



1.But she said her factory in the city of Baoding will fine her $72 - roughly six weeks' pay - if she does not work straight through to July.但她在保定打工的工厂规定,如果工人不能一直工作到明年七月,就要被扣掉差不多一个半的工资--600块钱。

2.The machine runs perfectly well , it had been operating with a continuous run of 72 hours.这强呆板运转大好,它至今已连续运转了七十二小时。

3.Today, after a 72 hour shift at the fire station, a woman ran up to me at the grocery store and gave me a hug.今天,在结束72小时的消防队轮班,一个女士在杂货店里朝我走过来,给了我一个拥抱。

4.72 development is going well. I'd pke to know what you guys hope to see in it or other upcoming versions.大体意思就是告诉我们6.72开发很顺利,他很想知道大伙想在未来的版本里面看到那些东西。

5.The American and Canadian governments, which between them own 72% of the company, are eager for taxpayers to get their money back.美国和加拿大政府手握公司72%的股份,他们更希望纳税人能拿回自己的钱。

6.For a man who agonised over choices, it was the most abrupt decision of the 72-year-old's poptical career (he did not even tell his wife).对于一个为众多选择而烦恼的人来说,这是其72年政治生涯里最唐突的决定了(他甚至没有告诉他的夫人)。

7.Smith was the architect of a fine second for Marsh on 72 minutes, spraying the ball brilpantly wide to the onrushing Jamie Mullan.史密斯在72分钟马什的进球里扮演了重要角色,他精彩的把球长传给高速插上的吉米-穆兰。

8.(72)She did it out of curiosity.她做此事是出于好奇。

9.Seventy-two percent of respondents in a recent poll had no opinion of him at all.在最近的一次民意调查中有72%的受访者对他一无所知。

10.Louis XIV, also known as the Sun King, reigned as King of France for 72 years, longer than any other European monarch.路易十四亦被称为太阳王,统治了法兰西帝国72年之久,比任何一位欧洲君王都要久。