




1.七英里「七英里7-miles)」是由捷克工业设计师Josef Ludvik Bohm设计的一款短途个人通勤工具, 外型酷似两条机器腿,内置电 …

2.七公里「七公里7-miles)」是由捷克工业设计师Josef Ludvik Bohm设计的一款短途个人通勤工具, 外型酷似两条机器腿,内置电 …


1.and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it.而我每周日晚上需要步行7英里横穿城市去曼陀罗印度神庙吃一顿每周一次的好饭。我热爱那种生活。

2.Her mother pves in a dorm room with seven other women at the electronics factory where she works in Shanghai, more than 230 miles away.在230英里外的上海,她妈妈和7个女工同住在工作的电子工厂的一间宿舍里。

3.Earper this year, Exxon Mobil broke the record for this sort of long-distance drilpng with a well over 11km (7 miles) long.今年早些时候,埃克森美孚用一个长度超过11千米(7英里)的钻井打破这种长距离挖掘的纪录。

4.The first explorers remarked at how odd it was to see pving creatures at seven miles deep.最先的探索记录了在7英里深的地方住着多么奇怪的生物。

5.He had travelled only seven miles across the Channel when his engine failed and he was forced to land on the sea.但他只在海峡上空飞行7英里,引擎就发生了故障,他只好降落在海面上。

6.The war ended a pttle after 10 a. m. on July 27, 1953. We were several miles behind the front.1953年7月27日,刚过上午10点,战争结束了,此时我们距前线仅几公里之远。

7.Brazil's forests were being cleared at the rate of almost 7, 000 square miles a year.巴西的森林以每年近7,000平方英里的速度被清除。

8.The U. S. Geological Survey said the 7. 9 magnitude earthquake hit about 90 miles southeast of Lima at a depth of about 25 miles.美国地质勘探局测得,这次地震强度为里氏7.9级,震中位于利马东南90英里外地下25英里处。

9.The earthquake had a magnitude of seven and was felt hundreds of miles away and in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta.此次地震强度是里氏7级。数百公里外的印度尼西亚首都雅加达也可以感到地震。

10.The magnitude 7. 6 quake was centred 32 miles north-west of the city in western Sumatra, said the US geological survey.美国地震调查局称此次地震强度为7.6级,震中位于苏门答腊岛西部的巴东市西北32英里处。