7-Eleven were not available for comment. Hannaford Brothers referred questions to federal authorities.哈特兰公司和7-Eleven公司的代表没有发表评论,汉纳福德兄弟公司则向联邦有关部门提出了质疑。

9."Slurpee is bipartisan, but we thank President Obama for the free advertising for our popular drink, " a 7-Eleven spokeswoman said.7-11女发言人表示:“思乐冰没有政党偏好,但我们很感谢奥巴马总统帮我们的人气饮料做免费广告宣传。”

10.Customer classification of 7-ELEVEN has influences on choosing category of product and affects logistics system structure.Eleven的顾客定位将会影响它的商品构成,从而进一步影响到它的物流体系构建。